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Re: Arabs are backing Kerry, Says "old borders could be redrawn."

Haha, we should make our own "special" club Shiloh. And I've always sort of pictured Ezekiel 38-39 at the second seal, considering the fact that it is in fact the rider of war, also the fact that Ezekiel 38-39 requires the Israelites be dwelling in safety. So, if it is at the second seal, not only is Israel dwelling in (false) safety, but it also is at the beginning of the trib still allowing for the 7 years of weapon burning without getting all fluky with the Millennium, and we don't have an out of place war. Why go War, peace, war?

Re: Arabs are backing Kerry, Says "old borders could be redrawn."

Yes,Bygrace96. We'll have our own "special" banquet room in heaven...lol...sort of like the kiddie table.
See, now I have asked that question before. When does the Ezekiel battle occur? Is it before the Tribulation begins or is it the second seal? I couldn't seem to find any information on that.

Sparkles, I see what you're are saying. Many of the Bible scholars I've read on that subject say it IS an actual physical battle yet there are some who disagree. Well, if you're right, that's all the better. It means we're out of here sooner.

Re: Arabs are backing Kerry, Says "old borders could be redrawn."

Here's a Q&A from Jack Kelley's site:

How Do We Know Psalm 83 Is A Prophecy?

Q. How do we know that Psalm 83 (which, to me, sounds like a prayer, rather than a prophecy) is actually a prophecy of war? What makes that “prayer” a “prophecy” that we know as the Psalm 83 war?

A. You’re correct in saying Psalm 83 is a prayer, but that doesn’t make it a hypothetical one, such as when we pray for protection against whatever danger might arise. The prayer is too specific in naming the names of Israel’s enemies, even quoting their words.

Nothing that would have fulfilled Psalm 83 has ever happened, so there are two possibilities. Either the prayer was answered pre-emptively and God over ruled the enemy’s plan, or it was for a future time. Until recently we might have accepted the first possibility, but suddenly modern nations occupying the lands of the very enemies Psalm 83 spoke of are surrounding Israel and threatening to attack, using the same words as Psalm 83:4 says they’ll use.

Then you have the fact that these enemies, against all logic, will not be involved in a prophecy we know is about a future attack against Israel (Ezekiel 38). Why are they missing, unless they’ve already been defeated? These are strong circumstantial indicators that Psalm 83 is a prophecy that will soon be fulfilled.


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