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Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

RUA,how have things been? Haven't seen you around lately.

Shiloh. You were the one who's husband had a clogged artery,right? How has he been doing lately?

And Ann Dee and Chris Nicole CJ,where are you,both? And Nicole,hope everything is going ok with the baby. I think you said he/she is due in Oct. on the last forum. Hope things are going ok.

Hope things are better for all of you. :hugs:

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

mRiC, Okay here. Just haven't been able to get on much. Basement flooded last night. Everyones did in 3 counties. If no basement, houses flooded. We had 2 feet of water. Had to run to store this morning and get all kinds of cleaning supplies. Gloves, masks, detergent, a lot of bleach, etc. Hosed the basement down. Hubby has to rest for 72 hours after angiogram and I was freaking out at 2:30 am when I went into the kitchen real quick to get a glass of water and heard water bubbling down there. Went into the side entrance and looked down there and it jusst kept rising. Cat litter boxes were floating, stuff was falling over down there as the water rose. So, I had to run out real early and get everything. Everyone in this city has a flooded house or basement and the bleach was flying off the shelves. I called our son at 5 am. (he made a gym on the one side and has expensive equiptment) and said, "You're going to LOVE this! The basement was flooded!". He got here real fast and picked up a submergible pump on the way (which worked really fast) and he did the bulk of the work. We both kept yelling at my husbamd b/c he's supposed to not do anything for 72 hours after his angiogram yesterday. So, I told him, "Remind me to tell Steve to relight the pilot light on the hot water tank when he gets up." cuz we had no hot water. So, doesn't my husband go downstairs while I'm juggling cars around and lights it. Was kneeling down to light the thing (which I didn't know about) and gets a piece of glass (same leg as angiogram was done) and I tried prying it out to no avail. My son ran him to the ER (by the way,he's a diabetic too) and it took the Dr. 30 minutes to get it out. It embedded itself in his bone. They gave him 2 Vicodin (sp?)there and a RX for 10 more.. He doesn't listen to me! He is so stubborn! He can barely make it down the steps because he is so sore today. He's quite chatty and in a really good mood right now. I think I'm gonna have to call him HOUSE! LOL..I don't know if you've ever seen that series. Anyway, they know eveything about his case. I figured they would give him sutures but no. They wanted it left open. They also gave him antibiotics b/c even though the basement is all hosed down, ya just never know and the process still isn't complete as far as disinfecting. You should see everyones tree lawns. Whole basements thrown out. I MADE him sit down in his recliner and put the leg rest thing up. Just made him eat. I'm a little slap happy from freaking out the past few days and lack of sleep.
THERE! Now, did I bore you enough? LOL... Thanks for the shout out, sis. Meeting this week with a surgical team as far as how to proceed. Stents or bypass. He certainly has a lovely, jagged piece of round glass that they sent him home with. They polished it up for him and everything! LOL!

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

Oh,wow. Sister,I'm sorry for everything that is happening. :hugs:

Praying for you guys.

I hope this song helps encourage you. Things won't be like this forever. He's coming for us very soon.

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

Geez louise Shiloh! Sounds like you've been busy! What the heck, where do you live again? I saw on the news last night that places in Las Vegas had flash floods or something and water was rushing through the ceiling of this one business. I had no idea you were about to face something like that, were you all warned of a storm? Goodness gracious! And your husband, I'm glad he is ok. Btw, I love that series HOUSE...I think I watched every epsiode. Well, I hope you get some rest! Hugs

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

My goodness Shiloh,

What an ordeal you have had to deal with and the stress that comes with it. I pray the your husband will be getting better soon. Please keep us posted on his progress. You and your dear husband are in my prayers and I hope the weather gets better there so you will not have any more floods. Hang in there my dear sister, you are so strong and keeping it together for the family. You are such a great caring wife and mother. You are a gem!!!

Hugs to you my sis...
Love, AngelWings7

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

My Rock Is Christ,

Thank you for this shout out to some of our dear family members that we have not heard from in awhile.
This was so thoughtful of you to do my dear sister...

I pray that all are doing well and that we can hear from each of them really soon.

God bless you..

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

Awwww, thanks so much my dear, sweet sisters! I'm just sitting here now like, "What?" I think I'll sleep really good tonight though.
Yeah, NCIC, I've seen every episode of that too. Gregory House! He cracked me up! You are all gems to me too. I pray the Lord comes back for us very soon. I have to change some litter boxes. Temporarily had to find a place for some new ones b/c the basement's still drying out. I have one that doesn't get it. I got really good smelling kitty litter too. The one that doesn't "get it", I feel like I have to be Annie in the original Miracle Worker movie and teach her with paw/cushion sign language. She doesn't even really get that she's a cat. Maybe I'll be able to say, "YES! SHE KNOWS! SHE KNOWS! SHE FINALLY KNOWS! Hahahahahahahaha...I told you I'm slap happy!
Thanks for that song, mRiC! I loved that!

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

Oh, NCIC. I forgot to answer your question. I live in Ohio along the lake (Erie). One of my sisters (the one who I said looks like you) lives in the next city (west of us) and she got flooded too. They had pure raw sewage in their basement. There was a lady today that was saying their basement window just caved in and shattered from the downpouring. It was torrential. Our whole back yard area was flooded. You could have floated a canoe in there. I was expecting to see all of our chipmunks and squirrels in their little canoes...all paddling away and coming to the window for their peanuts and sunflower seeds.

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

Lol Shiloh, leave it to you to be able to laugh in the middle of a storm! Chipmunks in canoes lol

That is just crazy weather, I have barely paid attention to what is going on around the country and when I do I just thought everyone was in a heat wave to one degree or another (lol, no pun intended)

Glad your ok for now, and good luck with the kitty box issue. Floating litter boxes...good grief....

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

LOL! I have to show that picture to my husband, NCIC. He'll crack up at that..where did you ever find that?! That's adorable! That would be ours, definitely! Sometimes, they even come right up to the door with their hat in their little hands waiting for their treats. Demanding little things.

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

Shiloh, I think YOU need the Vicodan!!! Lol!!

Re: Shout out to RUA,Shiloh, Ann dee and Chris Nicole CJ

Shiloh,do you have any plastic containers that can be thrown out? Maybe those could be used as litter boxes.

From one cat owner to another.

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