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all religion is of satan

even the smallest , seemingly insignificant form of idolatry .
It is of the world , worldly RELIGION .
We look at certain denominations and we think religious idols , but would we be surprised if The Lord revealed to us that not all idolatry occurs in the walls of worship centers .
Some of it occurs on football fields . Surely sports is worshipped here in America as in Ancient Greece , or more so .
The hoopla that is perpetuated on behalf of Sports is ungodly.
Is being on the finance committee of a church your greatest desire as it is good for your social life ? That is idolatry ...hard to see , but idolatry nonetheless .
Anything that REARS IT's UGLY HEAD and tries to take the importance of GOD away is idolatry .
MONEY , the STOCKMARKET ,JEWELRY , very expensive cars , lavish lifestyles , partying , even vacationing , ART , SCULPTURE , are all worldly things , habits that rear their heads up to be worshipped .
The Lord tells us in His Word that we must be separate from this world or we will be at emnity with Him .
IDOLATRY is everywhere ....whatever we place in importance above The Lord , time with Him ,His Word, is IDOLATRY or we fool ourselves .
We look at the obvious and we see idolatry , but look at those things in this world that are NOT OBVIOUS . Satan had rather you look at the UN-obvious , it beguiles you more surely that all the idols standing in churches .
THINK you have no idols ???
How many days have you gone without the convenience and luxury of AIR CONDITIONING ??? If we suddenly did not have AC any longer , soon we would see it as an IDOL !!!
anything you can not live without in this world past GOD ALMIGHTY can become an idol real fast !
(( preaching esp. to myself today ....))
Love to you Saints Who Wait !

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: all religion is of satan

Bonbell..in agreement with you! Time is so close and this is a subject I've been thinking so much about lately. I've been watching all the free Youtube videos of the Bible and the Kings and Prophets. Jeremiah, Ezekiel,all that I could find. Thanks for the post.

One thing that sticks out is idol worship and how God dealt with Israel for this.
Then I asked the Holy Spirit to help me root out my own idols. It's shocking to find how many! Yes even FOOD can be an idol.

After the humble Ezekiel did the work of the Lord and told Ahab there would not be dew or rain, the Lord said go and hide by the brook Cherith..

1 Kings 17:4 "And it shall be, that you shall drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there."

When the brook dried up he sent Ezekiel to the widow Zarephath to survive the drought.

What FAITH and trust in the Lord!

Re: all religion is of satan

Everyone seems not to notice that the biggest Idol and Religious system ever created by man is 'government'.. It is a 'bodily creation' [what incorporate means] of mankind acting in the place of God, and claims universal authority by force, even despite Constitutional restraint... Furthermore, governments have killed over 200 million of their own people in the last 100 years, and 320 million total.

I always love pointing this out to socialists who like to slam Christianity by referring to it as a religion, and saying how its killed millions, etc..not understanding its truth at the core, nor understanding that government is the biggest and most dangerous religious institution of all time, which socialists worship blindly.

Re: all religion is of satan

Good thread. I can't add anything. All I can say is I'm in full agreement with you all!

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