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All Americans are welcome to offer their feelings, views, and opinions in support of our Troops. Friendly, civil conversation is welcome from everyone in keeping with the High Moral, Honest Standards Of Equal Justice & Freedom. This Forum is dedicated to the recognition of All American Service Men & Women who now, or have, in the past Served The United States of America with Honor and Distinction For Their Willingness To Give of Themselves In Protecting Others!

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Guess where I have been....?

Sorry that I haven't been here in awhile. I've missed talking to all of you.

I switched jobs due to the refinance boom basically being over, and realtors not sending me enough business. I had to go back to doing a blue collar job, while still doing mortgage loans part time, and also going to school again. All that and chasing after a 13 month old son who I've officially named "The Hurricane" due to the destruction that he causes (No offense to the survivors of Katrina. I nicknamed him that about a month and a half ago). As you can imagine, I've been very busy.

My son, Jaiden, is now just a little over 13 months old, and a terror on wheels! He's a very good boy except that his curiosity keeps cashing checks that his butt can't cover. It's wonderful though. Don't get me wrong.

Anyhow, I hope that everyone is doing well. Give my best to all, and let's pray for all the victims of Katrina (including all the ones that George W. Bush doesn't care about). It's a bad joke I know, but I'm tired of the media blaming everything on him and pulling the race card. Hell, I couldn't even blame it on Clinton or Kerry if they were in office.

Take care and God bless.

Love the troops,

Re: Guess where I have been....?

Hi Jerry,

Nice to read you again. I can't believe Jaiden is already 13 months old, wow... he's heading for the terrible two's :-) They're really not terrible, they just keep you on your toes which is a good thing. Enjoy your time, it passes sooo fast! Before you know it he'll be asking you for the keys of your car

Wishing you all the best,