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Screwdriver antenna

Good morning, John. You may not remember me. My name is Nancy A. Cheffings and
my call is N7FAP. I just purchased a screwdriver antenna like yours. How do I
know this? I saw the pictures of your coach on Larry Welding's (KJ7U)website.
I wonder if you could do me a favor. We are still in our motorhome and want the
antenna to bend over the roof when we're on the roof. We can't figure out
how to mount it so we can lay it over. Could you please send us a couple of pictures
of how you do this? Is there anything else we should be aware of? I'm having
a problem finding the kind of coax Larry recommended. He said to avoid the foam
core type and, so far, that's all I've been able to find. Any ideas? Thanks
in advance.

Nancy A. Cheffings - N7FAP