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Re: My Testimony

Captain Don my dear brother,

Thank you for that awesome, transparent and honest testimony that truly came from your heart. I was so impressed with what God has done in your life and the miraculous changes he has made in transforming your mind more likened to God's image. What a moving testimony.. God is great and is already using your testimony to help others that have suffered just like you to come to Christ. I enjoyed reading your wonderful testimony that will touch and transform the hearts of many..

You are right, time is of the essence and the Rapture is imminent. God has done and is going to continue to do mightily things here on earth prior to his coming so that the people will wake up to the season that we are presently in. The clock is ticking fast and we will be in Heaven soon with our Father.. In the meantime, you are diligently occupying as a courageous faithful saint and doing the will of your Father.. You are an Inspiration my dear brother and I cannot wait to meet you and give you a great big hug in Heaven. Welcome to the Body of Christ and welcome to the RITAN family.

May God continue to bless you and your family and continue to use you as his vessel to honor the Kingdom of God.


Re: My Testimony

Thank you for sharing Donald! We serve an AWESOME Lord. There is no word really to describe Him and His greatness...Praise our God.

Loved this from your testimony:
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

He is coming soon! Looking forward to meeting you in the air. Maranatha!

Re: My Testimony

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate and thank you for posting your testimony here. It was good for my heart to read your words today! Bless you & Welcome!
Your Sister in Christ,
Patti Day

Re: My Testimony

Don, what an AWESOME testimony! That really blessed me. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. WOW. You are a living testimony of Phillipians 1:6

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ...."

AMEN! Jesus truly is the Good Shepherd. He will go after that lost sheep until He finds him. Jesus did not let go of you all those years you were trying to find an escape from your troubled soul. He knew the behavior was a symptom of the great pain that you were trying to mask and run away from, and He healed you and brought you back. PRAISE THE LORD!!

Re: My Testimony

Donald, thank you very much for posting that. God touches all of us in different ways. When we feel His love and warmth like that, it is so amazing. I am closer to our Lord now then in my entire life. I feel so blessed to be chosen by Him and to have my RITA family. Good luck to you and keep looking up, we are going home soon. I can't wait to read part 2.

Re: My Testimony

Perhaps Today, part 2 was right below part I. The Lord showed Don amazing parrelles in that one!

Re: My Testimony

I'm grateful the Lord allowed my words to speak to you Don. It's all His doing. The glory is His! The Holy Spirit illuminated this insight for you. Praise God!!

Re: My Testimony

so glad you came here and shared your testimony, dear brother in Christ ~~ what a wonderful witness of the power of Jesus to save! I love your tender heart on fire wanting to live for Jesus ~~ ~

our God's Light living through you, reveals a satisfaction only Jesus gives. As as He promised, He is the Living Water abiding, His Spirit faithful to protect and secure His own . . and Jesus shall lose none!

Many blessings, Don ~~ thank you for sharing with us~ isn't wonderful to know we're never alone when Jesus is our Lord and God ~~

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