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Parable of the Mustard seed by Jack Kelley

I never understood this, but this interpretation seems right to me.


The Parable Of The Mustard Seed

Q. I would like to know how you got the following interpretation of the parable of the mustard seed:

“The parable of the Mustard Seed tells of a small seed that grows into something it was never intended to be and is a prophecy of what can happen when the world and the church are mingled.”

A. The parable of the mustard seed (Matt. 13:31-32) is part of the Lord’s teaching on the Kingdom Parables (Matt. 13:1-52), having to do with phase one of the Kingdom, known as the Church. (Phase two is the Millennium.) Though a mustard seed should grow into a garden plant, this one grew into a tree so big that “the birds of the air” were comfortable nesting there.

From the interpretation of of the first parable in the series, we know that when Jesus spoke of the birds of the air, he was talking about Satan and his minions (Compare Matt. 13:4 and Matt. 13:19). It’s a prophecy of evil in the church that’s repeated in the parable of the yeast that follows it.

As He was leaving Earth Jesus told His disciples to go into all the world (Matt. 28:19), but in the 4th Century when the Roman Empire officially recognized Christianity the world came into the Church and it soon became a huge and powerful bureaucracy responsible for all kinds of evil in the world.

Some say that more blood has been shed in the name of the cross than for any other reason, and that’s especially true where it concerns Israel. The most important holy days in Christianity have their origins in pagan revelry of the sort that’s absolutely repulsive to God. Throughout history, elements of the church have oppressed and enslaved the populace and have probably driven more people away from a saving faith in the Lord than all our best efforts have ever brought in. The Lord’s prophecy of the mustard seed came true.

Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Parable of the Mustard seed by Jack Kelley

I read this one too, TX Thom,. It DOES make sense. Thanks for posting it here.

Re: Parable of the Mustard seed by Jack Kelley

I guess I always focused on having " faith -as -small -as- the -mustard- seed- to- see- our- faith -grow" aspect. I saw pretty birds in the imagination of my mind. Like doves, sparrows, etc. I missed seeing the hawks , ravens, eagles version. lol

This is a new twist to the parable but as Shiloh says it does make sense.

Re: Parable of the Mustard seed by Jack Kelley

Here's another one:

"So, the picture painted in the Parable of the Mustard Seed by Jesus is of the humble beginnings of the church experiencing an explosive rate of growth. It grows large and becomes a source of food, rest, and shelter, for both believers and false professing individuals that seek to consume or take advantage of its benefits while residing or mixing among what was produced by the seed (1 Corinthians 5:1;6:7;2 Corinthians 11:13;Galatians 1:7). In other words, Jesus predicts that, while the church will grow extremely large from just a small start, it will not remain pure. While this is not a condemnation of the "bigness" of modern Christianity, it does show us the greatest burden that comes with it. The Parable of the Mustard Seed is both a prediction and a warning. May we listen to its message."

Read more:http://www.gotquestions.org/parable-mustard-seed.html#ixzz2ZJ2OaSzf

-fair use for educational and information purposes-

Sorry, I don't know how to make the link clickable on here.

Re: Parable of the Mustard seed by Jack Kelley


Here ya go Shiloh

Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

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