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Re: Phone line

Look around near your cable input. I bet you will find a phone jack. If not, then sure, just get a 50 foot cord from Radio Shack or one of the home improvement stores. Plug it into the network interface the phone company provides and then plug the other end into your phone. You can run it throug a window, just be sure to fix a way to keep the bugs out!


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Replying to:

Possibly dumb question(s). We're new retirees heading for our first extended stay in the sunny South. Our campground has phone lines at each site, but I don't think our 5th-wheel is wired for phone (just cable). Will a wire be strung out one of the windows? We'll be signing up with Sprint, but what should we take along. A phone from our house, probably. What else should we bring? Possible problems?
