Valuation (Info) Request Form
Please Note: the fields with a * are required.
Your Full Name
Email Address
Your Address
Your Country of Residence
Your Phone/WhatsApp number
Preferred WhatsApp contact hours (T&T timezone)
Doesn't matter
Office hours
6 AM to 6 PM
Not applicable
Address of property to be valued
Are you the owner of the property?
Type of property to be valued (hold Ctrl for more options)
Parcel of land only (please indicate land size below)
House only, without the land (land size not applicable)
House and land (please indicate land size below)
Town house (if applicable, please indicate land size below)
Condominium (if applicable, please indicate land size below)
Apartment (if applicable, please indicate land size below)
Apartment building (please indicate land size below)
Commercial building (please indicate land size below)
Industrial building (please indicate land size below)
Warehouse (please indicate land size below)
Guesthouse (please indicate land size below)
Hotel (please indicate land size below)
Other. Please specify below
Other type of property:
If there is a building, how many floors are there?
Single storey
Split Level
2 Storey
3 Storey
More than 3
No building
Land Size:
Tenure of the land:
Other (please specify below)
Dont know
Other type of Tenure:
Was the property already valued for the new property Tax purposes?
Don't know
If "No" leave open. If "Yes" how much taxes do you have to pay?
Purpose for the valuation (multiple options possible):
Market value for selling purposes
Mortgage / Credit Union loan purposes
Probate / Letters of Administration
Compulsory acquisition
Conveyancing / Stamp Duty
To facilitate a Vesting Order
Name Change on Deed
Legal matter
Other; Please give or explain purpose below.
Other purpose for the valuation:
Any additional info you'd like to add, or question you'd like to ask:
Attachment (max size 2 MB)
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