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Re: The start of a police state?

NAACP Admits : Travon's Past 'Shaky'


A Year Of Drug Abuse Culminates In Predictable Violence

Much deception has covered up agendas of others that led to evidence never reported as to Trayvon's past. Facebook accounts. It wasn't only skittles Trayvon was buying that night. School delinquency reports. Suspensions. Jewelry found. Women's jewelry and wedding rings included. Timed sequence of events.

http://theconservative treehouse.com/2012/05/24/update-26-part-2-trayvon-martin-shooting-a-year-of-drug-use-culminates-in-predictable-violence/

Documents from the case. Corruption within the police department and school Trayvon attended. Cover ups. Possibility Trayvon was dealing drugs as well as using illegal drugs. Coroners report on the state of Trayvon's liver. Learn what LEAN is and how it's made. Trayvon was trained in fighting skills. Clickable links

Re: The start of a police state?

Immediately the President said we need to honor Trayvon's memory by using gun control measures. There is an agenda a foot where this desire is needed. These are politicians with political motives promoting this. Agendas of folks like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to get on the front pages of news again --showing their faces to promote their causes. It serves their desires to stir up racism to divide this country. Definitely end times agenda promotion.

Re: The start of a police state?

Okay, as of today, this became officially crazy end time fodder-now Zimmerman is "gay" who was out to rape Trayvon, which freaked Trayvon out and he confronted Zimmerman. Hence the fight and his death. So I guess he's not racist after all, but a gay rapist on the prowl? And this based on some rumor from a blog posted that the FBI found cached searches on black gay porn on Zimmerman's laptop hours before Trayvon's death. Oh, wait, now he's a racist again. Help!...I'm getting dizzy here!

Re: The start of a police state?

He's a gay rapist, white Hispanic, cop wanna be murderer......I forget the rest. Oh the complicated evil webs we spin when at first we practice to deceive; with false descriptions and the words of our mouths meant to attack and corrupt another's character.. Anyone ever falsely accused and lied about in the position of losing their job, their good name, their life and all they hold dear will identify with poor George and understand the evil involved and done to George.. The media and madness have crucified him. How does one ever bounce back from such evil done to them?

I have heard George Zimmerman speak with Hannity and found him to be intelligent, credible and a spiritual person who was struggling to understand himself the killing of Trayvon. It was clear to me he was shocked over it and was struggling to handle this as any of us would be should this have happened to us. (His brother has spoken out on his behalf and you will find him to fit this description as well. He will be on Hannity tonight for anyone who wants to hear him for themself.) At that point , it was clearly self defense and the result could just as easily have been George Zimmerman killed by Trayvon. It was a life changing moment for both men.

Had the result been the other way around, we wouldn't have the mess we have today. This mess is being caused by all those wanting to gain something from this tragedy or needing an excuse to go on a rampage. An excuse to act and speak irresponsibly pretending it's not about their own wreckless disregard for others but instead claim it's this case causing them to act out. Is no one responsible for themselves any longer? I missed that memo. It's no longer about Trayvon or George.

It's about those using a tragedy to benefit themselves in some way or some agenda they want to promote. When you see the documents and records you will understand the degree of deception at work. Good done by George covered up. Focus only on George in a one-sided attack on him in court proceedings. This teen couldn't possibly have been doing anything wrong. After all , he's a saint. Really?? Creating a biased, sick image of George that's false...just as mentioned above. The sweeping under the rug of Trayvon's records to create an image of an all American teen boy scout image falsely , a false image for Trayvon. The ignoring of the troubling signs surrounding Trayvon's lifestyle. Keeping the defense from being able to use this information in court. Neither person has been presented accurately. It's all been a hoax created in minds of others. No one is perfect. George has a few spots as we all do and Trayvon's markers were covered up; no imperfections ever allowed to be mentioned. Injustice has been done to George Zimmerman and still these persecutions are being perpetrated. Remember, this could be done to any of us if we were in George's shoes. His reputation has been trashed. Apparently America needed a scape goat to blame and George is the unfortunate fellow all animosity fell on.

I mentioned above document records. I've pulled it from The Conservative Treehouse report there for easier availability to see. This is the story of the research done on the Trayvon Martin case with appreciation for all the Breitbart's out there who research like this on a daily basis. This researcher recommends that The Conservative Treehouse deserves a Pullitzer for their work on this story. The opening report here has some colorful language instances in describing the other sides' stubborness in cooperation . Everything possible was done to keep them from getting this information. But the documents themselves are what I want you to be able to see. Depositions and perhaps some are from court transcripts but interviews and the paper trail are here for you to examine yourselves to find truth for yourself.

Documents from the Miami-Dade School Police Dept. (That's a statement and half. How many schools do you know that have their own police department?) The Obama Dept. of Education. The resistance of both to releasing this documentation. Finally getting truth through the Freedom Of Information Act.

Links to public records were finally retrieved to force sunlight on. Including Trayvon's hidden and falsified police reports. Accounts of the cops involved themselves.

The corruption of this case is truly frightening because this could be done to you and I as well. It's truly beyond understanding. If this is an example of the shape our country is in then we've gone way over the edge of sanity and the ideals we as Americans hold most dear. May God help us all. This is what George Zimmerman was and still is up against. No matter your opinions on him personally, no one deserves to have been treated like this. Please pray for George and his family also when you pray for the Martin family. It's like a script out of some horror movie. A never ending horror movie. The impact on this nation is horrifying. As Pastor JD says , this case is keeping us focused in the wrong direction and covering up prophecy unfolding at the same time. This is a satanic agenda. Evil is happening in both situations. I praise God all of us have our eyes wide open here and realize this. We must point the way to truth to others and make sure they are seeing prophecy as JD mentions.

The link to the documents:


excerpt from The Conservative Treehouse.

Re: The start of a police state?


Never let a good crisis go to waste--even if manufactured.

Check out the links at the bottom of the page:

* Trayvon Martin Protest Leaders Revealed.

*Churches Denouncing Zimmerman Exposed. Religious Council is long-time front groups for old Soviet KGB.

*Rush Limbaugh: Racism Worse Under Obama.

*Jimmy Carter , "Zimmerman Jury Right". (This from a well known leftist).


In another angle opening since the trial finished. A closer look at Angela Corey , Florida State attorney, the prosecution at the Zimmerman trial. Per WND, the National Review Profile on Corey's prosecutorial conduct "has been, well, troubling, at best".

Exclusive: Fired Employee is to file a lawsuit against Zimmerman prosecutors. A former employee , Ben Kruidos, former director of informational technology, was fired after the June 6th pretrial hearing. He had discovered potentially embarassing photos on Martin's cell phone. They were not turned over to the defense as required by evidence-sharing laws. Kruidos testified he found photos on Martin's phone that included a pile of jewelrey on a bed, underage nude females, marijuana plants and a hand holding a semiautomatic pistol.

His attorney who will be filing the suit, is a former employee himself. A prosecutor who was hired by Corey but resigned in December because he disagreed with Angela Corey's prosecutorial procedures.

Ben Kruidos, plans to file a whistleblower lawsuit against the prosecutors in the Zimmerman case. The judge did rule the photos as inadmissable.



This Zimmerman trial just seems to keep on ticking. Some now are encouraging George Zimmerman to sue Trayvon Martin's parents for dragging him through 18 mos. of untold emotional hell, pain, distress, anquish fatigue, nightmares, and financial ruin. After following the pro-Trayvon media types and other race baiters, if Trayvon is a minor than his parents may be liable for the pain and suffering of the last 18 mos and financial ruin of George over the last 18 mos and surely for the rest of his life. (They knew what we didn't about their son, after all.)

Personally, I believe our own government has contributed to victimizing George Zimmerman spending taxpayer money to organize protest rallies and marches stirring the pot to divide this country racially as they used George Zimmerman. What responsibility do they have and owe G.Z.? They've made him a hate target, for heaven's sake.

Tryvon's phone friend, Rachel, has been offered a scolarship to a black community college. Will anyone reach out to help George recover. He's so broke a friend paid for the suit he wore for the trial. He needs a job with all this legal debt hanging over his head. A whole lot of people have used George as a stepping stone for their own agenda promotion and ambitions. They victimized him. Used him. They owe him some help now. Where's justice for George?

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