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Re: To AngelWings, Donna, LisaLeenie and all who are going through Fiery Trials.

My Sister Angel, The Message version of Psalm 84 was beautiful & lovely.
I don't know why only the Lord knows, but for some reason
I feel He has been preparing me for this specific time were in now.
He has been moving my spirit like never before and has been placing
in my heart His word through scripture for His Saints. We both
seem to always bring confirmation to each other if the Lord
reveals a truth in us. Angel, I never know in which direction
He will lead me but I most certainly will let you know of a
Word of Knowledge He decides to impart to me concerning you.
He has always spoken to me through His word, especially Psalms
in the past in different situations, but this is entirely
different I can't explain it, but I know it has to do
with His Coming. So I hold fast to this scripture that He gave me
many years ago:
2 Peter 1:19-21
So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. 20 But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, 21 for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.

Love you Sis and thank you for
your kind words. He definitely feels your yearnings.
God Bless.

Re: To AngelWings, Donna, LisaLeenie and all who are going through Fiery Trials.

Dear my sister Morningstar,

Thank you for your wisdom and your kind words. I too have noticed a change in you with respect to where the Lord has been leading you. You have become more in tune with his spirit and calling for your life. Your words of knowledge for the children of God here on this forum has been so instrumental along with the posts and articles that the Lord has prompted you to post in the past. The bible verse scripture that you been leaning on is so powerful and beautiful. Wow!!! Yes, and like you, I have also noticed his promptings to you regarding his coming. God is sending strong and important messages to his faithful saints regarding his imminent return. I pray Morningstar, that the Lord will reveal more and more exciting things to you in the Word of God. You are a gift to us here on RITAN and I am blessed to have you as a dear sister in Christ. Looking forward to meeting you in Heaven soon..

Hugs & Love,

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