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Age of Anger

Hatred, racism, anti-semitism, political upheavals, ethnic cleansing, etc. There just seems to be no end, but rather an increase in anger. The world hates Israel, Middle East in turmoil, brother against brother, holy wars, devalued human life, the list goes on. Failed lives, failed marriages, etc. Even our entertainment/music is angry, ie: rap music, demonically driven and imbued anger! But the greatest and most compelling displays of anger today, is the anger against God himself. The most rapidly growing "religion" of Islam, is where a mere prophet takes on God like attributes and importance. I once read, that there no historical document that makes the claim of Mohammad's ascencion until some 400 yrs after the fact! I find that curious. And yet there is a growing hatred and visible anger towards the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as like never before! Isn't too surprising that the last generation before the Lord's return, would be characterized by such vehement anger, no less towards the one and only Creator God! Am I imagining this, or what?

Love & blessings...Tender Reed

Re: Age of Anger

Hello my dear brother Tender Reed,

So good to hear from you and you are certainly not imagining things regarding the prevalent and pervasive anger that is spreading all around the world and in our Nation. It is not surprising this rise and shift towards anger. Evidently, these people do not have God as their Lord and Savior. They do not know what love is because they know only hate and evil and are constantly mocking and ridiculing God and his Word. They are only digging a bigger hole for themselves with this type of behavior.

Nothing is gained with hate but the Love of the Almighty God can conquer anything. It is evident that this fallen world needs Jesus.. The question is will they ask Jesus into their hearts?

If they choose not to worship and accept the gift of Salvation from our God they will be heading directly into the pit of destruction (Hell).

Tender Reed, all we can do is continue to pray for this evil and wicked world we are living in in these last days and I pray that the dear Lord come quickly for his faithful beloved bride.

I hope that you are doing better Tender Reed.. I am so happy to see you posting.
God bless you and your dear family..

Re: Age of Anger

**Please read my post at the end of the thread "THE CHOICE". Perhaps it should have gone here instead. Thank you.

Tender Reed, it is so good to see you posting.
Much Love,
Patti Day

Re: Age of Anger

Good to see you posting, Tender Reed! I pray that you are feeling better.

Great post! You made some valid points here.

Re: Age of Anger

"No, you are not alone in the least in noticing these things, TR. "..and men shall wax worse and worse...". I'm in agreement with you and those who posted above.
I am so tired of the hatred and disrespect, especially for our Lord. Remember He said, "If the world hates you, know that it hated Me first."

Re: Age of Anger

There you are TR - I was wondering how you were doing. Soooo...how ya doing?

Re: Age of Anger

Excellent Post TR:

If there's anger now, you can't imagine the anger that will be
unleashed during the tribulation. No wonder our Lord said
"There shall be tribulation as never before". Glad were not
going to be here to see it.

Re: Age of Anger

Your mention, TR, of the anger against God, so prevalent now reminds me of the anger displayed by Paul against the early Christians before He met Jesus...just as God mightily converted his intensity of anger to diligence for expanding the Kingdom of God, so today, God has that same power to transform this anger when the lost see the reality of a living Christ. We need to continue in our diligence in being the face of Jesus to those around us who are filled with hate against Him. The days are short for us to impact them for Jesus. God help us. May we not be immobilized by the size of the task. God is great and can use our measly efforts mightily.

Email: nancycressman60@gmail.com

Re: Age of Anger

Yes,the enemy knows his time is short...I am also really concerned about the Christian brothers and sisters dying right now.I have noticed an increase in the Christian persecution this month.Mostly at the hands of radical Muslims.Lord please come quickly!

Re: Age of Anger

Revelation speaks of the time when men shall shake their fists and curse God, being angered by being left behind to endure the wrath of God. This never made much sense to me, thinking that eyes would be opened, and men would more than ever seek the Lord. But again, I am bewildered by the open hostility and anger towards to the Lord and his person!

I'm am doing well, thanks for all your blessed concern. Missing each of you, and can't wait till we meet.

Love & blessings....Tender Reed

Re: Age of Anger

I never understood that either, TR. Yet it will happen and how can one knowingly shake their fist and curse at our Almighty God and Savior? I've always been bewildered by that too. To shake your fist and curse your Creator is beyond my comprehension. I guess I'll never understand that.

Re: Age of Anger

Tender Reed
The world hates Israel, Middle East in turmoil, brother against brother, holy wars, devalued human life. .

wow ~~ here we are, . . how true, T.R. . . exactly how Jesus said it would be at the end of days ~~ oh, Jesus, how we need You to intervene~! Father, we pray, may it be imminent for the catching away of Christ's church ~

~ Believing Your promised Word, Lord . . we sense your soon reigning as King on the earth ~~~ and then You shall destroy sin according to Your eternal Word, the epic hatred and anger~

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