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Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Luke 8:16-17 (New International Version)

A Lamp on a Stand

16"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. 17For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

My dear brothers and sisters,

I had a big wake up call yesterday, a wake up call in whom I am, who I stand for in my faith.

Last night it was impressing on my Spirit to show Barbara 2x video’s about the rapture and what it exactly means. These are very good videos done in a documentary type of way. Barbara has not given her heart to the Lord. I have shared with Barbara many times, but done this gently so to speak.

Then she came out with it. “This is strange how you live a double life”. I said what do you mean. She said “half the people that you know do not even know that you believe the things that you do, that you are a Christian. You don’t go to church etc etc, people just don’t know.”

At that point you could have driven a knife straight into my heart; it would have been less painful.

Since coming back to the Lord, I have had the views of showing my faith in love. Not bible bashing people, but showing my faith in actions.

Apparently this not enough; and coming from a person that does not believe, it hurt. Maybe she was right?

I went to bed thinking about what Barbara has said, I would hate to not shine his light to the world.

So today when I got up out of bed, I went to work (I always come to work in the early hours, to pray, read my bible and to talk to you all. As I live only 5 minutes away).
I typed out on my computer and printed the verse John 3:16 and I have pinned this on my pin board which sits above my computer screen. I have approx 40 people a day that walk into my office, so they will see this.

When I go home, I will do the same with the refrigerator. Every week I will change the verse on the refrigerator.

I have been letting the Lord down and not shining my light, it ends today. Tomorrow when people come into work, loud and proud is John 3:16 looking at them. I will not say a word, but will if asked. I will not bible bash them, but be quick to respond about whom I believe in if the matter arises. A silent witness, and continue to witness in the actions of love.

In his saving Love / Paul

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Please remember Paul that satan is the accuser of the bretheren. I wouldn't take what Barbara says too much to heart because the Spirit of the Lord is not who is talking through her. It seems like what she said is like a way to get you off the subject of her salvation, and onto how your life is.

I get this from my family once in a while - like "oh, you're so Holy when you "whatever they can think of", but you want ME to do this and that?" It's just a way they get you off the subject of them so they don't have to face their own stuff.

You are such a tenderhearted and Godly brother. Please don't let anyone accuse you of anything else. Your light shines PLENTY bright around RITA and you are a true blessing to us.

I also do think your actions in every day life are speaking volumes to those around you, whether they know why you are a good guy or not. God will show them who you truly are. Don't worry.

Blessings brother.

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Diane is soooooo right, Paul. Please listen to what she had to say. Satan will use ANYONE, especially our unsaved loved ones, to throw daggers at us. He IS the accuser of the bretheran. You are one of the most gentlest, kind-hearted people that I know. Seriously. The love you have for Jesus shines through to believers and unbelievers alike. Don't allow the devil to use your wife to tell you differently.

Love and hugs to you, dear brother.

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

if that were true you wouldnt have been having that conversation with her as you never would have said a word.

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

if that were true you wouldnt have been having that conversation with her as you never would have said a word.

True. There is a HUGE difference between the Holy Spirit convicting you for doing (or not doing) something, and the condemnation that the devil hurls at you.

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Diane, Lisaleenie, Abbershay,

Boy I just love my RITA family, I never thought about what you all just said. It does make sense. Barbara did not watch those video's after all that.

I love how with RITA, I can get on my soap box and talk about Jesus, where as in my everyday life here, people do not want to hear anything about politics or religon etc. They just walk away.

I just felt sadened that I was not shining my light, as a Christian that is what we are called to do.

You guys made me think from a different angle.

Love ya all, feel much better
(The john 3:16 will stay though on my wall at work, LOL)

ybiC / Paul

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Paul,you are Precious Brother Abba and Yeshua(Jesus) are crazy about you,If you want to do something else the L-rd Prompts you,to do,to Shine your big heart and sweetness on everyone, Pray for me im also under severe attack pray that these people will leave me alone, SOS,I Cant Say Why im being harrassed! ,shalom todah!

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

These were the 2x video's I wanted to show Barbara.
They are very very good. If you can, watch them. They explain simply and are done like a documentary.

Love ybiC / Paul

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Paul, you shine your light in ways you're probably not even aware of. Trust me on that.

Shirley went through a similiar expereince with her husband that you did with your wife. Check out her post. The devil is VERY busy these days. I can clearly see his fingerprints all over both your experiences.

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Paul, What is really neat is that you turned a difficult situation into a witness opportunity! That is so wonderful that you put up the bible verse. It may encourage people to be more open with their faith at your work. It takes a lot of courage to do that at work.

Also, I am sure that Barbara will not be able to forget the videos and hopefully will be saved! This is so wonderful of an opportunity for you to witness to others and to Barbara! God bless you Paul!

PS Will keep you both in prayer! Love your sis in Christ, Melissa

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

My dear and very sweet Brother, I would like only to say, that for those of this world, it can be confusing. They are blind to our hope, if they don't know why you have hope.

I don't Bible bash either, but I know several people who are gentle, kind and loving....but they don't know the Saviour.

Somehow and someway you need to be able to communicate the reason for your loving kindness or it will not speak of our true Hope. It shouldn't be a guessing game, especially for those who are blind to the spiritual world.

I think you have made a great start with your verse displayed and your intention to answer any questions.....but don't be surprised if someone asks you to remove it.

God Bless you and know I love you,Paul.

ysiC, Cesca

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Paul, I'm sorry you were hurt by Barbara too. It's so hard for them to understand how absorbed we are in thinking about Jesus and what He has in store for us! Oh how I wish they could share that with us!!!

I know you know the situation I went through with my husband today too. Wheweeee! He was already mad and then I just set him off!!!

Hang in there Paul, I pray and truly believe that all we've tried to tell them time and time again will be proof to them for their salvation when they have to make that choice. And everyone WILL have to make that choice sooner or later. I believe that's the reason we are in THEIR lives after all.

Hugs and love to you in Christ ---

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call


I don't post very often, but I do read the post and pray for everyone that request prayer.

Paul your post really touched my heart. My husband is the same way. I have gotten him to watch a few video's.

I wanted to ask you if you remember the post that you wrote a few months back titled "The Watchmen" Well, I printed it out and have that letter "poem" in my left behind packet. I actually put it on my refrigerator for awhile. For everyone to read.

I felt the Holy Spirit wanted me to tell you this. I have not thought of this letter in awhile and when I read your post it just came to mind. He wants you to know that you have reached people that you may not even know about. Isn't that wonderful!!!!

And Shirley, I could have written your post word for word. My Husband just don't get it, but I am praying that he will. The Lord is working in his life now.

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Hugs Paul.You are a treasure and I dont have anything to add.

YeshuasLady - yes we will pray for you.

I probablly mis spelled that. oops.

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Brother Paul,
They are right.The accuser will use whom ever.
So let your actions speek volums.
There is no place in either of my Bibles.
That say you have to go to church.
My husband and I never went.
And especially when he got so sick.We did not
But now with so much time on my hands.I go to
different churches.
I have fellowship every day with my Rita
family.And my neighbor and all my frinds are
And I tithe differently also.
So for what it's worth.The scripture at
work,is a great witness.
Praise the Lord

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

Todah,Mt,Mollie,Thank you i need major spirit warfare im being harrassed Yeshua will tell you why! i need My RITA to fight for me!!

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

My fellow RITArians, you're not alone re: our unsaved loved ones.

Since Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins' Left Behind series of books & movies are excellent teaching tools about both the Rapture and Tribulation Period...

I tried to persuade my DSIL into watching both of the first of the LB movies, and to begin reading the first three prelude to the LB books. She watched the first LB movie, but bulked about watching the 2nd movie.

She said that she didn't believe what she saw in the film, and told me to take my books home. Yet she believes that Dan Brown Da Vinci Code garbage.

I just don't get her non-Believing attitude. Also, I tried talking to my brother, but he too didn't walked away, accusing me of the very same thing, Paul/Aussie got accused of too.

So therefore--I know where you're coming from, Paul & my fellow RITArians.


Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

YL Yes Rita is fighting the good fight of faith for you.

annoint yor doors and windows with olive oil and prayer to keep those Astro prajcts out. You can annoint the 4 corners of your land too-
but we never did. ( Do I practice what I preach? ) WE did the house.

Dear Paul- you are so special.
I go to church- dont go to church go to church in
my walk with him.

Mostly dont go.

I built a Baptist church and helped a baptist preachers wife through abortion. That was in the day s I did not go to church.

If I wnet to church I would no thave been a vailbule for the masters use in that time. LOL.

Only God - aGod thing.

Church is a good- bad place.
It depends.
It can be dangerous-deadly ground.

Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

That is very cool Paul.

The sign on your computer.

I am an electrician.

Do I always know where are the power is coming from? No. I sometimes have to investigate.

We are are lights of various luminousity, brightness.

Where does that source come from, why do you believe in that source, why should I believe in it also, will it help me, will it continue, will it get smaller, will it get bigger,....is it true, is it false,

These things are questions that we and others think on when we see a light in someone, we don't and can't see where the source is from, but we are energized by something, I give out cards to this site, oh that I HAD THE FAITH TO HANG A SIGN AROUND MY NECK TO DIRECT PEOPLE TO CHRIST!

A sign on your computer, it is a very good start, just look at the beacon that Lynn started.

I am failed, but for Christ.

Maybe that should be my sign, I will take that one in prayer and Heaven,

What could I wear and say and do in this world to show Christ?

His word...show your source Paul, show your source.

Satan hates it when you advertise. I walked into a small community newspaper years ago, and behind the editors chair there was a big banner, it was like his 'marlin' hanging on the wall, it said "the definition of REAL news... something you DON'T want in the paper"


Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

You ALREADY ARE a light to the world!!

You have no idea how many people have read and lurked on this website and have felt the love of JESUS shining thru one of your thoughtful posts!!

The amount of people whom you have reached thru your loving posts may be into the many thousands!!!

JESUS will let you know how many hearts you have touched when he hands you your WELL EARNED CROWNS AND REWARDS at the Judgement Seat of CHRIST!!

HE will say "Well done my good and faithful servant"
to YOU!!


Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call


I think Barbara was sent to give you and us a wake up call. We cannot live double lives. I think we can all be guilty of that if we are not careful.

This type of examination, if taken properly, will draw you closer to Christ and make you more of a witness for Him. Make sure your online and real life reflect Christ and I will do the same.

If the Lord rebukes us, even if through people and we change, just like you did in response, it is a GOOD THING! You didn't walk away because you love Jesus and you want to be more of a witness for Him!

Way to go!


Re: Paul/Aussie's very big wake up call

My dear brothers and sisters,

I had a big wake up call yesterday, a wake up call in whom I am, who I stand for in my faith.

Last night it was impressing on my Spirit to show Barbara 2x video’s about the rapture and what it exactly means. These are very good videos done in a documentary type of way. Barbara has not given her heart to the Lord. I have shared with Barbara many times, but done this gently so to speak.

Then she came out with it. “This is strange how you live a double life”. I said what do you mean. She said “half the people that you know do not even know that you believe the things that you do, that you are a Christian. You don’t go to church etc etc, people just don’t know.”

At that point you could have driven a knife straight into my heart; it would have been less painful.

In his saving Love / Paul

My dear and precious brother Paul,

I hope you don't mind, but this is what I heard in my spirit as I read your post. (I read and enjoy all your post and replies. You write so very well expressing both the objective and subjective side of your understanding.)

While it is sadly true that many of us who are followers of Christ Jesus, have been slandered, stabbed in the back, lied about and verbally attacked by our former pastors, elders, deacons and other Church going members, it still doesn't excuse us from the commandment of Gods Word to not fail to assemble together with other believers.

It is not right to parse words as some would do by saying that since they have fellowship with others over the internet or telephone or whatever, it fulfills God's command. That is ludicrous.

The unsaved world connects going to church with being religious and they believe that if you are religious then God approves of you.

Even thought we know that Gods standard for being "born again" and accepting us into His family has nothing to do with being religious, our unsaved friends and acquaintances do not.

So, in the final analysis of this question, it seems apparent that what is at stake is our TESTIMONY to the unbelieving world. That is why the apostle Paul said that he would be all things to all people in order to win them to Christ.

It is not enough to testify of the hope that is within us only through our words and loving actions,(the unsaved world does that to each other) but, we must also add the things that the world understands, in order to have the respect they require to be convicted by our righteous words and deeds.

While it is our fallen human nature to shun and run from trials, tribulations and emotional pain, Gods Word informs us that we WILL experience those things if we are going to FOLLOW CHRIST JESUS.

Our only course then is to daily place ourselves onto the execution stake of our self-life and keep our eyes on HIM. Only then can we enter into the rest He calls us to-death to self.

Love you whole bunches


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