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Dish Internet access

My wife and I will be fulltimers beginning this September. We are interested in any suggestions that would give us television and internet access via satellite, short of spending thousands on a MotoSat system. We have read about using a tripod for directv and were wondering if the same procedure could be used for internet access as well. Directv offers home internet via satellite at a much lower cost than MotoSat does for RVs. Aloo, would an RV waiver, mentioned in some forums, be applicable for internet?

Any information would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Dish Internet access

Using a tripod for setting up a DirecWay dish is not allowed by Hughes. However, lots of Rvers do this anyway. The rules for moving a dish like this are:
The dish must be roof mounted.
The RV must be stabilized
The ladder if accessible, must have a warning sign on it.
THe ladder must be blocked
The dish must be pointed, set up and taken down by a certified installer.

Lots of folks move their dishes without complying with these rules, but these are the rules.