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Re: Satellite TV Domes vs non domes

Which receivers have you used with DirecTv? I currently have the RCA and a SonyHowever, they each have features the other could enjoy. My biggest complaint about the RCA is that the processor is noticably slower than the Sony by a factor of 3 or 4. I did have the Dual LNB's hooked up in my Kingdome.

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Gary, I sell and install both TracStar and Kingdome, although frankly, I've never done a TracStar. The KingDome is about the cheapest TV system out there. The TracStar is a good system and both KVH and MotoSat make good auto find dishes. One of the drawbacks to the domes systems is that the dishes have a smaller capture area and therefore don't receive as strong a signal as the larger 18 inch dishes. This has not been a problem for us as yet. (I have a Kingdome mounted on the roof) One of the upside issues for domed systems is that they don't get blown around in the wind. So I guess the tradeoffs are about even. Many folks put Rain-X on their domes to keep the rain and moisture fade to a minimum.

As far as the difference between the various manufacturers, each has its strong points. I wouldn't be afraid of buying any of them.

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I'm interested, as well. Also, any feeddback on the relative differences between KVH and King-Dome? Thanks!

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I noticed on another site you indicated you had an internet satilite system. Can you tell me more about it. Inital cost, monthly cost, and satisfactions. Oh, forgot, the down side of the system?