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trusting Him!!!

i would like to share with you guys, as i am having hard time to put some topic on the subject so i am not sure what the words to put it on that. so not sure if it is making sense or something like that. so please bear with me thank you.

i am sure that i already shared with you about my job that might be closed down on july 27 due to the breakdown of communication and wanted to have a new team on this job position.

right now i am sitting sown on the floor it is dark in the house where i can think and praying same time.

as i dont know the future look like ahead of me however, i know God is holding my future and i have secure in Jesus Christ because i know He is in control and taking care of my future. it is really hard to explain what i am experincing right now and i am just trusting in Him with whole thing at work. it is very new experience for me that i never had experience before however i believe that God is teaching me something as i dont know more but all i do is to trust Him with this situation that i am experiencing. in the past, i always had lay off every year in winnipeg but here it is totally different that i had no lay offs for 3 years with that job. it is very new experience that i am facing right now.

one thing is that i am so glad that God is holding my future and know the plans for my life. all i have to Trust in Him no matter what. and I have been praying for confirmation about this and other thing that i had been praying. so i am just waiting on the Lord and trust in Him.

i dont know what to say or what else to share at the moment as i am sitting down and being quiet and thinking and pray same time.


Re: trusting Him!!!

wow!! no reply, i wondering why but that is ok. this morning, before i went to church and i cried and then went to church and so thankful for the church where i can worship and hear his words through intpreter.

i am just curious why my post is not replying because i am kind of complaining or whining or something like that. because what i say on this and it makes me wondering why what did i do wrong?? did i turn them off i just need your feed back ok thanks


Re: trusting Him!!!

Hi, FM12,
I am sorry to hear you're going through this time of great uncertainty. It's very hard not knowing what you're going to do when the work is not there. May the Lord give you peace and reveal which way you should go next.

Re: trusting Him!!!

Yeah that s true all I have to wait on july 18th so it is really hard for me as even I didn't tell my kids about it because it will create more chaos at home that s why I just leave that to God ' s hands and take care of it. So other thing my sons are angry with me for other things so. That s why I didn't want to tell my kids until it is confirmed on july 18th so I need the prayers that I have to go through this.



Re: trusting Him!!!

Oh, FM12, I will be holding you in prayer, beloved. I am praying also that the Lord calls us all up soon....like any day now. The job situation is horrible too. I don't understand why these economists keep saying the job market is on the rise.
P.S. If you don't get responses at first, hang in there. It just means people haven't been on here or have seen it yet.

Re: trusting Him!!!

Agreeing in prayer for you F.M.12. I trust God's word that He will supply all your needs Sis. He will never leave or forsake you and He is all we need. Keep trusting He will bring you through. Hugs.

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