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All Americans are welcome to offer their feelings, views, and opinions in support of our Troops. Friendly, civil conversation is welcome from everyone in keeping with the High Moral, Honest Standards Of Equal Justice & Freedom. This Forum is dedicated to the recognition of All American Service Men & Women who now, or have, in the past Served The United States of America with Honor and Distinction For Their Willingness To Give of Themselves In Protecting Others!

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I'm Back!!!!

To all still visiting this board:
It's been a long, long time since I've been here, and was really surprised to see anyone still using this site.
Many of you who remember why I opened this forum may remember how most of us were forced to leave the other forum by those who practice hatred for a living.
Seems little has changed as those who still cry BUSH LIED, and create every other trumped up excuse to defray their own ignorance and stupidity is still rampant. However. As we all know. The TRUTH always wins, no matter how long it takes to explain it, or drive it into the emptiness of stupidity, surrounded by hair, ears, a nose, eyes, and blind ignorance.
We still have lots to do. But most of all Continue to Support our Troops, without fail.
As for my writing, now more than a year later than I expected. It still continues, trial and error, editing, footnotes, grammar checks, and lots of lost sleep. BUT.....I REFUSE TO GIVE UP!
I may have missed the requests from the publisher in DC, but they somehow understand, and offer their assistance as I honestly believe, they Honestly believe in Me.
Much has been happening here at home as well, as AGAIN....our oldest son has been maintaining the family tradition (My Marine Son) as we have just seen the Ultrasound photos of our NEXT Grandson, due in March. The new, little one will be number 4, and I suspect that is where the tiny Team will end.
As most of us here on this board must feel. It is our hope, those innocent, tiny, little Americans won't need to face the hatred, lies, and terror all of us have grown to dislike.
As for my visiting here more often. All I can say is I will try more often.
I do hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, and Great CHRISTMAS. Yes......I said CHRISTMAS. In fact, I must wish everyone who believes, A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.
As most of us know. There is NO P C in CHRISTMAS!
If anyone reading this is offended. TOUGH CHRISTMAS COOKIES! Enjoy being Offended, Upset, Insulted, and Angry! That's exactly how 85% of America feels every time the few attempt to control the majority with their hatred for America.
Said my peice here, and it felt good!
Now, to add further Insult to anyone who may be offended:
Jim Bateman

Re: I'm Back!!!!

Good to hear from you Jim.
Congratulations on your new grandchild to be:) Make sure to let us know of the baby's arrival.

I'm with you on the "Merry Christmas" issue. Even at the Post Office. This year they did not issue a "New" religious stamp, neither, Christian, Jewish, Muslim OR "KWANZA" (which has nothing to do with religion anyway). They only issued the "Holiday Cookies". We (at our Post Office) presumed we would receive the religious stamp shipment automatically as has always been the case in the past. We received the "Holiday Cookies" and just presumed we would have to wait another week or so for the "Religious" shipment. However, we found out we were wrong, They were not AUTOMATICALLY shipping the Religious stamps. We had to place an order for last years! Now this may be because they didn't want to go through the expense of issuing new Religious stamps, due to a pending rate hike, BUT, I seriously believe it is part of the ongoing move to wipe all public attachment to the religious meaning of Christmas to the Holidays.

We all need to write to our "Editors" about these practices in Public and Schools.

Next they will tell us "We cannot put up Religious Decorations or signs on our own Properties."

Have a Merry, Merry Christmas, Happy Hunukkah, even EID and Kwanza to all and to all a Good Night:-)