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It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

Kirk Cameron is experiencing a new sort of growing pains over his anti-gay remarks.

Former "Growing Pains" star Cameron went on the defensive on Tuesday,

responding to the many people who criticized his comments about homosexuality and gay marriage during an interview on Friday's "Piers Morgan Tonight."

In a statement provided to ABC News, the 41-year-old Cameron -- a Christian evangelist who's starred in a number of religious-themed films since his '80s heyday as a child actor -- lamented that he's been accused of "hate speech" and accused his detractors of trying to suppress his opinion.

“I should be able to express moral views on social issues,” Cameron said, “especially those that have been the underpinning of Western civilization for 2,000 years — without being slandered, accused of hate speech, and told from those who preach ‘tolerance’ that I need to either bend my beliefs to their moral standards or be silent when I’m in the public square.”

In the statement, Cameron also denied that he has hatred for the gay community, saying "I can assuredly say that it's my life's mission to love all people" and adding, "I spoke as honestly as I could" during the Morgan interview.

The actor went on to offer a variation on the "some of my best friends are gay" gambit, adding, "I’ve been encouraged by the support of many friends (including gay friends, incidentally).”

During his interview on the CNN show, Cameron -- while promoting his new film "Monumental" -- opined that homosexuality is "unnatural" and "detrimental and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization."

"I think that it's detrimental and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization," the actor told Morgan.

As for gay unions, Cameron added, "I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don't think anyone else should either."

Cameron's comments drew an almost immediate response from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, whose senior director of programs, Herndon Graddick, wrote, "In this interview, Kirk Cameron sounds even more dated than his 1980s TV character. Cameron is out of step with a growing majority of Americans, particularly people of faith who believe that their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be loved and accepted based on their character and not condemned because of their sexual orientation.”

The actor's statements also drew the wrath of his former "Growing Pains" colleagues. Cameron's former TV dad, Alan Thicke, tweeted on Monday, "I'm getting him some new books. The Old Testament simply can't be expected to explain everything."

Thicke later added, "I love Kirk but I may have to spank him...'tho not in a gay way!"

Cameron's former onscreen sibling, Tracey Gold, also offered her take on Cameron's utterances, noting, "I am a strong supporter of the #LGBT Community, and I believe in equal rights for all. #NOH8 #LOVE." Gold also posted a picture of herself participating in the anti-discrimination "No H8" campaign.

Fair use for discussion purposes~

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

It's okay for this spokesman to attack Kirk but not okay for Kirk to speak of Godly values, you'll note. Who was showing hatred with hate speech, slandering, falsely accusing, and misleading about many Christian's views? It wasn't Kirk but this spokesman and program director towards Kirk. I'm so tired of bullies singling out people expressing their personal views as to how they see things and the impact on our society. They want to drown out the sane voice and attempt to out- do the moral man honoring God. That's one of the problems in this whole scenario. No respect of their fellow man but instead force their beliefs on to others demanding we accept what God says "no" to. They believe they're right and if we 'deviants'-in-their-eyes don't accept life their way , then they are ready to do battle and take down anyone who expresses an opposite thought in their head. If we don't like it , they'll just squash us like bugs annoying them. Big me; little you-i-tis! That isn't helping their cause but hurting it! If they were only bright enough to see that. They should have the good sense to say nothing instead. It wouldn't even make the news if they didn't make an issue of it. Such outspoken antagonists hurt themselves in the end.

This lifestyle is full of loud mouths shooting off nonsense irresponsibly and if they only realized it ,hurt their own cause. There's no shame, no conscience, no reasoning or rationality used. Just bulldozer types ready to do just that!

What did Kirk say or do to create this firestorm? He sounded rational and reasonable for one. He used logic. Sounded intelligent. He pointed out the dangers for another ,to our society. He expressed moral concern for a social issue, honestly dealing with it. He said nothing wrong. He told the truth. A truth deviants can't handle hearing. It sends them into a rage. Homosexuality is unnatural, detrimental and destructive to the foundations of society/civilization. Truth stated.

God defined marriage in the Garden of Eden. What He established was the basis of the foundation for civilization and society. It is patterned on what's in Heaven. Just as stated in the Lord's Prayer when we pray "God's will is done on earth as it is in Heaven." God formed Eve out of Adam's rib from just under his arm and near his heart. He created a helpmate that was female and established the basis of the family then and there. How dare the clay question the potter and demand God change what He established! The arrogance of man to demand to change the definition of marriage. Surely we have arrived to the description of our time "as in the days of Noah". Those loud mouths then went on until the rain came falling on their heads and the ark doors were shut. Fools never learn but instead shout demands, point fingers and persecute because they can't prove their way is truth. They just make bigger fools of themselves.

This is only the beginning as we have noted. Now other sexual deviants want equal rights. Kirk is so right in what he stated. Thank God Kirk stood up and stood strong declaring truth. May God protect him and bless him proving what he said is truth. We need to pray for the deceived in such darkness because only the light of God and His love can reach them. God sent a man to add reason to their beliefs and they turn around and mock him. Just as foolish arrogant man has always done throughout history. How dare they act like their opinions are more worthy then Kirk's.

Kirk never spoke out towards any one person singling them out like is being done to him. This is persecution in action. He stated he loved gay people just as God does. It's the sin that is hated by God. Love the sinner, hate the sin. What Kirk was expressing intelligently and reasonably.

Truth needs to be told and presented if this sin is ever to be overcome. There is nothing wrong in stating truth . It's love to point out what sin is and does to our civilization. But oh how the darkness wants to cover it up and keep the light of God off of this subject. Sadly this brings judgement on the whole nation when society accepts it. They put us in peril and we have every right to object . How dare they attempt to silence us , who will be impacted also, as we live in this evil society as well. It's the innocent who will be harmed and we need to speak out to protect them. May God give us the courage to speak out like kirk has if the opportunity ever comes our way.

Go Kirk...with the Lord's blessing and ours! Your future is a Heavenly blessed one at the Lord's side!

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In The Air

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

I think we should pray for brother Kirk that God protects him and to stay steadfast. He is standing so strong for the Lord.

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

God Bless Kirk Cameron the Warrior Saint! They just don't get it do they.
It's not about equal rights, hate speech, homophobic nor prejudice.
It's about sin, and deep in their hearts they know this and suppress
the truth because they're unwilling to be accountable. They would
rather satisfy the flesh than turn to a God who loves them.
We love the person, but hate the sin.

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

Remembering "Christ's only crime" was telling the Truth ~~ and the world crucified Him~

Thanking God NOTHING happens to the Christian without Jesus by our side when we go upstream against the world's tide of evil ~~

I still wonder why the God haters don't think much about the Eternal God and the consequences of choices made . . the wages of disdain toward God? death, not to mention the 2nd death that will happen @ the Great White Throne Judgment where Goodness, Light, Holiness from the Judge shall make it happen!

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

Well, Kirk has plenty of supporters here who get it and will back him in prayer and support. I hope he has the chance to see this here. He needs to know there are many supporting him and backing him, standing strong with him for the Lord.

Kirk shined the light of love on this darkness but they are so far gone in these sins that they don't recognize truth when it is in front of their faces. If nothing else, seeds were planted and we must pray the Holy Spirit waters them greatly. A momentary ***** in the darkness to let light in is better then no light at all breaking through.

These poor souls appear to have no knowledge of God at all. Demonic spirits apparently have them completely blinded to His truth. If the soul doesn't allow god in then apparently man's arrogance fills him full of himself. I don't understand it all , Donna, but it seems to be what we;re seeing here. They don't care to know God or think about God because that would mean they need to change their ways.

I imagine since children they've never known anything about a loving God who loves them wants the best for them. They could be coming through generations of sin and darkness never having heard of God. Satan has had them totally to himself from birth. Or perhaps they heard but tuned it out not believing. In any case our hearts break for those entrapped in darkness and wish there was a way to break through. Only our prayers can do that. Love in action.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In The Air

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

My thoughts and prayers go up to the Lord for Kirk. I pray the Lord continue to grace him with strength and courage to speak the truth. I also pray he will be protected from heavy persecution. As VC pointed out it is already happening.

Thanks for posting this article Donna, it was very encouraging to see someone speaking out in such a non-judgmental, compassionate way, free from violent behavior, with so much love for God in their heart.

Love the sinner, hate the sin! I support Kirk 100 percent. ♥

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

did ya catch this one, too ~~

. . "Kirk Cameron, devout Christian, now knows what it feels like to be persecuted. Cameron claims Facebook and Youtube had censored the trailer for his new movie, "Unstoppable," but his social media campaign eventually paid off. . "
Fair use for discussion purposes~

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

Kirk is being a good Christian soldier. Sadly, the world is now starting to marginalize those who believe in Christ.

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

They no longer want us here. Even my own DH has pondered this to me, how the world would be a better place without Christians. Shocking, considering that blanket statement included ME. I'm sure he didn't mean it intentionally, more of a "them" vs. "you". But I'm a Spirit-filled Christian, ain't nothin' gonna change that!

Give them what they ask for, Lord God. Give to them like you gave to the Hebrews in Psalm 106:15 -- "And He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul."

In order for the souls of the Trib Saints to become fat (Psalm 63:4-5), they must first become lean and realize they're starving without the Bread of Life. There needs to be a famine for the Word of the Lord (Amos 8:11). Therefore take away their food. Take away their light. Come for Your Bride and steal us away. A harsh prayer, Lord, but if it saves their souls, to You be the Glory, for now and evermore. In Jesus' name.


Email: rebeccagoings@gmail.com

Website: yahwehishisname.blogspot.com

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

It's feeling ominous already, and we're still in the age of Grace ~~~ the sheer shock of the world is unimaginable after the rapture. The world rejoicing/celebrating over the removal of those "bigoted, narrow-minded and intolerant Christians too extreme and unworthy to carry on . . the Restrainer lifted, God shall give the world their 'desires' of madness like no other time nor ever shall be again ~~

the darkness Jesus talked about 2,000 years ago is approaching ~~ Jesus said it had to come ~~ Christians shall not face God's wrath ~~ ~~ watchers aren't guessing ~ this is the season ~

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

Praise the Lord, Sis. Praise the Lord!

Email: rebeccagoings@gmail.com

Website: yahwehishisname.blogspot.com

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

Dear Donna,

Sis, so great that you posted this. Thank goodness their our dedicated Warrior Servants out there that will defend the Lord Jesus Christ and his Word which overrides all no matter what anyone else has to say.

The Lords Word are Sovereign!
God bless this wonderful faithful saint, Kirk Cameron..
He is God's treasure!!

God bless you..
Hugs & Love..

Re: It matters that Christians speak out and make a stand~ go Kirk!

Thank you for this post , Donna . Blessings today .
Kirk is brave . He has the courage of his convictions (from The Word of God ).
Thank you Lord for protecting him and encouraging him onward .

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

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