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Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Email: tparbar@gmail.com

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

I dreamt that we are in my brother's-in-law house and waters outside rising up,carrying cars along the street and it is dangerous to go out.My brother-in -law has a grave stome on his table with his name on it and he is so excited saying that he bought it for discounted price.Water carried out my-mother-in law and we pulled her in.The force of water took of her clothes and she said that she did not think water would be so cold.Then water went down,I turned to my husband and said:"It is safe now,let's go home."

You see I think it means troubled times are coming,possibly civil unrest...my brother in law is in the militia and he wants to go fight-that is what gravestone means I think...hope nothing bad will happen to him,my mother in law is very unprepared for what is coming-she is like an ostrich with her head in the sand...I believe before the rapture something will happen to wake christians up...because it says in the story about 10 virgins that ALL were asleep and then ALL awoke....

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Hi Everyone,

I'm expecting the rapture to occur, hopefully, on the 11th of August 2010.

This is the correct Day of Pentecost.

Here is more confirmation that the rapture will occur on that Day, which is also called the Day of Harvest.

Gary Wood wrote a book entitled "A place called Heaven"

It was published in 2002.

Gary was involved in a car crash at 18, on the 23rd of December 1966.

He died, went to heaven and came back forever a changed man.

He writes of the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit, in order to be ready for the rapture.

This is what I've being saying in many of my articles!!!

Read and remain blessed.

I hope to see you all in Glory!!!


"Before I left Heaven, I saw the most beautiful golden trumpet. It was on a stand of gold that glistened with diamonds and jade.

One day soon God is going to call Jesus to Him and say,

"Son, it is time to call the children home."

And the Archangel will blow that golden trumpet with a mighty blast, and in the twinkling of an eye all of us who love Jesus and eagerly await His return will be caught up to meet Him in the clouds.

I believe this catching up (the Rapture) will take place soon.

Infact, I am so sure of this, that if I die again, I'll be surprised!

I must warn you that if you do not prepare your heart in holiness, and let the blood of Jesus wash you clean from all unrighteousness, you will be left behind to face the terrible fury of the tribulation.

The tribulation will begin immediately following the Rapture. It will be a time of terror, fear, and hopelessness such as the world has never known.

You can read of the future event in Revelation 6:1- 19,21.

Many people are deceiving themselves into thinking that they are ready.

They have based their being saved on a feel good encounter with God.

They had an experience with God Years ago.

Because they call Him Lord, they believe that they can live any way they want to without ever having to account for themselves.

They may sound religious enough, some may even seemingly fulfill the roles of the ministry.

"Not everyone that saith unto me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.

Many will say to me in that day,

'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in Thy name cast out demons?

And in Thy name done many wonderful works?"

And then I will profess unto them, 'I never knew you. Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity." (Matt.7:21-23).

No, a flyby night romance with the Lord, will not keep you full of that supernatural supply of the Holy Spirit.

It is a true love relationship, a daily walk with Jesus that will prepare you for that significant hour.

These are the days of real heart-searching, we must give our hearts and minds completely to Him.

Are you full of the Holy Spirit?

Not, "were you full".

Are you full now?

I know plenty of people who are full of something, and it's sure not God!

God is pouring out His Spirit on His sons and daughters.

Many of God's people have been given dreams and visions on the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ. These are to be taken seriously, for they are communications from God.

A friend of mine was given this dream:

Before my eyes was a huge tree, like an Oak. The leaves of the tree shimmered and sparkled in the sunlight as they rustled in the breeze. Fruit began to grow.

At first one or two peach-like fruits appeared. Then, there were many, until the limbs were completely covered and I could not see a single leaf.

Then a hand appeared and began to pick the fruit.

As the hand harvested the fruit, each piece was rolled over in the palms being inspected for quality. (Much the same as we do at the market, not wanting to accept any that is not good enough.)

If the fruit was good and without blemish, it was placed in a basket.

I saw fruit that appeared perfect on one side, but as the hand rolled the fruit to the other side it was rotten to the core.

That piece of fruit was disregarded and thrown to the side.

The Lord woke me from my dream saying,

"The Time of My Great Harvest is near. I will hand pick my chosen fruit.

Only those without spot or blemish will be spared."

This sounds severe, you might say; "then who can go?" No one is perfect.

Perfection in the eyes of God comes one way and one way only, by allowing God through the Holy Spirit to correct and perfect you."

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August


I certainly hope that the 11th of August is the day of the rapture, but it won't be because it's Pentecost. Pentecost happened in May already. August 11 is the same day as Elul 1, and it's the time of the new moon. Let's pray that we will soon be snatched out of here by our savior and king.


Email: hogwoodk@gmail.com

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Hi Starlight, you are on to something, don't be slammed into letting it go. As for your mother in law being as an ostrich, millions of Americans are in
the same place. Much will be seen before we are taken
outa here.

I have been specificaly told by the Lord to develope a
certain position for the protection of my family with
regard to things to come, a offensively prepared defense. Many are wanting outa here, but as you wrote
all 10 of the virgins in the parable were asleep, as
the expected bridegroom TARRIED longer than expected.

He showed up late to their thinking, but he came right
on time. Much will be seen before its come.


Email: jmcdudes@hotmail.com

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Before I start this post, I just want to state that I am not setting a date, but going through the visions that I had last year, 2009..

Back in the 1990s I was having visions quite often, but those were pretty scary.. I finally told the Lord that I'd rather not be having those because they bothered me.. So I didn't have any dreams/visions up until after the 911 attack.. I had one after that, a lengthy one, which I sent to the FBI in October 2001.

Anyway I was dry again until June 4, 2009 and out of the blue I had this rapture vision.. AND I LOVED IT... Praise God and our Lord and Savior, Jesus.. Then dry again until Oct. 28-29 after praying to be shown when Jesus was coming..

I have been seeing more and more dating from now to Aug. 11, 2010.

I'm going to compile my visions from last year along with Scott's post on the 3 planets that merging this week-end, which is coming together on Aug. 8..

I'm not setting a date, just laying out what I was shown and now what is happening with these planets.. You be the discerner..

Last year 2009, June 4, I woke up around 4:15-4:30AM having a vision of the rapture. I was in the Church parking lot around 10:20AM roughly. If Sunday school, then it would be around 9:20AM..

My view was from above. I saw three people on the south of the parking lot and 4-6 by the door, some behind a big column so didn't get see all of them.

I saw myself walking behind my pickup truck, then I'm in my body as if I was actually there. I was viewing across H hwy at some new homes when something caught my eye in the sky.. It was like someone throwing a very small pebble in water, with a few ripples, then Jesus popped thru..

I shouted, "It's Jesus".. As I was saying "Jesus" I actually felt the power hit my stomach area.. At this point in vision, I now am back above viewing,,, this was fast,, As the power hit, I was instantly changed.. I was floating about 3-4 feet off the ground laying on my back looking up, and woke up as soon as I seen myself floating..

Ok,, dry on visions until Oct. 29. I had been praying thru the night for a revelation on the Lord's coming.. I finally fell asleep after 5:30AM in the morning.. Around 7:30AM I had a vision, but forgot that one, then around 9:30AM I had the 2nd vision. I should have gotten up at this time and wrote both of the visions down.. I dozed back off and forgot the first one.. Ok,, here's the 3rd vision..

I was walking from my bird shed towards my home, which I would be facing East.. I seen 3 small lights in the eastern sky like stars and if a person could draw a line between them it would have made a triangle.

I put my hand up to block the sun which was about the 10-11AM position, and also I noticed the Sun was low as if it was around Sept. or fall time..

As I was looking at these 3 dots of light, they got closer together and then I saw a small body by distance like a man appearing.

Now my view changed to above. I started to zoom in on the small human figure, when a scroll appeared above the figure and rolled across him. The word "JESUS" was printed out on that square scroll now..

When I first saw the little man figure to his right there was a very large white cloud looking thing, which stretched out a long ways.

After I saw the word "JESUS" my view looked over to the cloud, and I could see many, many heads appearing in this white mass. As I saw those heads, another scroll appeared and started rolling out across this large mass of people..

My view zoomed in at the top of the scroll, and I saw black lines, but the first line had " __a_____s___ " .. I remember seeing the letter "a" don't remember what the other letter was, but believe that was to let me know that the black lines were names..

I started at a very fast scan thru the scroll looking to see if my name was on it.. It was, my whole name in caps was printed out. As soon as I saw my name, the scroll became short with 4 black lines above my name and 3 lines under my name..

I took this as being my family and grand-children.. If it was, one person will be missing.. Actually with an update today, the daughter-in-law is Prego again, so there might be 2 missing... I pray not...

Anyway, Scott brought to my attention on Aug. 1st that 3 planets were merging soon.. I loaded up my Stellarium program and GUESS WHAT...

On Aug. 8th around 10:30AM (plus/minus) the 3 planets make a triangle near the "virgin" (Virgo).. Or course the natural eye cannot see this during the daytime, but I am wondering if this is what the vision was revealing to me..

Is Aug. 8 the Rapture day... ????

Let's not forget Corey's (CJ) wheat studies.. This seems to be falling into place..

I guess we will know in about 3 days..

Come quickly Lord Jesus..

God Bless each and every one of you RITA folks,

Jesus is coming very soon..


Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August


I am SOOOOO THANKFUL that you posted your visions!!!

See below whether this lines up???

I have put together where the moon will be and also
put in Kelly's 888 vision. It might seem that this
might "fit"!!! HOPEFULLY SO!!!!!!!!!!!



From about MIDNIGHT, 8/6-7, to MIDNIGHT, 8/7-8, EDT (or Friday
and Saturday nights), the moon will travel completely through the
middle of the twins of Gemini, the BRIDE. I guess the easiest way
to say it is ALL DAY (all 24 hours by EDT time) SATURDAY, 8/7, the
moon will be traveling through Gemini. Two days later, the moon
will be in the face of Leo, the Lion, and will stay in Leo for 2 days.

As this is occurring, there is a trio of planets: Venus ("Jesus"),
Mars (Michael, the warring archangel), and Saturn ("Satan") that
are huddled closely together:

From: "Sky at a Glance"


Friday, August 6
Starting this evening, Mars and Saturn spend more than a week
sliding just above brilliant Venus low in the west as twilight fades.

Saturday, August 7
Venus, Mars, and Saturn are gathered most tightly this evening,
fitting in a circle 4.8— in diameter — just small enough to qualify
as a "planetary trio," a grouping within a 5° circle.

Sunday, Aug. 8
Watch the Venus-Saturn-Mars triangle as it changes shape day by
day in the western twilight.

Venus remains the bright landmark for shy Mars and Saturn after sunset.
Sky & Telescope diagram

AFTER the moon leaves Gemini, the BRIDE, in 2 days it will be in the
face of Leo, the Lion. It might seem there is a "type" built in "type" of
something occurring this weekend and AFTER this weekend. Maybe
the moon will tell a story of God's dealing with his BRIDE on the 7th
and 8th, then, as the moon, sun, all gather in Leo a few days later??????

Remember, we are LEAVING the "wheat" harvest and moving
into the grape harvest. Grapes are treated MUCH more roughly
and are a "type" of life experienced in the Tribulation!!!!!

Jeremiah 25
30 "Now prophesy all these words against them and say to them:

" 'The LORD will roar from on high;
he will thunder from his holy dwelling
and roar mightily against his land.
He will shout like those who tread the grapes,
shout against all who live on the earth.
31 The tumult will resound to the ends of the earth,
for the LORD will bring charges against the nations;
he will bring judgment on all mankind
and put the wicked to the sword,' "
declares the LORD.

32 This is what the LORD Almighty says:

"Look! Disaster is spreading
from nation to nation;
a mighty storm is rising
from the ends of the earth."

33 At that time those slain by the LORD will be everywhere-from one
end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up
or buried, but will be like refuse lying on the ground.

34 Weep and wail, you shepherds;
roll in the dust, you leaders of the flock.
For your time to be slaughtered has come;
you will fall and be shattered like fine pottery.
35 The shepherds will have nowhere to flee,
the leaders of the flock no place to escape.
36 Hear the cry of the shepherds,
the wailing of the leaders of the flock,
for the LORD is destroying their pasture.
37 The peaceful meadows will be laid waste
because of the fierce anger of the LORD.
38 Like a lion he will leave his lair,
and their land will become desolate
because of the sword of the oppressor
and because of the LORD's fierce anger.

Kelly (6 Oct 2005)


...As an approaching storm was on the horizon, the clouds
...started changing shapes rapidly with the wind, and I noticed
...a strange cloud. The cloud started to morph into the face of
...Yeshua on his back....then it changed into the face of a
...roaring lion. Out of the morphing came a hand that was made
...of flesh and bone not cloud shaped. In the hand was the infinity
...symbol (a sideways shaped numeral A voice said, I HAVE
...NO BEGINNING, I HAVE NO END, I AM. Then the symbol
...turned on it's end to resemble the numeral 8. The eight split
...on both sides and became three eights-888 and they revolved
...around each other. The voice I heard speaking said, "FIND

Revelation "10" is, I believe, the hidden RAPTURE which also includes
A LION'S ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Revelation 10
1 Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was
robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the
sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. 2 He was holding a little scroll,
which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his
left foot on the land, 3 AND HE GAVE A LOUD SHOUT LIKE THE
ROAR OF A LION. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders
spoke. 4 And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but
I heard a voice from heaven say, "Seal up what the seven thunders have
said and do not write it down."

5 Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised
his right hand to heaven. 6 And he swore by him who lives for ever and
ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all
that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, "There will be no
more delay! 7 But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound
his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he
announced to his servants the prophets."

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

We MUST believe that when we ask The Lord to forgive us of our daily sins He does it !!
At The Cross , HE DIED FOR ALL SIN , past , present , future in any believers life OR NOONE COULD GO TO HEAVEN !!!
Who can say : JESUS IS LORD with out the infilling of His Spirit ??? Our MARK for The Day of Redemption !!
OLA : "Many think they are ready , but they are not !" THEN : Did they really EVER KNOW the Lord Jesus Christ in the first place ? IF WE ARE SAVED IN CHRIST WE GO IN THE RAPTURE !!!
as The Lord's WORD says :
"Whom HE foreknew , HE foreordained , Whom HE foreordained , HE FORGAVE !!!" THE WORD

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

my recent dream:


Early in the morning,I am about wake up. Either I heard or saw:

"8.1 Earthquake"

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

wheat vision January of 2010 repost:)

Hi everyone I had originally posted this back in May of this year when I joined Rita. I've been noticing that wheat has been in discussion here lately and I thought that reposting it would be appropriate. Maybe it will ring bells with someone. Only the Lord knows!

Hi every one I wasn't going to share this vision that I had. I usually keep them to my myself because I have know one who understands. I receive a lot of rejection from my family but thats alright. I had communicated once with a prophet about it. He did confirm that it was definitely from the Lord and that it was about the Lord's return. I'm not into dates ect... like you guys. I had just crawled into bed and immediately I had a vision of a lion. A lions head not the whole body just the face and the mane. When I woke up I kept hearing the wedding feast is about to take place and people aren't ready. I kept hearing it over and over and in the background I saw wheat stalks? like wall paper they were everywhere. What stuck out the most was wedding feast. I had never heard that term before. I've heard of marriage supper of the Lamb but not wedding feast. I don't know what the name of the wheat things are. I'm not into farming. I had sensed urgency. I had this vision around the beginning of this year.

7 Butterflies

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

By Theresa Phillips
"I Am Sending Fresh Help"

I was preparing to release a word in Michigan when the Lord suddenly visited me with an announcement! Then on Sunday, July 11, He came again as I was about to deliver a message:

"Angels on a mission,
Angels on assignments,
Angels sent to help!
I am sending fresh help!"

Hebrews 1:14 (NIV) Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? (Help for these end times.)

Matthew 13:39b (KJV) ...the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. (Help to get it done. Yeah!)

Then He spoke again: "It is what I do best...Love you to life! I am your Present Help in all things. (See Psalm 46:1.)

"I send help, I send glory (My tangible presence)! So now, yes now, I am sending MORE help than I have ever sent before! I am listening to the Bride and the Spirit say, 'Come.'

Kingdom Come: An Angel with Immense Ability

"I love to help you!" says the Lord. "I love to help you in ways that may seem foreign to you. Why? So I may expand your thought patterns inside the pages of My written Word, outside your comfort zone. I desire to give you blessings of hope! Yes, blessings of hope!

"There will be a changing of the Angelic Guard! Once again, I am doing this," says the Lord. "I have sent 'Kingdom Come,' the Angel of Great Harvest, in the midst of many, many camps. And there My Kingdom is preached."

Luke 16:16 (KJV) The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the Kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

"Yes, Kingdom Come is an angel of immense ability; he moves with ease. He is a driving force to you in the below. He is able to touch principalities that have caused men to be discouraged. Take a hold of your heart, dear ones. Let Me wipe away your fears. Gird up the loins of your mind!"

1 Peter 1:13 (KJV) "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

"Yes, gird. Secure to yourself the very words I have spoken to you. Gird up your mind. Secure your mind. Keep them ever before you. I am moving!

Two Types of Angels Sent to Help Bring in the Harvest: Focus and Impact

"I am sending two names of righteous angels to the earth: they are being dispatched to help bring in the harvest. They are many in number, these who bear the two names. They will work fast and furious to help you in the times ahead, privately, corporately and then nationally.

"I have not delayed. I assure you, I have not delayed. The first name that you will hear a lot about is Focus. Focus will be a 'buzz word.' That's okay, for it will be a sign to you that Focus is among you. Focus is doing just that! The assignment of Focus is to help you focus on two things: 1) Me and 2) What I am doing. Both for you and through you.

"Focus on My Word. Focus with My Spirit. Focus for My Kingdom, with My Power. Focus on answers to prayer. It is the glory! Focus to act! Focus to be! Focus to LOVE!"

1 John 4:8 (KJV) ...God is love.

"Yes, you can do it," says the Lord Almighty. "Stay focused. For the earth is longing to see My glory stay focused, and it will be seen," says the Lord of the Host.

"The second angel's name is IMPACT. Impact is sent to help you make impact upon all you do: Preaching, living, witnessing, reading, working... yes, ALL YOU DO! The impact you will have will be powerful and dramatic.

"Impact will cause the backslidden to come back. Yes, they are coming back. I have heard the cries of mothers across the earth for their young. I am sending Impact to the lost and wounded, for I heard a mother's cry. I must encourage you," says the Lord, "I must.

"I shall impact the earth with great signs and wonders! Impact the earth," says the Lord.

"The first great assignment of Impact is to dramatically influence the Arts. I will impact the world with new excitement in the Entertainment Industry. I will change sound to co-labor with Celestial sounds, and it will impact the music world. Both saved and unsaved musicians and writers will emerge with this sound—NO competition," says the Lord, "I will the world to hear...

"I will create new color and the art world will be changed. A new type of 'eco friendly' plastic will be created (a formula is being developed now. I have given it to one of My own), and the one who creates this will give all glory to Me," says the Lord, "For I love the world.

"I am releasing Impact to the Church to create movies, write books and sing songs... create new pottery. The potter's wheel will come forth, and it too will be a great sign! As Jacob used a rock to build Me an altar, I will see pottery come forth from the sand of the earth, and beauty will emerge.

"I will change the hearts of stone and make hearts of flesh. I will not delay. I ask you to receive them. I have dispatched help and will not delay."

Matthew 10:7 (KJV) And as ye go, preach, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."

"Yes, My Kingdom is at hand, for I have sent Impact to strengthen you to 1) See what I am doing and 2) To be a part of what I am doing, both for you and through you.

"I Will Not Delay, for I Have Sent You Help"

Matthew 24:48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming... "I tell you, I will not delay, for I have sent you help to usher in My coming," says the Lord. "For My Spirit is roaming to and fro, looking and My Spirit is revealing MUCH."

1 Corinthians 2:10 (NIV) But God has revealed it to us by His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

Our Father (Jesus' and mine) Who is in Heaven, let Your Kingdom come. Let Your will be done, right here, right now, as it is in Heaven! By Your Spirit let our eyes see, our ears hear, and our hands be swift to obey all You ask of us. We need to focus and we need to impact You. Thank You for sending help!

O Father, we thank You through Jesus' name. We thank You and praise You—only You! Amen.

Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice
Email: Info@ChicagoPropheticVoice.net

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

. . "Do I live in them?... All, who truly receive of Me, know Me, and I live in them. And if I live in them, then, in
no wise, will these turn away.

For one, who abides in My love, shall never leave it.
For they have tasted of the divine gift of My glory and will not turn, but rest securely at My right hand.

These are My sheep, the tame of My flock. They call and I hear them, as I had called unto them and they did hear.

All My sheep hear My voice, and do follow the sound of My voice wheresoever I lead them. . ."
Timothy's letters

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

This is from Trumpetcallofgodonline.com
Timothy has been called by our Lord to be a Prophet in these end days for us who have ears to hear. These letters are so beautiful and uplifting. IMHO he is hearing from the Lord. Every letter cuts to the quick. You'll see if you go and read some of them!

Come, You Blessed of My Father
From Letters From God and His Christ

4/12/07 - From Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For Emily and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Come, you blessed of My Father, come and stand...kneel or bow your head in silence, for wheresoever you call on My name, I am there. Even in your trials and tribulations...I am with you. My glory is coming, and you shall behold My face. And in that same moment, you shall be no more in the earth...forever in My bosom shall you remain. Take great comfort in this, for the day is coming, and is already here, when I shall do these things. And never again shall you shed a tear, for they are wiped away in My love, for you remain in My love, and you never leave My sight. Receive My joy, and trust in My voice in you. All those of the truth hear My voice. And of these, given Me of the Father, I shall lose not one.

So then, beloved, trust in Me and know...in the days ahead, when troubles have come, remember the Father is just in everything. And when all is put under My feet, I shall show My glory and restore all things with you, My treasure, hidden away until these things are done. Then shall you enter into My joy and the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning.

Share these words and take them to heart, for they are true, and will come to pass quickly. They shall not tarry...though they seem to tarry, they shall surely be.


Who is reading TrumpetCallOfGodOnline.com this month?

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Thanks, Donna!

Email: leesascott@embarqmail.com

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

. . "I have died, having given up all to save you...and lo, I live forevermore. Amen.

You have welcomed Me, and in so doing are you sanctified by grace as an offering presented before the Father, cleansed in My blood of sprinkling which I have sprinkled upon the nations, of which you also have received into yourselves, believing that, indeed, I AM WHO I AM, though you have not seen Me.

Hence, you shall see Me and not be amazed, because I already live in you. You will see Me and know Me, because My spirit will cause you to remember Me.

For I am He by whom you were born twice, from glory into flesh, corrupted and dying...now restored to glory, and soon made incorruptible of the body that never dies, being likened to Him who had breathed into you breath and spirit and that part of Himself which is holy.

I am holy, so then you shall be holy, I know you stumble. It is your willingness to please the Almighty God, that your love is true. I am that Mediator between you and the Father, of which part is called Love and Mercy, being sent for His glory and My glory of which the Father has glorified Me, and will yet show My glory in the eyes of all...the power and brilliance of My glory, which is the Majesty of the One True God of all creation.

As is the Father, I AM. He has given everything to the Son, and so the Son shall gather everything to Himself, according to His good pleasure and the judgment of the Father, from which all things came forth and have been purposed and established from the beginning, for the Father is the Beginning and the End. Amen.

And so what is the Father’s is also the Son’s, who shall fulfill all which has been given Him from the foundation of the world, making a short work to complete and finish all things for God’s glory, making an end and a beginning without an ending...an everlasting day in the Lord. Amen.

For many, a beginning of new life as it should and will be, a universe of beauty and creation as their dwelling place...living in the Father’s house. And to many more, it is with great sorrow, an end, having been cast into everlasting darkness. Even so, amen.

Be not downhearted, My children, but rejoice. The time has come, and is come already, and yet is come, for all vessels of the Father to be restored and placed upon the mantle of His honor, where those who love Him shall be placed...and they shall not be moved or broken ever again.

I have provided this place for you, My beloved little ones, for it was first My place, and I now share it with you. You have become My lights amongst a forest of darkness, filled with many trees of abomination. Will you shine bright for Me, beloved?
Timothy's letters

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

What a wonderful gem you found here Donna. There is no doubt in by mind this is what the heart of our Lord would say to us that belong to Him. A real word of intimacy.


Email: tparbar@gmail.com

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

I'm so glad this message blessed you, Tom. I like the sense of God's Authority of our Father's promised security over His own , . . . so like the Holy Spirit to share His intimacy with His children, yet revealing also the judgment that's coming on those who refuse His Son, the Messiah and Risen Lord.

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

RJ and Prof.e.c. - read the Running from Babylon link for Aug 7th regarding people who have had visions/dreams of 3 meteors.


Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Timothy's letters . . speaking to the wicked, speaking of the rapture, and speaking of the martyrs in the Tribulation

. . "My Kingdom is coming. Look up...it is nearly upon you. The judgments shall fall...it shall come to pass, the Day of the Lord, the Great Trampling.

My Kingdom is come and shall come. I will prepare the way, I shall clear the debris. I shall sanctify the house, I shall lay the foundation.

Behold the vengeance of the Lord in His anger! Behold! The face of the Holy One of Israel is against you, oh perverse nations! My Arm is outstretched, and you shall be punished, even consumed.

Thus is the inheritance of the hard-hearted, the wicked of spirit, followers of antichrist, children of satan: You shall consume away where you stand, you shall be dust beneath My feet.

How dare you...how dare you, wicked children, come against My holy city and fight against My Holy Mountain! Did you think the Lord has not seen it? I have beheld your wickedness and have read the surmising of your heart.

Oh wicked children, you are consumed by the lusts of this world...even of all seven are you taken away, set adrift, caught up in the whirlpool that leads to the deep.

How shall you escape? Who shall save you?...For you are drowning, though you see yourself as an immovable rock, resting solidly upon the shores of tranquility. All is darkness, a mirage. The evil one has pulled over your eyes a haze...even scales cover your eyelids.

How, then, shall you see what is coming and is already here? You shall be utterly destroyed, found no more in remembrance, taken back into the earth from where I formed you.

Behold! Says the Lord of Hosts. Behold the Prince who stands upon the waters. Hear Him, and you shall not die...you shall surely live. Behold, your King had come unto you, lowly and having salvation, riding on a donkey.

Yet you say, ‘We do not know Him. We have never seen nor heard Him.’ Travesty, great and bitter sorrows. The day is done...night is coming where no one can rest.

Your Redeemer lives, yet you will deny Him. Even now, all you do is vanity and vexation of spirit, listening and giving heed to those on the screen.

Do you not know satan is the prince of the air? Turn from mankind’s evil devices...turn to My Book. Even every volume, that is written, is written of Him I have sent to you.

Yet you will not hear Him. You deny Him still, saying, ‘God is dead. He has no Son. Our egos reign, and science is over wisdom. Faith is for fools, a mere physiological storm in the brain.’

Woe! Even three times...Woe! I have proclaimed it...I announce it...and it shall surely come to pass. Judgment is here! The Day of Reckoning is at the door! The storm is already building and shall blow as the tempest of God. The sanctuary shall be cleansed.

To the naysayers and all who live in the shadow of death: Where shall you run, and where shall you hide? You shall call to the rocks so they may fall on you. You shall indeed stumble...you shall surely fall...you shall never be found.

My anger is kindled, My wrath has come...it shall not be turned away. The whole world is awash in sin, giving heed to doctrines of devils.

I have sent the Trumpet. I shall take My people out of the earth. It shall be done; it shall surely come to pass. For I have written it...it will be done.

Many shall run to and fro, knowledge shall be increased...
and shall become as the chaff on the summer threshing floors.
..I shall thoroughly purge My floor.

Yet I, even I, the One and Only True God,
Maker of Heaven and earth, am a God of Mercy.
I shall not make a total end, for I shall keep My covenant with Noah.
I shall save the remnant, and lift up all the martyrs, even all who would call on the name of the Lord
by the name of Him who I had sent to save them.
He is My Mercy Seat, and by His name, only, shall you be saved from the furnace,
whose heat is kindled even seven times.
Call on His name, He shall take you through the fire.

Jesus the Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father, is His name!

He is the King of Glory, who has your salvation held fast in the palm of His right hand.
Hear Him! Shout His name! And be healed of all your iniquities...
All transgression forgotten...
Hear Him.

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Donna: Aren't these letters amazing!? I've read up to page 400 in Adobe form and I am utterly entranced by them. I havn't found one error (of course, I am not a Bible expert) but only the most amazing words of love and truth I've ever read. I have prayed and prayed about them and the cicumstances of Timothy -- I have to say that I think the Lord God is truly speaking to him. I also have joined their facebook and received transcripts of the online Bible/letter studies/fellowship and the ones I have come across are amazing people who love God with all their hearts and are only trying to trumpet the coming end to everyone who will listen! Of course, many aren't listening. I'm glad you are enjoying them like I am. Leesa

Email: leesascott@embarqmail.com

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Timothy appears to be a humble servant, I agree, Leesa . . I like how our LORD speaks of Christ's 2nd coming, first the rapture and THEN the Tribulation.

God's speaking in confirming power the Truth of God's Whole Word, the Bible through this servant.

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

I had a nightmare last night that I was looking at the earthquake map and I saw a big red square over by Japan. And I clicked on it and it said magnitude 9.2 earthquake. And I turned the news on and they were saying that a Tsunami was generated and was headed to the west coast of north america. And than 15 minutes later the Quake was downgraded to an 8.8 mag quake. On the news I saw the devestation and it was massive.. and about a day later the Tsunami hit western north america and the wave came about 30 miles inland and I was extreammly sad and shocked and very very much in shock as the wave hit and than I woke up.

Website: www.myspace.com/hagarr

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Lowell, what a scary deam! An 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Japan is MAJOR! And the tsunami heading towards the West Coast 30 miles inland is even scarier!

Most (if not all) of your prophetic dreams have come true, haven't they?

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Lowell, what a scary deam! An 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Japan is MAJOR! And the tsunami heading towards the West Coast 30 miles inland is even scarier!

Most (if not all) of your prophetic dreams have come true, haven't they?

im sad to say they have Lisa :( I think the nuclear dreams i have had is not untill the tribulation though. And this 8.8 japan quake.. I belive its soon Because this is impressed on my heart and it was so real.. its scarry. We are being warned.. And if the world continues its pressure on Isreal.. we will suffer the consequences. Thats the message I got and im sorry.

Website: www.myspace.com/hagarr

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

ok people... I also had a dream of china invading the united states :( I did post it back in June and right now.. its looking more and more likely.. And ya know that nuclear war dream with russia I had? well.. Russia is accusing the united states now for renegging on the nuclear arms treaty.. Big news.. and bad... Welll may God bless you all and be with you all in the days,weeks,and months ahead.. I dont think we have years

Website: www.myspace.com/hagarr

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

The DAY of THE LORD (Christ's millennium reign is so near!!) Jesus is returning, He's coming, The Lion of Judah has spoken!!! !!! How much sooner the catching away, beloved of the Heavenly Groom!!


. . "All beloved, hear Me.

I have opened the door and come in... I no longer wait outside knocking.

The stone, I hold in My hand, is judgment;
And with it I will destroy the nations.

For I had come, the Son who was completely blameless,
To bear the guilt of all the Father’s children...

The Just for the unjust...

The Innocent for the guilty...

The Son of Man for the sons of men.

I am now here, having never departed... My Spirit remaining with the faithful.

Yet this world, of which I made and was made through Me, has rejected Me.

And so I am coming to destroy and cleanse, to save and condemn, to grant mercy and to judge...

These commands I have received from My Father.

For I am not alone in this, for He is with Me...

He in Me, and I in Him...

The Father and the Son are One.

And as one it shall be accomplished and finished.

And in one day, the armies of this world who follow after him, the son of perdition,
Even in one day and in one hour, total destruction shall come
To the beast and his army and his throne... Even of that great city.

Behold the New Day, the Seventh, one thousand years...

A holy convocation...

The Sabbath.
Timothy's letters

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

. . . "Hebrews 12:25-29 . . .

"See to it that you do not refuse Him who speaks.

If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from Him who warns us from heaven?
At that time His voice shook the earth, but now He has promised,

"Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens."

Comment: The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably . . "

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Vision by Ken Peters

A couple of things line up with my daughter Sarah's dream....first the very loud noise---[she heard extremely loud shofar] and then she suddenly vanished..gone....


Email: tparbar@gmail.com

Jake and Charity

Email: scuggers1@gmail.com

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: Jake and Charity

Wow, Charity that was so beautifully done. It put me in the arms of Jesus in my minds eye. What a thrilling time we have to look forward to real soon.

Thanks Tom T for posting this. It will bless all who view it.


Email: tparbar@gmail.com

Re: Jake and Charity

Wow, I ditto that, Tom . . Charity, gorgeous and encouraging . .

yes, yes, the Spirit and the Bride say, "come Lord Jesus" . . AMEN!!

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

My spirit feels overwhelmed today . . almost in a breathless kind of a moment.

It is no wonder to me, WHY RITAians have been sensing strongly the Snatch so CLOSE!!

2010 just seems like the year . . still all day today I've felt a nudging from our Father indicating the Rapture is NO LATER THAN, April, 2011.

and then Ezekiel 1:1 came to mind:
. . "Now it came about in the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was by the river Chebar among the exiles, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God". . .

I just sense Jesus saying, "Spring's a 'rapturous time, lo, the Summer's glow will be the Son's shining on you, above, My Bride, My beloved, at My Springtime catching away . . .


Timothy writes: . . "Your Redeemer, He who has redeemed you, lives! His time has come, His will be done as the Father has purposed from the beginning.

He has come, and is come, to gather His own whom I have given Him.

They shall rest and give worship, even seven times. Then shall He show His glory, the glory of the Almighty God.

Travesty, great travesty is coming!...
and glory for those who glory in Him, who is their Ransom.

Judgment for all, who have denied the power and the glory
of the one and only Man who was, and is God...
sent to them, dying, and then exalted to My right hand,
so they may live and not die.

Love your Lord, your God, with your whole heart.
Give it to Him, who is the Love, the very Mercy of My heart shown upon you.

My justice is a just judgment...
My love, an all encompassing fire for My beloved creation.

Come to Me, your Father, and be lifted up to Me by way of My Son...
abiding with Me, forever and ever. Amen.

Cart of Tasks

I had a vision about this little red metal cart that I put in my sons room. It is one of those mechanic carts that roll that you can put tools on and move around with you. I pulled it out of the garage because it was collecting dust and I cleaned it nicely. I put his dinosaurs on it. Well in my vision I saw that there were chores relating to everyday tasks that I handle. I had to make sure that I tried to stay on top of these as to be a good witness. I was picking the tasks off the cart to complete them. I was 90% done and there were several tasks left undone. At that point the cart pushed me and I started elevating in the rapture. Today since I have been sick has been the first day I have been able to get so much done that was neglected because I was unable. I know that a housewife may not sound like much, but I am a servant of the Lord.

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August


Heart to Heart - #6

August 11, 2010

Let’s have a heart to heart today.
I want you at rest, at peace,
surrounded by My arms of love,
nestled close,
feeling My heartbeat.

That is better, isn’t it?
Isn’t it wonderful to know that you serve a loving God,
a God Who delights in you and wishes for you His best?

Don’t fret about tomorrow.
Don’t fret about what is going on in the world.
Rest in the peace and sanctity that I provide,
provide to My beloved,
the one who draws near to Me,
the One Who is love, in an attitude of trust and acceptance.

I am your God.
You are My beloved.
I wish to have a close, intimate relationship with you.
I wish to see you at rest, at peace, in My arms of love.
Do not hesitate to draw near to Me.
Do not hesitate to draw close into My arms of love.
I am waiting for you. Come. Have a heart to heart with your Beloved.
Know the peace that I provide.
I am waiting.
My arms are open wide.
Come to Me, My beloved.
Come to Me and know the peace and sanctity that only I can provide,
that only I can offer!!!

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

. . . "Look at the universe, My children...

It shall be your playground in the eighth day,
Wherein time has no meaning!...

I shall cause it to cease...

No more counting of days...

Years pass away, being likened to a light breeze
Caressing the face of the forever young.

No looking backward, or forward, for your Redeemer...

He is in your midst...

Walking where you walk,
Being at all times where you are...

In the garden.

Proclaim the glory of The Lord!...

For all creation screams His name!

Oh you men of intellect, stop your vain babblings, shed your arrogance... Your science has become a false religion.

Step back from your knowledge and be then naked of your beliefs, and look with eyes wide open, hearing the voice of The Most High.

Stand silent and naked before your God, and watch and listen. He speaks to you... Yea, He shouts to you from on high.

You are consumed by His glory... Yea, He assaults you on every side... Even from within, look, He is there.

There is no escape from His glory... Without it you are dead, and all life ceases...

The vastness of His being is not hidden...

It shines forth, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large.

God has no end, He IS... The Creator...

And I am your Carpenter...

In you are all things written, in your very being...

Delicately etched there by The Right Hand of God, which I am!

Take your mind, and fill it with wonder and awe. Take your instruments, and seek and probe the earth and the heavens... There will you find Him...

God is The Origin of Life!... He, alone, is God...

Creator of all things, known and that which is yet unknown...

And I, being the very same as The Father,
Am The Meaning of Life you seek.

All things are made, live, and come to their fulfillment, in Me!...

I am The Meaning of Life!

Jesus Christ am I, and you are in life because of Me... I am He, by which you were you made.

You seek, and so you find that all discoveries lead to God, though you need not seek, nor discover... For the knowledge of Him is within you, His very Spirit which has given you breath.

So seek and learn... Understanding is coming and is near.

Only the shedding of your sin, and the death of your pride,
Shall lead you into the truth you seek...

For I am that Truth...

Being that same One, who made all things,
As The Father desired...

Come to Me, and have knowledge.

My glory is coming, and shall shine from the east even unto the west,
Having that same glory that you already behold in the heavens...

The glory of The Great God and Creator...

The God of Abraham! The God of Isaac! The God of Jacob!...

The God of your fathers, even unto Adam, the father of all.

] So then, you stiff-necked and wicked generation, seek on by unbelief, and you shall discover the truth, which is God... Look deeper and farther than before, there you will find Me.

Calculate and count all things you think you know, and there you will find Me. Search the Cosmos, study it, and you will begin to know Me.

No matter where you point your lenses, there I am, in your scope of understanding. Dissect life’s structures, there I am... Its Writer and Fashioner.

Did you think I am hidden, The invisible God of your ancestors?...

Though you do not behold My face,
I am shining all around you.

I am The glorified Holy One of Israel, coming to fulfill all that is written of Me...

Behold, I come on a white horse, and the saints do follow Me...

The heavens and the earth shall pass away at My coming,
And be created anew in My glory...

That same glory, which is life without end...

I am The Beginning and The End... Alpha and Omega.

Timothy's letters

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Donna: I love that one. I have read it before -- it is so beautiful! Leesa

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Night before last had a dream that I was talking on the phone with Jesus. Thought to myself in my dream that it didn't sound like Him. I could not discern gender in the voice. Two times I was told it was Him.

Two words were given me, that I tried hard to remember, but couldn't until late last night -

The words were:

Rosh Kodesh

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

It would seem that it is time to revisit this report from 5 Doves on Feb. 10th 2009

David Daughtrey (10 Feb 2009)
"Rapture vision of 1996"

January 1, 2009
Arcadia, Florida

Hello My Friend John Tng:

The first part of this letter is a little testimonial of where I am coming from. In 1994, while in my worldly ways, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit finally got tired of my way of life and took me to the wood shed and whipped me severely. I thought they would kill me. I felt they had torn my heart out. I'm talking about mental suffering and pain. I cried and grieved so bad my heart felt like it stopped beating several times. He took one of the dearest things from me, my beloved dog. 1 loved that dog with a passion. She was my constant companion. Every step I took she was with me. She even slept with me. The problem was, I worshipped my dog and she worshipped me (like the Bible says, no other gods before me).

After several months went by, I was still crying daily over her mysterious death. She was very healthy according to the vet. No reason for her death. For several months before her I had a strong feeling that someone or something was controlling my life. Weird things would happen, not normal, like things fall down not up. Whoever heard of 3 or 4 flat tires on your car for 4 days in a row. It just doesn't happen. 1 could reach into a barrel of golden bb's and pull out the only lead one, three times in a row. I am serious. I decided that this was of a supernatural control. Then a friend of mine said, you know, it sounds like God is trying to get your attention. I said, OK, I'll get me a Bible and read it and see if this is my supernatural controller because I can't keep living like this, it's killing me. So I read my King James, and the more I read the more I craved. About 4 books into the bible, I cried and begged the Lord for forgiveness, and he did. God's Holy Spirit came into my body in May of 1994 and cleansed my heart and soul. As long as I live, I will never forget that feeling, it lasted right at 8 hours. I felt like I had swallowed a dozen tranquilizers. I did cry sorrowfully, and ashamed of my past. I know everyone has their own story.

Two years went by, reading my Bible day and night, and listening to sermons on the radio. I read where Daniel prayed three times a day. I can pray six and I did. I lived and breathed God's word. My family thought I had lost my mind, I was so obsessed. Every minute I was alone, I talked to Him, like He was standing there invisible, of course. I believed He was anyway, even though He said not a word aloud. I probably would have croaked if He actually spoke to me like He did Moses. But I knew I was just a lowly servant, not worth much, surely did not deserve any special treatment.

Well anyway, two years went by, praying day and night. At the end of each prayer, I'd lay in bed and think about Jesus and ask Him the same question every night before sleep. Lord Jesus, will I live to see the rapture? And what did you really look like? Then one night while on my knees praying, I just started, when out of nowhere, like someone flipped the TV on, a picture appeared before my eyes. Flames of fire, dancing all around me moving just like real fire. Well, I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, so this had to be Satan trying to interrupt my prayers. I said, go away Satan, you're not making me stop praying, but they did not leave, so I got scared and jumped into my bed. My wife said, my that was a short one. I said, if you had seen what I had just seen you would have made it a short one too. Well, I decided that would never happen again - wrong! The very next night, the same thing happened again, but this time I was not going to quit, and I didn't budge. Then something happened right in the middle of those flames, they opened up and revealed a road, a long road, it was like I could not go but one way, and if I got off this road, I'd get burned, or my life's road would be through flames of fire. And believe me, the last 13 years has not been a picnic.

There were a total of 15 visions, most were at night as I began to pray by my bed. I had no control. They started and stopped when they wanted. Each and every night I thought it would be the last one. There was not a sound or word spoken in these visions, just silent pictures. Well, after three visions ended, I thought maybe I had pleased the Lord for Him to give me these visions, maybe a little special. Wrong!

Within 6 months. I had to file bankruptcy, one year later, a massive heart attack, and another year later another heart attack. I don't want to receive any credit for anything. I can't handle any more mental or physical suffering. I don't want God to think I'm getting puffed up. I must get on to the rapture vision.

The Rapture Vision of 1996
The coming events or warnings to happen just before the rapture takes place.

Dearly beloved doves, and brothers and sisters in Jesus name. This is the vision given in 1996 concerning world wide events to happen from one to three weeks before the actual Rapture. This I told to many friends, and was often hurt at the disbelief, and cold shoulders of many Christian friends that I finally just put it on the back shelf, and let it sit for the last 13 years. I now feel that the Rapture is so close that it needs to be told, urgently. I agree with our Christian brother John Tng that there has been so many dreams and visions of the Rapture that probably no one will believe this one either, but that is okay. All I pray for is everyone to remember. Like our Bible says, the vision will prove itself with time and testing. By remembering these visions, it will or can save you much needless suffering. The Lord does not want to hurt his bride.

There is going to appear above the earth (in the sky) a strange object, it will be large and sphere shaped, like a ball. It will look like it's been built in sections, like a football with huge rivets at the seams. Many will call this a UFO, I don't know. It will have the color of copper or bronze. It will be on every TV around the world. People will be shocked like the World Trade Center. People will be glued to their TV's but you don't. The minute you see this, run to the closest food store and get enough canned food and bottled water for about three weeks, because between one and 24 hours after this object is seen world wide there is going to be a massive impact or collision on our sun's surface. It is going to happen on our blind side, we can't see it coming. It's going to be a super size twin asteroid hitting the sun in a vital spot, releasing a major solar storm, knocking out all of earth's electricity, all over the world. Those of you who read this will save yourself and your family much misery.

Now, this is what's going to happen in the next 2 or 3 weeks, while the electricity is off. Within a few days the whole world will start to go crazy with hunger. The banks and ATM's can't work without electricity. No gas pumps for food transportation, no refrigeration, total darkness. The robbers, rapists, and murderers will see right away that no one can call the police for help, because the solar storm has burned up all communication satellites, cell phones and telephones. The law can't even call each other. It's going to be total breakdown in large cities. There will be gun shots and screams all night long. Millions will be behind locked doors, praying and begging for God's mercy, for help and protection. He will answer millions of prayers. Millions will ask for forgiveness, and the Lord and his saints will perform millions of miracles during these three weeks.

Then after about 3 weeks of this, the Rapture will happen. Although there are different time zones around the world, the Lord showed it will be night here in Florida, USA. In this vision, I was taken in the spirit out in the woods behind my house in Florida. During the spring or early summer, it started at night. I didn't hear any trumpets or words (come up hither) but I know there's going to be, because the Bible says so. As I was standing there in the spirit of course, in the middle of some trees, a huge blue beam of light came down like a big flashlight, about a thirty foot circle around me. The blue light was identical in color to a welder's arc light at night. It was so blinding I put my hands over my eyes to see if I could see where or what this light was coming from. Then I noticed in the distant night sky, north, south, east, and west of me, blue colored stars jetting off the ground spiraling upwards traveling fast, they were heading for the bright blue object that was shining that beam of light down on me. It could have been the Lord or an open door to heaven. I really could not tell, it was so bright and blinding. Anyway, these little blue stars were going up in clusters. Different numbers depending on the size of town around me. Then all of a sudden when they reached about 9:00 high they burst into 10 times their size. Then I realized it was those alive in Christ joining those dead in Christ. I was too far away to see any new regenerated bodies or white gowns, but I'm sure they were. Then suddenly I was again taken out of my body off to the side to look at myself standing in the light. That's when I saw my own flesh glossing white as lightning, all my flesh, head and arms, my clothes remained the same. Then instantly, I vanished and my clothes fell to the ground. From what I saw in this vision, I was the last to go because all the alive in Christ had joined the risen dead.

The next afternoon, I had been reading my Bible for about an hour and then stood up in my living room to take a break, when suddenly at arm's length from my face appeared a blue cloud, the same color as the beam in the Rapture vision. In the shape of something like a football on its side, about 3 ft long and 2 ft high - white, a brilliant white 21 in the middle of it. I never did understand the meaning of the 21, maybe it was the day of the Rapture. I base no idea, your guess is as good as mine. Well, that startled me, so I sat down, shocked again because this was in the middle of the day and I wasn't even praying. Well, my son was in the kitchen making some tea and he said we were out of sugar. I said OK, I'll go down the road and get some. I began to sit up when this small newborn baby appeared before my eyes. I'm starting to come unglued now, because it hadn't been 5 minutes since the blue cloud, when this happened. I told myself, O my Lord, am I losing my mind? What, O God, does this baby have to do with the Bible? I must be losing my mind. I really started crying, it was blowing my mind. Then I noticed this newborn baby had this horrible growth on the side of it s head, almost as big as the baby's head. It was scary ugly, that's how bad. After about 20 seconds, the vision disappeared, the baby was gone. I told myself I've got to get out of here or I'm going to start crying again. Well, I left and went after the sugar, about 2 miles away. I walked into the store, the owner and myself were the only ones there. He was on the telephone talking to some friend of his. I was at the counter waiting to him to get off the phone, when suddenly a young woman came into the store. She walked right up beside me and spoke to my friend on the phone. She said, you haven't seen my brand new baby have you and he said no ma'am. I happened to look down at the baby and nearly fainted. There was the same baby I'd seen 10 minutes earlier. My legs went like rubber and I had to lean on the counter to keep myself from falling. This action made this young woman mad, I mean angry, my reaction insulted her greatly. She yelled at me and said, the doctor says it's just a birth mark, and it will shrink and go away. She then stormed out of the store. My friend said, did you see that thing on the baby's head? I said yes, I saw it 10 minutes before I came here. That was the last one, never again in 13 years. The only thing I can figure out is, He was showing me that every vision he had shown me was going to happen. My friends, all I ask you is to remember what you read here. It's not important to believe this, but I beg you to remember.

Your brother in Christ
Unknown Servant

Email: tparbar@gmail.com

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Rosh Chodesh

Level: Basic
Significance: The beginning of a new month
Observances: Additions to liturgy and Torah readings
The holiday is publically announced on the Shabbat before it occurs

In Hebrew, Rosh Chodesh means, literally, "head of the month" or "first of the month." Rosh Chodesh is the first day of any new month. If a month is 30 days long, then the 30th day is treated as part of the Rosh Chodesh for the next month, and the Rosh Chodesh for next month extends for two days (the 30th of the earlier month and the 1st of the later month).

In ancient times, Rosh Chodesh was a significant festival day. At that time, the new months were determined by observation. Each month began when the first sliver of moon became visible after the dark of the moon. Observers would watch the sky at night for any sign of the moon. If they saw the moon, they would report their sightings to the Sanhedrin, which would interrogate them to make sure that they were not mistaken. Where in the sky did the moon appear? Which direction was it pointing? If two independent, reliable eyewitnesses confirmed that the new moon had appeared and described it consistently, the Sanhedrin would declare the new month and send out messengers to tell people when the month began.

The day after the moon appeared was a festival, announced with the sounding of the shofar, commemorated with solemn convocations, family festivities and special sacrifices. The importance of this holiday in ancient times should not be underestimated. The entire calendar was dependent upon these declarations; without the declarations, there would be no way of knowing when holidays were supposed to occur.

In later days, however, the calendar was fixed by mathematical computation. After the destruction of the Temple, sacrifices were no longer available. Accordingly, the significance of this festival has substantially diminished. There are some slight changes to the liturgy for Rosh Chodesh, including the addition of part of Hallel after the Shemoneh Esrei, and some additional Torah readings, but that is about the only observance of Rosh Chodesh today.

It remains a custom in some communities for women to refrain from work on Rosh Chodesh, as a reward for their refusal to participate in the incident of the Golden Calf. See The Role of Women.

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

What if. . .

I can't help thinking about "August" and the youtube dream surrounding that. Then I found this.


In short, this guy claims that something terrible is going to happen in August that will cause revival and repentance in the church.

Anyway, what if we are wrong again? (Imagine that)

What if He chooses not to fulfill a certain day, but to rescue His bride on a day of destruction?

I'm choosing to stay alert. RH may be too late.

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Charles Holler (13 Aug 2010)

Feb'09 letter/5Doves

Email: landmarker@writeme.com

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August


Email: landmarker@writeme.com

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

. . . "And they shall go up and come down upon the Son of Man, until not one stalk of wheat remains,
and not one seedling of grain is left...all shall be gathered into My Father’s barn...
then they shall KNOW I AM THE LORD.

I AM THE LORD, and in no wise shall this world prevail, and in no wise shall these nations stand...

all shall crumble, all shall be brought down, all shall be wiped away!...

I AM THE LORD. Only one nation shall be left, only one shall be left standing...even this same one, the apple of My own eye... I shall surely do it. And even all these who have gained inheritance of the same, all of these who have come from the east and the west, who are grafted in, even all these, they shall also stand...even at My right hand.

Beloved, think not that I save Israel, and the sons and daughters thereof, for their sakes. I will save them for My servant’s sake, and to the GLORY of My own name....lo, it shall resound in the whole earth in that Day.

Lo, they shall all come to know God, even those who pierced Me, and spilled the blood in which you have gained life, life without end.

Therefore, rejoice, and be not afraid, says the Lord, Your Redeemer. I am with you, and I shall surely deliver you out of all these troubles, all this madness. Rejoice, I say, for the end of all things draws nigh... yea, it is here. It is here, it has come.

I had come with salvation, lowly, riding on an ass, and upon a colt, the foal of an ass... and lo, I am come again, and I shall fullfill all that is written of Me. For lo, the Day has come, and the Lion shall roar... .

. . yea, I shall roar as a raging Lion, and all My enemies shall be devoured... yea, all shall be put under My feet. And those, who are Mine, they shall in no wise pass from My sight... no one can steal them away from Me.

Therefore, rejoice... even in the midst of all this wickedness and sorrow, rejoice... even when those come against you, and persecute you for My name’s sake... rejoice.

Look up, for the beginning of the end has come,
and when it is finished, I shall then make a new beginning, which has no end...
the restoration of all things...
one thousand years....

Come now, and enter into My Father’s joy, which is in Me.
for you shall soon enter into Our joy, which shall soon come...
a return to the Garden and My joy... My love, holding My hand...
a wiping away of all tears...
all things passed away, all things have become new...

My life, your life, My presence in you and with you,
the knowledge and glory of the Lord shall fill the earth as the waters fill the sea.

Amen and amen... the time has come.
Trust in me.
Timothy's letters

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Faith emailed me the other day to share an urgent message she received from Jesus. Since she has been blocked from RITA she can no longer post. However, the Lord gave her specific instructions to share this message with everyone here. Do with it as you will. No further information will be forthcoming.

"Faith, I want you to know how much I love you. Mere words can never convey the depth of My deep abiding love. You, like My other Children, have only tasted but a mere morsel of this. My love is like a banquet set before you for all time. You will never be hungry again. In Me is all fulfillment. Only when My Children make Me the core of their lives can they ever experience this gratification and awesome wonder. My love will bring you to your knees effortlessly. Words simply cannot describe the feeling. You must experience it. This is why I am sharing this with you now. The hour of My arrival is drawing near and I want you to be prepared.

As you are already aware the signs are all there. Those who have eyes to see, have seen them. They are all around. In fact, they are everywhere. My Children cry out to Me day and night as does My precious creation. Neither can handle much more. Things will not get any better. They will continue to deteriorate if things are not done soon. So I want to reveal My plan to you. You have been faithful with little, I am giving you much.

As I said, the hour of My arrival is very near. There is precious little time time left. In fact... days and weeks.

So I need every believer to work diligently to seek and save the lost and to make every effort to turn lukewarm Christians back to Me. Send this message out to every Christian you know. When you do, ask them to send it on to everyone else in their inbox (Email). Get the Word out! Those whose hearts are soft towards Me will hear it and abide. Those who refuse will regret the day.

Last year I told you to tell everyone that I was coming back in "3 days". In your exhuberance, you all got ahead of Me and got the date wrong. I will tell you now what I meant:

1) Passover = Day 1 (NEW MAN)
2) Pentecost = Day 2 (NEW SPIRIT)
3) Rosh Hashanah = Day 3 (NEW LIFE)

I will be back before the new moon crests.

Secondly, prepare for the High Holy Days. Prepare your mind, prepare your heart. Third, be willing and ready to give your best offering and do so. And finally, pray for the redemption of Israel.

Faith, the day of your redemption draws near. I am at the door ready to knock. My Home gloriously awaits the return of My Children, My People, My Bride. All of Heaven is ecstatic!!

In the days ahead I will show you greater revelation and give you increasing words of knowledge. Pray with My Body. Wherever two or more are gathered together I am there among you. I have heard everything you have prayed individually and corporately.

Home Sweet Home is just a heartbeat and breath away! Rejoice!"

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Donna ~

Do we know when the new moon crests next?

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Farm Girl,

Thank you for this encouraging word from Faith. I miss her posts as well as posts from star.


Email: hogwoodk@gmail.com

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophecies and interpretations for August


Thanks. Me, too.

Farm Girl

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophecies and interpretations for August

As I said, the hour of My arrival is very near. There is precious little time left. In fact... days and weeks.

WOW!! That is seriously close . . if I understand this, Jesus is speaking this as FACT to Faith, plainly saying to her our departure is not months away, but at the most, weeks. That is very serious!!!

It's fair to ask, what if it's more than weeks we're still here?

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophecies and interpretations for August

praise the Lord,

I felt this one people, wow the spirit was all over me.

Pray for my mom, dad and sisters they are not saved.

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Donna ~

Do we know when the new moon crests next?

Sept. 9,10, 11 ...

Email: scuggers1@gmail.com

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophecies and interpretations for August

As I said, the hour of My arrival is very near. There is precious little time left. In fact... days and weeks.

WOW!! That is seriously close . . if I understand this, Jesus is speaking this as FACT to Faith, plainly saying to her our departure is not months away, but at the most, weeks. That is very serious!!!
It's fair to ask, what if it's more than weeks we're still here?

This agrees with what others have been expecting all along.
We've been waiting for this for years hoping He would come sooner but now the wiggle room has all run out and we are weeks away now from the Tribulation beginning.

Email: scuggers1@gmail.com

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophecies and interpretations for August

"As I said, the hour of My arrival is very near. There is precious little time left. In fact... days and weeks... I will be back before the new moon crests"

WOW!! That is seriously close . . if I understand this, Jesus is speaking this as FACT to Faith, plainly saying to her our departure is not months away, but at the most, weeks. This is very serious!!!
Faith Aug 14th 2010

Note: "I will be back BEFORE the new moon crests" indicates the conjunction moon on Sept. 8th or earlier...
so here's the counter LINK

This agrees with what others have been expecting all along for years.


We've been waiting for this for years hoping He would come sooner but now the wiggle room has all run out and we are only weeks away now from the Tribulation beginning!

Email: scuggers1@gmail.com

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophecies and interpretations for August

Aug 16, 2010 - 11:28AM

Quote Reply
Prophetic word from Ken Copeland

From Southwest Believers convention

"The world I will tell you again is in serious trouble.
Some very hard things are coming, in different places around the world.
Very difficult times in a lot of places.
They're that way now.
But they will not get better, they will continue to get worse and worse and worse.
It is on a downward run that the world can not stop.

But for the household of faith, everythings going to be all-right. Everything is going to be all-right.

Oh yeah you'll have to make a stand. You'll have to fight the good fight of faith.
But when did you not have to do that?

These are dangerous times. They are dangerous times financially.
They are dangerous times in the earth because the earth is weighted under a gross weight of sin.

And there are things and places and situations underneath the earth, in the oceans , in the heavens.

Things are being rattled and shaken and the earth is trying to break in different places.

Well stand on my word and it will not come nigh you,
Praise and worship my name. Don't feed fear and feed trouble into your life, into your mouth. No quit living in that house.

Get back over here in the household of faith.
Feed on my word, not on the bread of sorrow. Feed on my word, look in my face.

Praise and Worship and Praise and Worship in church.
Praise and worship and preach the word.
Praise and worship and preach the word.
Praise and worship and preach the word.
Everything is going to be all-right.

As Ive said and will continue to say until it becomes solid and strong in you spirit, Your time has come.

It is your time to excel. It is your time to do exceeding, extraordinary things.
In the financial world, in the medical world.

In all the of areas where the world is in such dire trouble. ANd so confused beyond their ability to understand how confused they really are.

And they're hurting because of it.
And they're crying out because of it.
And people are trying to take advantage of people, because they're so confused. And because they're so troubled.

And I'll tell you right now, there are politicians. and there are so-called business people,
and there are thieves,
and there are all kinds of demonic folks that are trying to take advantage of my people during a confusing time,

And I'll tell you right now sayeth the Lord, you can write it down, and you can know it for sure.
I wont put up with it.
And I'll stop them from doing such things.
And you're going to see some things happen.

Fear not.

I have my eye on them.
They will go so far and no further.
Their end is already determined.

I'll not put up with it. Sayeth the Lord of grace.
I will not put up with it.

They have pushed me and pushed me and invited me out of their lives and thinking , and in many cases and many personalities that are in the forefront of the news this hour, I have already turned over to a disobedient and rebrobate mind.

I am the Lord God, and I'll not have my people run roughshod.

My people that are crying out to me, I utter my word through my servant tonight and you make mark of it,
Everything is going to be all-right in your house."

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

I wonder if the rapture could occur on a full moon? Jesus died on Nissan 14. Could we be raptured on Elul 14 with the fullness of the Gentiles? Both days are full moons. If so, the next full moon is next Tuesday, August 24.

Tuesday is also the 3rd day of the week.

I thought it was interesting that Drudge originally said Israel had 8 days to hit Iran. Eight days from today would land on the same day...Tuesday, August 24, if you count from today (Tuesday) to next Tuesday. He then changed it to Israel having 3 days to hit Iran. Seems strange that the Drudge story went from 8 days down to 3 days.

Either way I hope we're outta here soon!!!

Farm Girl for Faith
Faith emailed me the other day to share an urgent message she received from Jesus. Since she has been blocked from RITA she can no longer post. However, the Lord gave her specific instructions to share this message with everyone here. Do with it as you will. No further information will be forthcoming.

"Faith, I want you to know how much I love you. Mere words can never convey the depth of My deep abiding love. You, like My other Children, have only tasted but a mere morsel of this. My love is like a banquet set before you for all time. You will never be hungry again. In Me is all fulfillment. Only when My Children make Me the core of their lives can they ever experience this gratification and awesome wonder. My love will bring you to your knees effortlessly. Words simply cannot describe the feeling. You must experience it. This is why I am sharing this with you now. The hour of My arrival is drawing near and I want you to be prepared.

As you are already aware the signs are all there. Those who have eyes to see, have seen them. They are all around. In fact, they are everywhere. My Children cry out to Me day and night as does My precious creation. Neither can handle much more. Things will not get any better. They will continue to deteriorate if things are not done soon. So I want to reveal My plan to you. You have been faithful with little, I am giving you much.

As I said, the hour of My arrival is very near. There is precious little time time left. In fact... days and weeks.

So I need every believer to work diligently to seek and save the lost and to make every effort to turn lukewarm Christians back to Me. Send this message out to every Christian you know. When you do, ask them to send it on to everyone else in their inbox (Email). Get the Word out! Those whose hearts are soft towards Me will hear it and abide. Those who refuse will regret the day.

Last year I told you to tell everyone that I was coming back in "3 days". In your exhuberance, you all got ahead of Me and got the date wrong. I will tell you now what I meant:

1) Passover = Day 1 (NEW MAN)
2) Pentecost = Day 2 (NEW SPIRIT)
3) Rosh Hashanah = Day 3 (NEW LIFE)

I will be back before the new moon crests.

Secondly, prepare for the High Holy Days. Prepare your mind, prepare your heart. Third, be willing and ready to give your best offering and do so. And finally, pray for the redemption of Israel.

Faith, the day of your redemption draws near. I am at the door ready to knock. My Home gloriously awaits the return of My Children, My People, My Bride. All of Heaven is ecstatic!!

In the days ahead I will show you greater revelation and give you increasing words of knowledge. Pray with My Body. Wherever two or more are gathered together I am there among you. I have heard everything you have prayed individually and corporately.

Home Sweet Home is just a heartbeat and breath away! Rejoice!"

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

. . . "the elect shall be gathered, even all those I see of Myself in them, My own reflection shown within the eyes of the first redeemed from the earth.

For in a moment, a twinkling of an eye, they shall climb the Ladder, and lie down and rest for a short season, even in the place I have prepared for them.

They shall rest, until the Day is done and it is finished. Then they shall arise and descend with the King...

And as the lightning flashes out of the east, and shines, filling the sky even unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.

For your leaders have cast their lot with the Ishmaelites in the dividing of My land... even of the children’s inheritance I had given to their forefathers forever.

And so, I shall divide them with calamity, with famine, and with destitution...

Yet they will turn. And anger shall swell in their faces over much betrayal, causing them to repent of that which they had promised, and they will again stand with the children of Abraham, until three days pass over.

Then shall they be given into the hand of him, called the horn of satan... their name dissolved, becoming one of the ten for one hour, then plucked up and broken,

during which time the Lord shall bring forth of them a great harvest, a great and mighty harvest, a great multitude, a refined and strong people for My name...

Timothy's letters

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

This is a great and true word!

Prophecy for the Pray-ers
Given by Sister Billye Brim
The time and purpose for all of our lives are very important and, in fact, you are
alive to meet those appointments, those people, to pray those prayers. Listen and
keep ever aware and alert to the voice of the Spirit, and what He would have you say
and what He would have you to pray when you go around your house, and you hear
a word, repeat it, for it will be from Me. If at the beginning of your day, you will
acknowledge me in all your ways; then I will alert you, for it is critical in this day
that I have my body speak and say what I want it to say. Know you are on call; you
are on call. Give me your all; you are on call. In the daylight hours, in the nighttime
too, everything is speeding up and will until you are through to the brightness of the
new day. And so, this is not the time to let the enemy keep you sitting in confusion,
in darkness and despair, wondering why you are alive or why even care. But this is
the time to know of your import. This is the time to know, for it is short. Yea, give me
your thoughts, your words, and do not shrink for you are on the very brink of the
most wondrous days that have ever been. And yea, even before the brightness of the
new day, you shall see upon the body of Christ the anointing come, the anointing of
the Glorious One. And on in glory and in power you are going to finish out this, your
finest hour. Do not center on the negative. Yea, be aware and alert and know it’s
there, but you focus on the light of My face and upon sureness of My Glory and My
Grace. Who will begin to walk in a new atmosphere? You’ll begin to walk where
things are very clear. You’ll hear a voice; you’ll turn around and say, “Who said
that?” It is because your hearing is tweaked in this day. Those plans that seemed
hard to come by and know before; now they will be very clear. It is not like it was in
days of yore. There have been some key moments; there have been some key
happenings and things have stepped up. And you will see the operation of the
dunamis power. Spoke I not unto you and said when Oral Roberts moved to Heaven
there came a shift and there will be another. For you shall soon hear of the
departure of another brother and know that when he goes, another shift will occur.
And it is not you that is being shaken; it is darkness. You receive a kingdom that
cannot be shaken. And though all around, others might see darkness and not you;
you’ll see Me. Hah! You’ll get another breath; you’ll get another pick-up, even in your
body, my very queen. So, rejoice and be exceedingly glad for days of rejoicing! Praise
Nothing is held back that you need in this hour. Every word that has been spoken
concerns every person in this room. We thank you Lord that you have the
wherewithal to do it. You have time; it’s measured, but you have it

Email: speede5@sasktel.net

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Thank you so much Tammy! I had actually caught a part of this prophecy but not all of it, so I was happy to see it!
God Bless

Email: iampriceles@aol.com

August is a turn around month for many of you, look to the 18th and beyond


Come take MY hand MY beautiful Bride through sacrifice and suffering you have been made right. It is Time for us to arise and for MY Kingdom light to shine. I whisper from My Throne to you to comfort and revive that every thing is alright because I AM alive..!!

Email: scuggers1@gmail.com

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

I'm with you FarmGirl! All this talk about bad things in August makes me believe that we don't have that long now. Also, if you take "11192" and put it together, you get the number 14!

I mean, again, how many times have we been wrong?

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. Isaiah 55:8

Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophecies and interpretations for August

Scott, (and whoever else who hasn't seen this), here is Ken Peter's dream of "I saw the Tribulation".


Re: Dreams/Visions/Prophicies and interpretations for August

Another great message from Timothy and the Lord. Thank you Donna! Leesa

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