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Still here ~~~

Though still here, we remain in process
Lord, thank You for Your Peace given,
our assurance told, and wonderfully relentless.

oh, Like David with singing
our chorus keeps ringing
to Jesus, thankful for our assurance
the Spirit in us, our deliverance
kept from fear, we are overcomers
though, at times, here, we're still stumblers

oh God, You are our enabling
our peace through our God saving
and assuring the flock from fearing
. . especially these days of Christ's nearing
We're blessed by Your Word, Lord, so endearing!!

Re: Still here ~~~

Amen, Donna!

Beautiful, uplifiting, and timely.

Our Blessed Hope, holds us in the palm of His hand.

Re: Still here ~~~

Oh, AbideinHim . . He's got hold of us . .

and we'll continue looking up . .

Re: Still here ~~~

Thanks, Donna. Needed this today.

Re: Still here ~~~

Dear Donna, as usual a very lovely and encouraging post. I love the lamb with the little blinking eyes and the picture of Jesus giving a big hug is actually what I have as a screen saver. I love it because I want one of those when I get home. Don't we all. Love you sweet Donna!

Re: Still here ~~~

Kerry and T/Sue

Re: Still here ~~~

TN Dove
Thanks, Donna. Needed this today.

ah tnDove are you having a bad day I am sorry if you are and hoping that things will turn around for you and the rest of the week will be filled with Gods blessings...so much that you can not contain them...

I see now how we kind of got to you maybe....please forgive

Re: Still here ~~~

oops sorry for not aknowleging your post...adn I agree with sue...I always love the pics..I am a visual type of person and love looking at everything...

Re: Still here ~~~

That's very nice Donna. Glad I stopped by to read.

I love that picture of Jesus giving the hug.

Thank you for the inspiration. You are a blessing.

Email: sweetbyandbyx2@yahoo.com

Re: Still here ~~~

Thank you , Dear Sis , as we approach "the time" of His Stepping Out for His Own ...for this lovely encouragement to usward !!
Bless you tonite ...love you much in Jesus !..bonbell
" ears have not heard and eyes have not seen ..."

Re: Still here ~~~

J/Susan, Judith, and Bonnie . . we're shoutin' the joy of the Lord and His Word our Standing . . oh, blessed Jesus and His Glorious keeping . .

Re: Still here ~~~


May I just say that you are UNBELIEVABLY INCREDIBLE!!

I truly admire and respect your poetry, your prose, and you diligence in protecting this forum.

I love ya Sis!!


Re: Still here ~~~

awe, thanks so much, Humbly . .

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