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Re: The start of a police state?


Never let a good crisis go to waste--even if manufactured.

Check out the links at the bottom of the page:

* Trayvon Martin Protest Leaders Revealed.

*Churches Denouncing Zimmerman Exposed. Religious Council is long-time front groups for old Soviet KGB.

*Rush Limbaugh: Racism Worse Under Obama.

*Jimmy Carter , "Zimmerman Jury Right". (This from a well known leftist).


In another angle opening since the trial finished. A closer look at Angela Corey , Florida State attorney, the prosecution at the Zimmerman trial. Per WND, the National Review Profile on Corey's prosecutorial conduct "has been, well, troubling, at best".

Exclusive: Fired Employee is to file a lawsuit against Zimmerman prosecutors. A former employee , Ben Kruidos, former director of informational technology, was fired after the June 6th pretrial hearing. He had discovered potentially embarassing photos on Martin's cell phone. They were not turned over to the defense as required by evidence-sharing laws. Kruidos testified he found photos on Martin's phone that included a pile of jewelrey on a bed, underage nude females, marijuana plants and a hand holding a semiautomatic pistol.

His attorney who will be filing the suit, is a former employee himself. A prosecutor who was hired by Corey but resigned in December because he disagreed with Angela Corey's prosecutorial procedures.

Ben Kruidos, plans to file a whistleblower lawsuit against the prosecutors in the Zimmerman case. The judge did rule the photos as inadmissable.



This Zimmerman trial just seems to keep on ticking. Some now are encouraging George Zimmerman to sue Trayvon Martin's parents for dragging him through 18 mos. of untold emotional hell, pain, distress, anquish fatigue, nightmares, and financial ruin. After following the pro-Trayvon media types and other race baiters, if Trayvon is a minor than his parents may be liable for the pain and suffering of the last 18 mos and financial ruin of George over the last 18 mos and surely for the rest of his life. (They knew what we didn't about their son, after all.)

Personally, I believe our own government has contributed to victimizing George Zimmerman spending taxpayer money to organize protest rallies and marches stirring the pot to divide this country racially as they used George Zimmerman. What responsibility do they have and owe G.Z.? They've made him a hate target, for heaven's sake.

Tryvon's phone friend, Rachel, has been offered a scolarship to a black community college. Will anyone reach out to help George recover. He's so broke a friend paid for the suit he wore for the trial. He needs a job with all this legal debt hanging over his head. A whole lot of people have used George as a stepping stone for their own agenda promotion and ambitions. They victimized him. Used him. They owe him some help now. Where's justice for George?

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