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but God loved like this ~~

To the leper our Lord stretched out His Hand, and said: "I am willing" and He healed him, and told the leper, "your sins are forgiven" . . .

Jesus again stretched forth His Hand and wrote in the sand ~~ and then He said to the woman, "where are your accusers"? . . " neither do I condemn you . . go and sin no more" . .

on the Cross our Lord stretched out His Hands, for us, to save us! He was willing~
Behold, The Lamb of God~~ yea, John 3:16

we adore You, Jesus ~~

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You expressed that so well, sis....especially with those pictures and the scripture.

No one could ever love us with the intensity that our Lord loves us, with a pure, unconditional love. How could anyone reject that kind of love....who could resist it? I don't understand how anyone could reject our loving Savior, even giving His life in order to save us.

Thanks, Donna! Your praise and worship of our Lord is so beautiful. The Lord has given you a gift of being able to worship and praise Him, and to share it with others.


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I always loved this scripture Donna.

Jesus again stretched forth His Hand and wrote in the sand ~~ and then He said to the woman, "where are your accusers"? . . " neither do I condemn you . . go and sin no more"

The man was guilty too but where was he? Bet he was sorry he wasn't supporting her, after he found out Jesus forgave her.

Beautiful pictures as always, thanks Sis.

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dear Leenie and Rita May ~~ yes, how can anyone reject such a Savor! God Who created everything could do no more, could love no greater to save humanity ~~ all because God the Son surrendered to the Father's will all the way to the Cross ~~ and still most reject Him and His immeasurable gift of salvation! As Jesus said the road is narrow!

~~ these trials are temporary. some moments feel as if it's 'forever' ~~ and through it, Jesus brings deeper His Love . . without trials how could we learn the sufferings of God

the Man of sorrows as well as His joy ~~

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Thank you Donna! My feeble brain can barely comprehend how great His love is for us. Even God's creation reveals His unending love!

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Why does God love us so MUCH ~~ The why question remains mysterious, huh TMH ~~ why does God loves us rebellious humans?

Isaiah 55:8-9 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." . . Isaiah 55

Thanking our Father for faith, for Truth, for the Risen Lord Jesus and His gifted Holy Spirit ~~ though we can't explain or comprehend why the Lord loves

Jesus has declared it: . . "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. . . "John 20

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Donna, it is a mystery how God can love me. I can only praise and give thanks every day to Jesus for His love and mercy for my salvation!

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There were strict customs and rules to follow if you were a leper. You had to wear certain clothing, cover your lower face, keep the hair messy, and call out "unclean" to anyone near by. These folks had to live outside the city limits and were shunned and rejected by friends, family and everyone. They had to stay 50 paces away from all others. A lonely existence indeed.

The leper lived a life of poverty and injustice much like those with Aids today. This particular leper was desperate to get rid of this disease. He had the beginning of faith. He didn't question if Jesus could heal him but only if He were willing to heal him. Various Bible translations have used a variety of descriptive words as to how Jesus reacted. As it was originally written , Jesus was angry at the indignation these lepers had to live under in an unjust society. Perhaps we, too, should, show our anger at political corruption of our day. It's always the poor and most innocent that get victimized.

Both the leper and Jesus break rules and took risks. When Jesus touched the leper He could've been considered unclean in this society. The leper states to Jesus, "If you choose, you can make me clean." He never doubts Jesus can cleanse him. Just if He is willing. Jesus turns towards him and touches him removing social, physical, spiritual customs doing so. He tells the leper He is willing. In a loving response He says, "I do choose. Be made clean." He reveals in this , that He is no ordinary Rabbi. He does not get the disease. The leper is cleansed by Jesus continuing holiness. He tells the leper to follow Moses commands' in visiting the Rabbis and taking the offer due adding 'to say nothing to no one about how it was done. '

But the leper instead freely proclaimed what had happened. The leper and Jesus just switched places. Now it's Jesus who cannot go into city and who must live in lonely places as the crowds seek him out from every corner after this.

This is why the story of the cross is so important. People are always re-creating Jesus in their own image. But the cross reminds us we have a Messiah who suffers like we do. He was God in the flesh relating to us here on earth. He changed places with us there, too. He died for our sins that we wouldn't have to and declared it done there on the cross. He doesn't deserve it but because of His mercy and grace for us , He freely gives of Himself usward. The leper story reminds us of what He did on the cross, too. Jesus is God in flesh. He takes on all we are. He knows our frame. He remembers we are dust. In Psalm 103 David is praising God for his healing. He reminds us to bless His Name and don't forget His benefits. His mercy is great. He is slow to anger. He reminds us of His unfailing love for us. He will not always accuse us. Thank God He doesn't repay us for our sins. He removes our transgressions from us as far as He can. His compassion fails not. His relational ministry is with us as a broken people. The last, the lost, the lepers, too.

It takes great courage to enter in like Jesus did and trade places with the leper. Are we ready to move out into deeper waters? Do we have the courage and strength of unfailing love to reach out to those struggling to help them become clean? Let us, too, do what Jesus said, "I do choose. Be made clean."

Thank you Jesus for demonstrating your steadfast love for us. Help us heal and help others like the leper to find their way to wholeness again. Give us the courage and faith to reach out in You in Your steadfast love to reach out to others around us needing Your love. We ask this in Jesus great Name. Amen

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In The Air

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too, VC your words remind me how God chose to give us His Son. The Father's wrath upon Jesus was the worst agony thrust upon eternal Holiness and Purity ~~ God's will was done, choosing alone to absorb our sin!

~~ How must that have felt to God, at the Cross, the Father's wrath directing toward and upon His Holy Son Who knew no sin ~~ unfathomable . . . and God did it! it was the ONLY WAY to save . . He gave and gave, even @ the Cross not thinking about Himself ~~~ The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit agonized and knew Victory loving with God's whole Heart ~~ what a God . .

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talk about courage ~~~ ~ wished I could have been there when our Lord single handedly turned over the tables ~

~ not a good idea to be around our God and His whip ~~ Jesus turned that place inside out ~~ hating the sin of mankind turning His Father's house into a den of thieves ~

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talk about courage ~~~ ~ wished I could have been there when our Lord single handedly turned over the tables ~

~ not a good idea to be around our God and His whip ~~ Jesus turned that place inside out ~~ hating the sin of mankind turning His Father's house into a den of thieves ~

Was a sight to behold that would be! How I wish to see the righteous judge, judge humanity. I want to see justice have it's rightful place, how sick I am of hypocrisy, and people not even caring if they do wrong. What a wicked generation we live in. God give me your grace till you come... What love God has for us humans, not willing that any should perish.

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Oh, Dear Sis,

What a beautiful post and pics in honor of our precious Lord Jesus Christ.

The astounding picture of the Lord weeping in sorrow really spoke to me and my heart. I think of what the Lord is probably feeling as so many reject his love and what He did for them at the Cross of Calvary.

It surely grieves my heart that the Lord is suffering and witnessing all the evil of the wicked and those that reject him.

This grieves the Lord's heart for his lost children, for he does not want not even one of his sheep to stay behind.
God is so caring and merciful and his love endures forever.

How can a person choose to reject God and the gift of Salvation that is so precious? This is hard to comprehend!

I pray that at this last hour, that many will repent and give their lives and hearts to JESUS CHRIST.

Jesus loves each and everyone of us the same, for he is no respecter of persons.

He does not want anyone to perish but to have everlasting life with him in Heaven. Amen!!



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A heartfelt post , with comments ! And thank you for these beautiful pictures of Christ The Lord .
We have this to our favor ...noone loves us like God .bb

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

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