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truth behind the catholic religion/ idolatry

this is NOT the only idolatry, but it is one of the enemy's strongholds. i think the more we, as the body christ, squeal on the strongholds/ lies
'born this way' (no choice in the matter)
'no such thing as sin'
no hell or devil
alcohol/ drugs will take the edge of your pain - u can finally belong.
all religions are equal ...christianity is equally useless
there was no designer, just a big bang
christians are all bigots
we should be tolerant of our muslims, as we all worship the same God/ Allah
israel is persecuting palestine

the list is endless, amazing how many lies the human race will swallow rather than the Word of God.

anyway " LET us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith " HEbrews 12.2

Re: truth behind the catholic religion/ idolatry

i just exo vaticana by tom horn and cris putnam. really eye opening.

Email: sld3n@mtmail.mtsu.edu

Re: truth behind the catholic religion/ idolatry

Imagine the lies the human race will accept after the Church leaves!

Re: truth behind the catholic religion/ idolatry

yes saw tom horn, very good cheese and bacon (yum).
Victory chanter, the only hope they will have is the lingering light we might leave behind through our walking in His love... (not just talking it)
we must not be embarrassed to speak of Jesus anymore.
remember the trials facing them, and that will give us courage to press on, despite the backlash... it's His battle, not ours. He will and does strengthen us. Father, help us who have been blessed by your light of Truth be braver and bolder for you. help us not to give in to cowardice under pressure and say, 'i never knew him' like even His best friend Peter did. let us not have that sin on our conscience as the **** crows...

Re: truth behind the catholic religion/ idolatry

As a woman, I ask boldly, "WHERE ARE YOU, MEN OF COURAGE?!?"

I'm tired of women carrying the banner of the Lord alone. Most folks I know who are loud and courageous for the Lord are women. Except, perhaps, a few choice famous pastors.


Email: rebeccagoings@gmail.com

Website: yahwehishisname.blogspot.com

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