We will be locking this forum at 3 PM Central Standard Time on Monday September 30, 2013. The existing posts will remain for archival purposes and we will keep this site "alive" in case we need it for emergency purposes. Which hopefully won't arise, but we've been there before, haven't we?
If you still need to register, go to either the register button towards the top of the main Rita page, or go to http://raptureintheairnow.com/?page_id=108 for a dedicated registration page.
Internet Explorer 8 has known compatibility issues because it is two generations obsolete.
Chrome or Firefox are both up to date and work fine.
If you need additional help you can contact us at themods@raptureintheairnow.com or admin@raptureintheairnow.com
Come one, Come all to Rapture in the Air Now for fellowship as we await the Trumpet Call to our Wedding to our Bridegroom.