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Prayers concerning this whole case about George Zimmerman and Travon Martin

Ok,this isn't to play sides. This is simply prayer for George's [and his wife] salvations. If he goes to jail his life is in danger yet if he is released he's still in danger. If someone is going to send him into eternity because of this whole mess,he atleast needs Jesus.

And please pray for Trayvon's family that they receive healing from Jesus since they did loose a relative and that He saves them as well.

And please pray that ether way no one riots and causes anyone else to get killed. I know there was people who said they would if he is released. And I'm playing it safe and asking for prayer just in case they want to come through with it. Remember prayer changes things. I know God can intervene so no one has to get hurt.

Re: Prayers concerning this whole case about George Zimmerman and Travon Martin

Thanks for posting this MRIC. Yes he needs our prayers for protection, and salvation if he doesn't know the Lord. We need to pray against this "unrest" by the Black Panthers if George Zimmerman is acquitted, its pure evil!

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New Black Panthers: “Unrest All Over America” if Zimmerman Acquitted.

The extremist New Black Panthers Party has predicted “unrest all over America” if George Zimmerman is acquitted, although the group denied that it was organizing riots in light of claims its leader had vowed to burn down white communities.

A quote being attributed to New Black Panthers leader Samir Shabazz by numerous Internet sites states, “This time we’re doing it right… This time we’re not burning down our communities. This time we’re going out to Whitey’s suburbs and burning down HIS community. We’re going to make Whitey feel the pain.”

There appears to be no primary evidence that Shabazz actually made that statement, although he has previously made vile threats about murdering white people.

According to the group’s Twitter feed, it will “engage in no unlawful activity” in response to the verdict, but the organization also states, “We can’t and WON’T try to control the general dissatisfied population. For sure we are ORGANIZING.” The group is also planning “rallies and street maneuvers” but refuses to provide details

In another tweet, the group comments that there is “a HIGH chance of rebellion across the nation if Zimmerman is acquitted on all charges,” in addition to another message which states, “If Zimmerman is acquitted there is likely to be unrest all over America, It will be way beyond the capacity of the NBPP.”

“For the record whatever God moves Black People to do after the verdict, it can never be called a riot – it’s a rebellion,” states another tweet.

Other rumors are circulating that the Panthers are transporting busloads of agitators into the town of Sanford in order to stir up trouble, although evidence for this doesn’t seem to extend beyond unsubstantiated claims being made on the Internet.

Members of the original Black Panther party have insisted the NBPP is illegitimate and has no connection with its predecessor. The NBPP, founded in 1989, is classified by the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights as a hate group. The organization is noted for its ability to draw large numbers of people out to protest.

In March last year, the NBPP offered a $10,000 bounty for the capture of George Zimmerman. When Mikhail Muhammad was asked if he was inciting violence he responded, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

Thousands of Trayvon Martin supporters have vowed to riot, loot and attack white people if Zimmerman is found not guilty, prompting authorities to prepare for civil unrest.

Although nobody wants to see violence in the aftermath of the Zimmerman verdict, labeling preparation for unrest by police racist, as Time Magazine did yesterday, is clearly naive and dangerous given what happened during the 1992 LA riots.

Re: Prayers concerning this whole case about George Zimmerman and Travon Martin

I agree with this prayer and will add from watching the trial it is evident our justice system has something tragicly wrong with it- it is no longer about truth (if it ever was) pray also for God's justice system to be implemented in this world.

Re: Prayers concerning this whole case about George Zimmerman and Travon Martin

Lord let this be a testimony to the nation of the condition of our national heart. We desire that it show a people based in Your unconditional love, a peaceful response to a sensitive event fraught with tragedy on all sides, and with poor choices having been made on all sides. Help us learn from this event to do better in the future and protect our nation from the adversary's desire to make it more tragic with even worse choices being made. Above all, glorify Your Name in this matter. By shining example or contrast of choices, open our nation's eyes and hearts to Your call for redemption. We ask that You continue to draw all people to have life, and to allow life to manifest itself in all areas of their existence.

Re: Prayers concerning this whole case about George Zimmerman and Travon Martin

Pray for his and his loved one's protection since he's found not guilty. May there not be any riots. And please pray his dad finds Jesus since he is a free mason. I know the masons are a difficult subject so that's why I didn't know if I was allowed to provide a link.

Re: Prayers concerning this whole case about George Zimmerman and Travon Martin

I would add a request to pray for the jurors. May their identies be covered up and not just for 6 mos. I fear for them and their families. I know of no one who would want to be on that jury. If necessary for them to speak out I pray their faces are obscured and their voices altered to hide their identities. They have to fear for their lives right now and are in as much danger as George Zimmerman himself. My heart goes out to them. They did their civil duty in this difficult trial. They didn't ask for this type of exposure. May the Lord Himself protect them!

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