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This may be a weird subject but I have been thinking about tattoos lately.
I have noticed that everywhere I go for years...now everyone has tattoos!If I ever over hear conversations from young people all I ever hear about is what kind of tattoo they will be getting etc.I know that God looks at the heart and not at the outward appearances but is there a spiritual significance to this?
Maybe it will make people more likely to accept the mark of the beast...I just dont know.I feel like Im the only one tattooless.

Re: Tattoos

I actually just graduated from highschool this past year, so I know a decent amount about the want from people to get Tattoo's, even a lot of Christian Teens I know. Now we all (hopefully) know about the Leviticus scripture which says "'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD." - Leviticus 19:28... But other that the Bible is pretty much silent on it, even though sometimes people stretch the your "Body is a temple" thing. Now I don't recommend Christians go out and get Tattoo's simply because we shouldn't try and blend in so much, but Biblically speaking, we would also have to follow everything else it says in the previous and following verses of Leviticus. Such as eating no meat, not eating vegetables of certain types, not shaving etc... So essentially it's not a sin, unless you actually become convicted of it, for instance if it was of something grotesque. BUT! Even Jesus has a tattoo to be completely honest here...

"On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords." - Revelation 19:16

The only spiritual significance I think, is what you make of it, but definitely getting people ready for the mark I'd say. And don't worry, I am spotless (Physically speaking)

Re: Tattoos

LOL! No you're not, RosesinSept. I'm tattooless too and I don't regret it. Where I was working at an agency, we had a tattoo parlor (very fancy and new) right next door to our facility. It was like a little strip mall and let me tell you, the girls were worse than alot of the guys. I always thought "If you want to attract attention, you're certainly getting it." I just don't like body markings and these people not only had just one or two on their bodies but were completely covered in tattoos and had facial piercings, tongue piercings, etc.....and I thought I was taking a real leap when I had my ears double pierced. But I only wear things like pearls or diamonds.
Another thing I can't understand is where I see mothers who've had their infant baby girls' ears pierced and they are barely 1 month old.
It's true, we look past that. God looks at the heart. The only point I'm trying to make is that I've known people who've gotten professional jobs that have to wear long sleaved shirts as to not make a bad impression on customers and they have to do that every day.
LOL. I agree with Bygrace96, I'm spotless "physically" speaking.

Re: Tattoos

I agree with all of you...I know it's also been a fad and some
just like to go with what everyone else is doing. I'm glad
it wasn't a fad in my time (I wouldn't do it then either).
Maybe I will get one and have it say "WATCH OUT UNBELIEVERS--

Re: Tattoos

Hahahahahaha, Morningstar...and just your tattoo would be laying on the pavement...lololol

Re: Tattoos

I'm a tattoo artist.

I think The Lord still love me just fine. I really don't believe it has anything to do with the mark of the beast.

I think in the future you will have to believe (take the mark in your forehead) or at least swear you believe (take the mark in your hand) in a specific religion to be able to live and work in society. OR it will be the verichip and one world bank and the end of money. In either case...you have to cooperate in order to live, such as buy and sell.

Love Dusty

Email: dustydonnay@yahoo.com

Re: Tattoos

Shiloh, LOL!! Only thing I didn't mention is where I was going to
have the tattoo...give you a hint, that part of me would be left

Re: Tattoos

I guess I was just amazed the other day...I saw a girl my daughters age around 9 or 10 with a tattoo around her neck.I thought that was odd.

Re: Tattoos

I thought about getting a dive flag on my b_tt cheek. Then, when I'm 80 and go to the beach with my kids to embarrass them, I will wear a thong and when the wind blows my flag will wave

Re: Tattoos

"On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords." - Revelation 19:16

Bygrace96, I kinda remember hearing Michael Rood say that the tzitzit that was attatched to Jesus's prayer shawl had a specific number of knots in it that meant certain things like the name of God.. So as Jesus was wearing it, it was on his robe and on his thigh. I couldn't find the actual video of it but that is what I remember. Now I don't watch him anymore because he doesn't believe in the rapture. But he knows the Jewish customs.

An excerpt from wikipedia:
The two sets of strands are knotted together twice, and then the shamash (a longer strand) is wound around the remaining seven strands a number of times (see below). The two sets are then knotted again twice. This procedure is repeated three times, such that there are a total of five knots, the four intervening spaces being taken up by windings numbering 7-8-11-13, respectively. The total number of winds comes to 39, which is the same number of winds if one were to tie according to the Talmud's instruction of 13 hulyot of 3 winds each. Furthermore, the number 39 is found to be significant in that it is the gematria (numerical equivalent) of the words: "The Lord is One" Deuteronomy 6:4). Others, especially Sephardi Jews, use 10-5-6-5 as the number of windings, a combination that represents directly the spelling of the Tetragrammaton (one of God's names).


Email: thessalonians6@bell.net

Re: Tattoos

I could definitely see that as possible Sam, but sometimes I just like to take the word for what it says. I think he literally has on his robe "King of Kings, and Lord of Lords", much like a Jersey, and on his thigh literally in Divine writing "King of Kings, and Lord of Lords". Certainly it could be a shawl, but I feel like it would have said that. Much like I believe that in Revelation 7 the 144,000 are actually sealed with a literal seal on their forehead(also spiritual), and that the Mark of the Beast is a literal mark on the beast's followers (and spiritual). But hey, let's find out together! Let's go right now!

Re: Tattoos

It's going to be a real eye opener the things we will see when we get there. I'm ready to go too.

Email: thessalonians6@bell.net

Re: Tattoos

I agree that the marking of King of Kings and Lord of Lords is a mark on His body. The text indicates that it is ALSO on his clothing. As with everything...there are many who insist they are right on both sides. But NEITHER shall know the fact till it is revealed.
And some would say He never would as the OT says not to mark ourselves for the dead... and who is to tell Him his mark, if He has one as the scriptures say, is "for the dead". Many people also use the same verse in the OT to condemn the application of tattoo's as a sin. Whether its a "RIP" tattoo...which IS for the dead...or a "I LOVE JESUS" tattoo...which I would certainly consider for the Living! And for those who would use that....single and only verse in reference to a "marking" or "cutting" in a negative respect...it's an interesting fact that the very next verse is not to cut the corners of our beards. So shaving or trimming your beard is certainly equal sin to tattooing...IF that is tattooing that is NOT FOR THE DEAD...is a sin. If He has a tattoo on His thigh...I would love to do it. But I'm sure there will be tattoo artist at the wedding supper who are much more worthy than me for the task...if such is even the case. But I think there are hair stylist who dream of cutting His hair...ect. We shall see... Love D

Email: dustydonnay@yahoo.com

Re: Tattoos

I've read that the prohibition was of a pagan ritual where some portion of the deceased was clung to / adhered to by cutting their name into your body which was apparently the main reason for the prohibition.

My main concern is that it is a permanent changing of your God given skin. If you're going to make a change, make it a good one. Bad art that lasts a lifetime because of being intoxicated is a foolish thing, and is perhaps the most commonly obtained tat. I've seen pix of Dusty's work, on the other hand (sometimes literally), and he does very nice work. And I've seen some that horrified me, which was apparently the intent. I'd describe it to you, but then I'd have to cut my fingers off for typing what I saw.

I did see a tattooed evangelist that described this generation as wanting to be marked for something. He advised being marked for Jesus.

Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Tattoos

LOL, Morningstar and TXThom. I know many people who have tattoos who are Godly people. Many regret them though and have had surgery to have them removed (which is a process and expensive). I would be too chicken to get a tattoo. Besides that, my skin is too white. And then, if I got one....what would that look like if we were still around when I'm...say 90?! It doesn't bother me on guys like it does when I see women that way. This is permanent unless you want to keep going through surgery to have them removed. I don't know what the mark will be but I have a feeling it'll be some kind of scannable chip....or could be some kind of tattoo that has that same capability of being scanned.

Re: Tattoos

My own back

My own calf

I have many more....Chi Rho, Jesus Fish, Yeshua in Hebrew, "Bride of Christ", Moses with The Ten Commandments. My back is my favorite.

Love D

Email: dustydonnay@yahoo.com

Re: Tattoos

I also believe the mark of the beast will be a scan of your hand or forehead(or eye)with a machine.Dont really believe it will be a tattoo either.Just curious why they are so popular these days.

Re: Tattoos

I think it's people making a statement. I have a nephew whose entire back is covered.... and the wife of my other nephews back is covered too. She has large dolphins on her back. These aren't little ankle bracelets with roses. I'd be too chicken to even do that ankle bracelet thing...and do I want it there permanently? These are big, whole back coverings and I think it makes women look like guys. Sorry.

Dusty D., I wish I knew how to make those links clickable. I don't know how to do that on this site. Like I said, for some reason (and I don't know what it is) it doesn't bother me with guys, only when I see women with them...especially when they're all over.

Re: Tattoos

i have been struggling about those tattoos for long long time now. as my husband has been wanting to have tattoos on his body for a while however there was no money to do tattoos on him. one time my both daughters went to youth church in spring time i think or fall time i cant remember but they were debating about tattoos, and they told me about Jesus have tattoo on his thigh, i said no way, it cant be until i read this forum and saw the verse so i read it in my bible and i was kind of surprised to read this and i have been pondering about this verse. i have been wondering about this since last night. for me i felt that i should not have any tattoos on my body as i am His Temple and didnt want to graffati on the body and wanted to honor Him in this way. Because He made me very unique way and he designed me in my mom womb and he made me very special. same for everyone else. why should we put something on our body??? we should not destroy our body for His Glory. i know people like to put tattoo on their body. i respect their wishes. i cant stop them. it is their decision. Remember it is between the person and God. as God see in the person's heart, not outside appearance. so for me i rather to honor and glory Him with my body as He created me for his glory.as i am way too old fashion mom.

love in Christ
hugs in Christ

Re: Tattoos

I've considered a tattoo to cover a particularly ugly and discolored (and large) scar on my right calf. Figure if people are going to stare at it anyway, might as well be a witness for Jesus! :P But I'd have to get a design made, as like TXThom says, you want it to be GOOD, not just there for the sake of having a tattoo. I'd want something classy and tasteful, that I'd look at in 50 years and still love. But, alas, it takes LOTS of money. At least a Grand for a consultation, a large custom design, and lovely colors. I'm just not that inclined to spend that much for ink.

But not only Christ has a Heavenly tattoo, we do too:

"And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads." ~~Revelation 22:4

God will put His holy name ON us.


Email: rebeccagoings@gmail.com

Website: yahwehishisname.blogspot.com

Re: Tattoos

Our names are engraved on His palms as well (Isaiah 49:16). Our God has been marked for us. I don't have a problem with people being marked for Him. But how many tattoo's bring Him glory?

Here are two (Dusty's) in clickable format:

The Ephesians 6 calf:

Yeshua's got your back: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/579689_397943056914612_1896414798_n.jpg

Or in image form:
The Ephesians 6 calf:

Yeshua's got your back:

Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Tattoos

WOW! That is awesome artwork! It takes a true artist to be able to do something like that. I'm such a chicken when it comes to pain.

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