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Re: help me understand winterizing

You got it Mary Ellen, just run it until the pink stuff comes out everywhere. You can also blow the lines out with an air compressor, but then you have to be sure you have them really free of water and that you didn't blow oil into the lines from your compressor. I prefer the pink antifreeze solution, although I have done it both ways.

Living in Florida for over 30 years, winterizing was a new experience to us when we moved to North Georgia in 1996. Now we just turn the key and head south to winterize. Except it was just about 90 degrees today here in Bushnell, FL and too hot for us now that we don't live in FL anymore!

When you have to use or rather get to use your rig in cold weather, if you must use the water system, run clean water through it until you see no more pink stuff. It won't hurt you, but I am told it tastes terrible.

BTW, when you winterize, don't forget the p traps in the sinks and shower.


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will you nice rv folks explain the process of winterizing. well i used rv antifreeze and when i got it to come thru the lines and out the facuets,ie sinks. i knew it was done right even the water heater was by passed. my concern is when i start using my sinks and all water plumbing as i normally do it seems like the 2gal. of af will be gone. but that was all it was to winterizing. how does it stay winterized. please help. mary ellen sax.