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All Americans are welcome to offer their feelings, views, and opinions in support of our Troops. Friendly, civil conversation is welcome from everyone in keeping with the High Moral, Honest Standards Of Equal Justice & Freedom. This Forum is dedicated to the recognition of All American Service Men & Women who now, or have, in the past Served The United States of America with Honor and Distinction For Their Willingness To Give of Themselves In Protecting Others!

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Now more than ever, Our Troops need our Support.

Hello Everyone,

I am still wishing the old website where we first met was still up and running
However, I have found 2 new ones (Star Support Military Group, and the Screamingeaglesiniraq2 yahoo groups) where I can interact with other like minded individuals, especially since my son deployed to Iraq with the 101st Airborne. (Thanks to Susan for the direction)

A lot has been happening over there, and our troops have been going through some hard times. I spent a very nerve wracking last weekend, until I got an email from my son telling me he was OK. My heart goes out to the families of our fallen soldiers. My prayers are constant. Anyone of them could have been my son. I'm feeling that now more than ever. I am frustrated and angered beyond belief how our Media becomes Mum on these horrendous attacks, but quickly tries and convicts our Military in the news, before they are brought to trial. They assume the worst and state it as a fact.

I am aghast at the lack of outrage the american public has not displayed......or should I say....the MEDIA.....which makes and slants the news....has not displayed. I know that they do not represent the whole of our country, But I firmly believe....NOW, MORE THAN EVER....WE NEED TO GET THE WORD OUT WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.Any and everyway we can. Get names to mail cards to them, packages, write letters to the editors expressing our sympathy for our fallen heroes and their families and most importantly, our Horror in the lack of outrage and empathy we have heard in the MEDIA concerning this. Write your representatives, write our President..

A friend emailed me about a new trend to wear something RED every FRIDAY, sympolizing our support for our troops until they all come home. That is something easy we can all do,( a red t-shirt, blouse, tie, ribbon). Pass it along to all your friends and relatives. Get your friends, neighbors, and relatives to tie yellow ribbons around the trees on their streets,(always with taste). I am starting a yellow ribbon campaing of my own. I just purchased yards of yellow ribbon at a discount price and have afixed a nice length into baggies with a note attached, asking our neighbors to please join with me in support of our troops and tie them around a tree in their front yard, or their mailbox, porch post, door, to demonstrate their support for the troops.

Hopefully, each little bit will snowball into a very visual, vocal Support that can be seen and heard all over the world, but most especially by our troops. I am going to take photo's of all the yellow ribbon clad trees, etc and post them to a website, and send them to my son for his unit to see they are not forgotten, that we care, that we have their back and our prayers are with them.

God Bless our troops and bring them home safe.
Connie M
A Proud Army Mom