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Is this a good sign mom asked this?

I was laying down and couldn't get to sleep because this was on my mind. I remember mom mentioned late last night [I say last night because it's past midnight] something. She asked me why Muslims are having dreams about Jesus if they don't believe in him [I don't think she understands they believe in a "Jesus" but a false one]. I was telling her so they could find the real Jesus or something like that [not sure how I worded it] so they can accept Him and not go to Hell. She was wondering why if they're just going to get killed. I told her it's better to die with Christ than to die without Him and go to Hell. Please pray.

Does this sound like good news that she asked?

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?


Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

That is encouraging, and your response was spot on! Let's hope this curiosity continues.

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

yes, its a sign of hope...

never give up sweet heart,
a very small movie just for you (warning, bring tissues !!)

For His glory, tq xxx


the butterfly circus

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

Thank you all for the encouragement. I really do appreciate it.

And TQ,thank you for the movie. That was sad how he was treated.

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

My Rock Is Christ,

This is great news.. Prayers have opened up your mother's curiosity to ask questions about God. This is a good think and you definitely have planted good seeds in your dear mother and the Holy Spirit is working in her. Amen!!
We need to continue and press on and pray for your mother. Lets not stop praying for her because results will come. That is the power of prayer in action. Thank you Jesus!!!

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

Prayers for your Mom .
The POWER OF CHRIST is so great to bring in the lost .
It is His Most Fond Desire !!!

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

Thank you AW7 and bonbell.

Please keep praying for dad and mom's salvation. There is something good I've noticed about dad. He's watched Jack Van Impe with mom before.

I don't know when mom and I started watching Jack. I know it was before Jesus saved me. I don't know if it was a year or more [or less] or not. All that time has been worth it though because now dad has watched atleast a few episodes. And,within the past year, I've seen the Holy Spirit working in mom's life more than in any other time of my knowing Christ [which has been over 3 years].

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

You are a good daughter, MRiC !
: )

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

That was very nice of you to say,Patti Day. :hugs:

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

Dear My Rock is Christ,

Yes, I think it's a great sign that your mom is asking questions, and that your mom and dad are watching Jack Van Impe. And you gave a great answer to your mom. It proves that she is searching, and that's always good. Praying that the seeds you are sowing will bring in a harvest soon!

And Patti is right, you are a good daughter! So many of your posts center around asking for salvation for your mom, and the things she says and asks about Jesus.

I'm praying for salvation for both your mom and dad.

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

Thank you so much Lisa,for your prayers for my parents'salvations. :hugs: I appreciate more than words can say.

They're names are Mike and Nila.

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

Oh, good, thanks for telling us their names. It is always good to pray for someone using their name...it's more personal.

Hugs to you, too, sis!

Re: Is this a good sign mom asked this?

I agree,sister. :)

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