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Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

Do you think the fact that it's the 9th of Av is important here?

I seriously have no idea on the issue of Ramadan-- is this a BIG deal that the muslim brotherhood suspended it?

Or is that like a common thing for them?

How historic is that?

Email: dana

Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

Sparkles, that is hilarious!!!

I'll take whatever the Lord has prepared for me, just want
to be there A.S.A.P! (means- Always - Saying - A - Prayer)

Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

Morningstar, maybe this could be your mansion in Heaven

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Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

LOL...I hope the Lord was kind enough to build homeless shelters :D (just kidding!)

And yes, Ramadan is super important to the Muslims. They believe that this month is the month that blessings are bestowed upon them, multiplied. It is a period of time in which they "spiritually renew" or "reconnect" with God, as in a "purification" type aspect. To have a jihad in Ramadan means that they believe they will be greatly blessed by "allah." From what I have seen they are not suspending the Ramadan, but are making allowances for those who wish to fight in the jihad. Their laws forbid eating, drinking, having sex, thinking evil thoughts, or doing evil things from sun up to sun down. It's funny how they think jihad is a "holy" act but then lump it into "evil thoughts and acts."

I could easily see the rapture occuring during the Ramadan, so we shall see. It'd be nice if God puts the Ezekial 38-39/Psalm 83 wars in Ramadan to show them who the real God is (and maybe this is exactly what He has planned). What better slap in the face is there than to have your entire side lose during one of the most "blessed" months in their phoney religion.

Email: ryadon@ymail.com

Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

Oh Annelis! I want that!
but this is more likely what will be waiting for me.


Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

Debka had a short report about how the Israeli police had closed the Temple mount to Jews because it looked like possible clashes due to Ramadan. And then this group in Egypt suspends. Go figure.

Oh I long for the Lord to free us from this madness and take us home to our one true God and Saviour Jesus Christ. We have to be close to rapture. Although, I'm not dogmatic, I do think Isaiah 17 and 19 are in progress. I also think Isaiah 19 will find fulfillment in the Millenial Kingdom.

Any way it goes, God's will be done.

Annelis, Loving that cottage picture! Oh that I might be worthy for such a cute home in heaven. Although, I'd take a park bench if necessary to be with the Lord!

Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

I think it's either the rapture comes first and then the two wars, or Psalm 83 then the rapture then the Ezekiel war.

Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

Thanks for this thread Morning Star. Egypt inches toward war and we my family are inching toward our heavenly home. I'll take that lovely cottage, looks like one of Kincaid's paintings. I love his work.

Joyful Heart About Tisha B'Av.

Fair Use for informational or educational purposes.

Today is Tisha B'Av, a day of national mourning and the saddest day on the Jewish calendar.

All around the world, the Jewish People are in deep sorrow over the destruction of the Holy Temple in which the Shekhinah (Divine Presence) dwelled here in Israel among His people.

"I will put my dwelling place among you, and I will not abhor you." (Leviticus 26:11)

Sitting on the floor on Tisha B'Av is a traditional sign of mourning.

The destruction of the First and Second Temples in 586 BC by the Babylonians and in AD 70 by the Romans, and the resulting brutal exiles, is deeply felt by the Jewish People.

For that reason, many Jews are fasting today, and in synagogues around the world this morning, the Torah portion is Deuteronomy 4:25–40, which prophesies Israel's future iniquity and exile.

The Haftarah (prophetic portion) this morning is Jeremiah 8:13–9:23, which accurately described the desolation of Zion.

During this afternoon's service, however, our thoughts turn from despair to hope with Exodus 32:11–14, a Torah portion in which Moses asks God to turn from His fierce anger.

The afternoon Haftarah is Isaiah 55:6–56:8, a prophecy that reveals that in the last days a Third Temple will be established and the nations will stream to Jerusalem in reverence for the Holy One of Israel.

Tisha B'Av, therefore, is not only about something that happened in the past; it is also about our future as His people.

"These I will bring to My holy mountain and give them joy in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7)

Tisha B'Av at the Western Wall: On Tisha B'Av in some Jewish communities,
tefillin (the black straps called phylacteries) are not worn during the morning
service, as is usual, but during the afternoon prayer service.

How should Believers, as fellow citizens in the commonwealth of Israel (Ephesians 2:12–13, 19), respond today to the grief of the Jewish People?

This is the time to show compassion, to weep with those who weep and to mourn with those who mourn.

It is also the time to faithfully stand in the gap for Israel.

Will you be an intercessor who shares in His grief and plead for mercy for His people, Israel? (Luke 13:34–35)

"Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on them, and to our God, for He will freely pardon." (Isaiah 55:6–7)

Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

Oh, annelis, I just LOVE those Thomas Kinkade houses and cottages. That's what I would love. I have one of his border patterns up in a bedroom.

Hey, I didn't know they ever cancelled Ramadan. Is that sort of like cancelling the prom...or a graduation?

Great posts, morningstar and Rita May.

Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

I have a feeling I'll be getting something about the size of an outhouse. I just hope there's some telephone books in there cuz I heard that's what they used to use...hopefully, it will all just dissipate.

Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

Rita May, Great explanation of Tish B'Av. It is a very
significant date in Jewish History and for their future.
Thanks Sis.

Shiloh, LOL!!! we can put this Door Knocker on your outhouse, just in
case. You don't want any walk-ins.

Re: Muslim Brotherhood suspends Ramadan, Egypt inches toward war

LOL! Yeah, well, all I'm asking for a special lock.

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