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Re: My Testimony

Hi Captain Don, thanks for sharing- I feel like we are "spirit brothers" we are about the same age and were both born again at about the same age too! I enjoyed reading about how the Lord is working in your life :)

Re: My Testimony

Welcome Captain!! What a powerful testimony. Bless you for sharing this
with us. Your experience with Jesus confirms what many of us have
been feeling lately about the soon return of Jesus Christ. The
Lord is revealing to us the shortness of the hour. That we are
to pray for the lost and for Israel His Chosen. Our Lord God Almighty
is about to intervene in the affairs of man to bring about
the end of this Age and His Millennial Reign.

God Bless you Captain
and again WELCOME....

Re: My Testimony

I am not one to read long posts (ADHD) but could not stop what a true blessing your testimony is.

Thank you for sharing with us and giving me hope that with prayer my husband will also come to find the Lord, his story is very similar to yours.

Re: My Testimony

What a wonderful and awesome testimony! That is so interesting! I can really relate to what you said here:

"..He wasn’t there in any sort of physical form,
but I definitely felt His presence and instantly knew it was Him. I’ve had
a few other times in the past where I felt very close to God and that He
was doing a work in my life, but definitely nothing as powerful as this
time. I wasn’t dreaming, and this wasn’t a vision because I never actually
saw Jesus. With my eyes wide open (staring up at the ceiling), I literally
felt Jesus touch my heart and I sensed Him telling me that He had come to
heal me from all of the pain of my past..."

My hats off to what you do. That is not an easy job.

We all have struggles in our lives in one form or another, but don't you just love those precious moments when Jesus lets Himself be known and that HE has us in HIS Hand?

By the way,

to the group!

Re: My Testimony

Captain Don my dear brother,

Thank you for that awesome, transparent and honest testimony that truly came from your heart. I was so impressed with what God has done in your life and the miraculous changes he has made in transforming your mind more likened to God's image. What a moving testimony.. God is great and is already using your testimony to help others that have suffered just like you to come to Christ. I enjoyed reading your wonderful testimony that will touch and transform the hearts of many..

You are right, time is of the essence and the Rapture is imminent. God has done and is going to continue to do mightily things here on earth prior to his coming so that the people will wake up to the season that we are presently in. The clock is ticking fast and we will be in Heaven soon with our Father.. In the meantime, you are diligently occupying as a courageous faithful saint and doing the will of your Father.. You are an Inspiration my dear brother and I cannot wait to meet you and give you a great big hug in Heaven. Welcome to the Body of Christ and welcome to the RITAN family.

May God continue to bless you and your family and continue to use you as his vessel to honor the Kingdom of God.


Re: My Testimony

Thank you for sharing Donald! We serve an AWESOME Lord. There is no word really to describe Him and His greatness...Praise our God.

Loved this from your testimony:
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

He is coming soon! Looking forward to meeting you in the air. Maranatha!

Re: My Testimony

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate and thank you for posting your testimony here. It was good for my heart to read your words today! Bless you & Welcome!
Your Sister in Christ,
Patti Day

Re: My Testimony

Don, what an AWESOME testimony! That really blessed me. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. WOW. You are a living testimony of Phillipians 1:6

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ...."

AMEN! Jesus truly is the Good Shepherd. He will go after that lost sheep until He finds him. Jesus did not let go of you all those years you were trying to find an escape from your troubled soul. He knew the behavior was a symptom of the great pain that you were trying to mask and run away from, and He healed you and brought you back. PRAISE THE LORD!!

Re: My Testimony

Donald, thank you very much for posting that. God touches all of us in different ways. When we feel His love and warmth like that, it is so amazing. I am closer to our Lord now then in my entire life. I feel so blessed to be chosen by Him and to have my RITA family. Good luck to you and keep looking up, we are going home soon. I can't wait to read part 2.

Re: My Testimony

Perhaps Today, part 2 was right below part I. The Lord showed Don amazing parrelles in that one!

Re: My Testimony

Greetings everyone from me... Captain Don. Wow! I am completely overwhelmed at the response so far to my testimony. I said it before and I'll say it again, "I love the body of Christ". I wanted to respond to everyone's message individually, but decided that's probably not too realistic. So, I'll just respond to all of you wonderful members of my new RITAN family in this single response.

Remnant Navi: I consider it a joy and an honor to be counted as your "Spirit Brother". God bless you and thanks for taking the time to read my testimony.

Morningstar: Blessings to you as well. I absolutely believe that the return of Jesus is literally right around the corner. My 12 year old son came in our room in the middle of the night a few days ago and said he couldn't sleep because he was too excited about the rapture. I love it! Thank you for mentioning the importance of praying for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. It seems like I have been doing that a lot lately, as well as praying for America, and all of the nations in the middle east surrounding Israel. I ask that everyone reading this would remember to pray for our fellow Christians and the unsaved that have yet to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior living in the Arab countries surrounded Israel.

DaphsGram: I know all about that (ADHD). Thanks for hanging in there with my looooong testimony. I'll be praying for your husband. I'm living proof that there is hope.

Shiloh: Thanks for your response. I never thought that I would have a similar experience to Paul when he was on that road to Damascus and Jesus showed up (literally out of nowhere). Thankfully Jesus was quite a bit more loving and gentle with me than he was with Saul. When the Lord shows up like that it definitely changes you forever. Also, thank you for the nice welcome to the RITAN family.

AngelWings7: Thanks for the confirmation that what Jesus did in my life is not for me alone. I have to share with others about the reality of His love, and how completely and beautifully he can transform lives for the better. I'm with you 100%, we have to reach out to as many people as we can with the truth of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord; because before we know it... in a moment... in the twinkling of an eye... we will be in the clouds, transformed and enjoying the greatest family reunion of all time.

TakeMeHome: Maranatha indeed! There is truly no one like our Lord. I guess that's why every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. If I don't see you in the air, we'll touch base at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Patti Day: I'm glad you were touched by my testimony. I give God all of the glory... because without him none of us would have anything to testify about. Be blessed in Him always.

Lisaleenie: God is so good and so faithful! Thanks for the Philliapians 1:6 passage (I've always loved that verse). You hit the nail right on the head... Jesus shepherds his flock so amazingly. If you want to be in good hands, forget Allstate and look to the Good Shepherd. I'm so thankful that we are never, ever alone when we choose Jesus. He will be with us always and forever. Be blessed my sister and keep looking up.

Well, that's it for now... God bless us, each and every one.

Captain Don

Email: Captaindon95@yahoo.com

Re: My Testimony

I'm grateful the Lord allowed my words to speak to you Don. It's all His doing. The glory is His! The Holy Spirit illuminated this insight for you. Praise God!!

Re: My Testimony

so glad you came here and shared your testimony, dear brother in Christ ~~ what a wonderful witness of the power of Jesus to save! I love your tender heart on fire wanting to live for Jesus ~~ ~

our God's Light living through you, reveals a satisfaction only Jesus gives. As as He promised, He is the Living Water abiding, His Spirit faithful to protect and secure His own . . and Jesus shall lose none!

Many blessings, Don ~~ thank you for sharing with us~ isn't wonderful to know we're never alone when Jesus is our Lord and God ~~

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