Somewhat Old But Back Up & Running, Slightly Changed Stargate Atlantis Poll!

Who is the hottest woman on Stargate Atlantis. Cast your vote today!

Many folks nearly expired Submitting & Hitting the BACK Button. We have reset the poll & you will only be allowed one vote. However, see the bottom if you want to comment.

Who is the hottest woman on Stargate Atlantis?
A - Teyla Emmagen A - Teyla Emmagen
B - Dr. Elizabeth Weir B - Dr. Elizabeth Weir
C - Miscellaneous Female Daedelus Member (we're not proud) C - Miscellaneous Female Daedelus Member (we're not proud)
D - The Wraith Queen (Yes, we take anybody) D - The Wraith Queen (Yes, we take anybody)
E - Sgt. Cadman (Duet) E - Sgt. Cadman (Duet)
F - Both Elizabeth Weir & Teyla Emmagen
G - All of the above (including the Wraith Queen)
H - All of the above (excluding the Wraith Queen)
I - Somebody else entirely. Left a comment in the journal.
J - I can't make up my mind.

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