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A poem I wrote today

This is me waxing poetic. lol

We see through the glass darkly,
and we do not see it all.
We see not our own reflection
nor shadows of our former selves
but small glimpses of glory
to be revealed in time -
small glimpses rooted in truth,
enough truth to keep us going -
truth to stake your life upon.

Re: A poem I wrote today

Nice, thanks for sharing.

Re: A poem I wrote today

You have a special gift Sammy. Thanks for sharing with is. We are privileged to get to see it!

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In The Air

Re: A poem I wrote today

lol Thank you both.

Re: A poem I wrote today

Thank you Sammy. Nicely done

Email: jonathan@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: A poem I wrote today

Thank you Sammy. Nicely done

Thanks, bro Jonathan.

Re: A poem I wrote today


Beautifully done poem.. Kudos to you my dear brother..
God bless....

Re: A poem I wrote today

That was really good, Sammy - thank you for sharing it with us!

Re: A poem I wrote today

thank you, Sammy ~~ for sharing the Spirit's desire to draw us from introspection, ~~ we have Jesus!! The Spirit shows us He is the power to save, ~~ oh, Father thank You for Your Son! all by God's grace

~ glad you shared your heart with us~

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