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Re: Jewish Temple to be built before year is out~?

A comment from the video that Jimmy DeYoung mentioned in the article:

" The Temple Institute 5 days ago

We have red heifers and do not need to wait for messiah. There is no connection. We do not need to wait for messiah to begin rebuilding the Holy Temple...true there may be obstacles but they are political obstacles, not religious obstacles. All we have to do is want to build it. The mourning should lead us to a desire to stop mourning and start building. That is the whole point of this video."

If the obstacles are political then a peace agreement could start the rebuilding of the Temple.

Below is the video mentioned in the article:

name="allowFullScreen" value="true">

That was wonderful Sam, thanks for embedding that. AND A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM!

Re: Jewish Temple to be built before year is out~?

Donna - what was the date that this article was written? - Is the year that the article is indicating the 2013-2014 timeframe.

Re: Jewish Temple to be built before year is out~?

Soon and very soon we will walk the streets of the New Jerusalem and be with the King of Kings in person. If you want to get ready for the trip, here is a song that will thrill your heart and cause you to sing out for Him to come soon.


Re: Jewish Temple to be built before year is out~?

Tom, here it is...Uplifting Song;

Re: Jewish Temple to be built before year is out~?

Donna this is the blue print for the third Jewish temple.

Re: Jewish Temple to be built before year is out~?

The news today said that the Jews were not allowed to go pray at the Temple site b/c of "fear" that the Muslims would cause violence/blood shed b/c it is their "holy" Ramadan right now. So the mourning Jews have no where to mourn...get ready folks, the Jews are not going to be pushed around much longer. This should spark some outrage and hopefully a social push from the Jews agaisnt their government to start acting!

Email: ryadon@ymail.com

Re: Jewish Temple to be built before year is out~?
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