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Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

OK! Anyone? Anyone? "WHY ARE WE STILL HERE????"
How close are we? Let's see.....

1) I can almost hear the First Seal being Broken..
2) I almost caught a glimpse of the AC turning a corner.
3) The FP (I think) is passing out salvation through tweets.
4) I could have sworn I heard a head count of 144,000 in Israel
5) The Ink is in the Pen to sign THE Peace agreement.
6) Someone just passed my house lugging a Guillotine.

Serious and Exaggerated thoughts are allowed.

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

I think we're still here because the number of saved hasn't been fulfilled yet.

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

I agree with the above post.We are only here because the Lord is so loving and patient and waiting for more to be saved.It wont be long!

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

I honestly think our time is up, we just cannot go on for much longer. The wickedness of this planet is so great, I can feel it in my spirit. Light and Darkness cannot exist in the same place. Good cannot mix with evil, and the only good in this awful world is that which comes from above, that lives in the hearts of the Saints. I almost feel like crying sometimes, I'm a big guy, always have been, but I swear I'm a big baby inside. My heart breaks for those who refuse God, but it also breaks from the injustice here.

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

Yes MorningStar we are close. Lets see..

Ohio Lake Turns "Blood Red"
I heard a revelation song. The King is Coming for His Bride Soon!!
July 22nd Star of David alignment. Could it be tomorrow?
This is More than hope.
In dramatic turnabout, Israelis & Palestinians agree to direct peace talks.
soon there will be a Rapture Smile for everyone.

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

Oh, I hear you Morningstar and everyone else. Why ARE we still here is something I've been asking too. I think we all see the four horsemen staring us directly in the face! Do you all think that way too?

Dear Lord, please call us up to our real home soon.

Sometimes, I think I'm going completely mental, I must say.

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

lol Shiloh, I can almost see the four horsemen saddling up their horses!

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

The weather and the blood red lake and Detroit city collapsing are like seeing the transitioning to the tribulation period!

Email: thessalonians6@bell.net

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

MRIC & ROSESINSEPT - God will delay until the fullness of the Gentiles
is complete. We have a Loving and Patient God, And He's about the close
the door.

RITA MAY: Good Signs, and all we have to do is just look as what's posted
on this site to see all what's going on, sign after sign.
He will be here soon, that will be the biggest sign for the World.

SHILOH & SAMMY...Here are your four horseman about ready to
jump on the scene. LOL

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!


Hi sweet sis, I just love those cute pics of the four horsemen.. LOL...
Yes, my dear sis, I am in agreement with you, we are going home very soon for I have been feeling this in my spirit as well as you that we will be Raptured and the dear Lord is on the threshold. Too many signs in the moon, stars and the sky right now.. It is just so evident that the time is approaching for the Tribulation to begin. Cannot wait till we are all flying in the sky together.

Love you sis,

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

yeah, today, i cried and cried out to Jesus. i prayed, and i asked Him if my prayers has been heard or not because of my family situation and with my work etc. when i listen the sermon through the interpreter and makes me cry and wondering why that happen to me for a while why me?? it hurts me alot. this afternoon, i cried in the washroom and prayed, when i come and see if there is any encourgement etc but nothing there for me to read. and i read the bible for short time. then come back on this website and read something. so right now i do need God this hour and i need him.


Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

Oh lord Jesus we are awaiting the time where we will be with you. We are longing with every fiber of our being to sit at your feet and worship you. Longing just to be with you in the place our hearts will recognize as our true home. It seems Lord that the time must be at hand with all that is going on here and with the prophecies being fulfilled each and every day. Lord we pray that you would come soon but we know you will not tarry and that it will happen in your perfect timing. Jesus sometimes when we long so much for our reunion with you and a day comes and goes without us being in your arms, we get discouraged. Only natural as we are waiting to return to our first love which is you Lord. Please guard our hearts and minds and let us not be troubled. Fill us with your spirit and grace and bring peace to our hearts. Sometimes Lord I cry simply because I do not feel I belong here one more day but please help me to hold on to your promises and love. Please speak to our hearts and let us hear you signing over us as you promise in your word. Thank you Lord Jesus for being who you are and loving us with an everlasting love. In Jesus name.

Email: Gwise032@yahoo.com

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

I'm seeing that we all feel the extreme closeness of our departure from this fallen world. I've been feeling this for about a year but now, it's more intense. I also feel the exact same way as many of you do on here....a heaviness (in the spiritual realm) that keeps growing.
LOL @ the four horsemen, Morningstar. Too bad they won't be that adorable and cute for those who've rejected Christ, huh?

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

Fm12, I'm so sorry you're having a difficult time.
My prayers are with you.

Morningstar, that first post was great! I loved it!

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

I was sort of hoping this would mean I don't have to find time to dye my hair tonight.

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

Shiloh; LSH!!!(laughing so hard)...I said that this morning while getting
my dye out to do my hair......I about fell off my chair when I read this.

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

Angel, my thoughts exactly that pic. was beautiful and to think
we are going to actually experience it soon!
Love you Sis!

FunkyMom; It won't be long now dear, I just feel so much sadness
in your spirit right now. The darkness that is surrounding us
doesn't help. But the Light that is in us won't be quenched.
Hold on to that. Love you much!

Wise Gal: In agreement with you in prayer. It was lovely and heartfelt.
We are His and He will deliver us, that is His Promise. Thank our Lord
and Savior.
Love you!!

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

I am getting ready to go to bed, and again, tonight, I will pray for our hoped rapture to happen soon, even tonight.

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

Oh to wake up in heaven...just the thought makes sleep elusive...

Email: Gwise032@yahoo.com

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!


It's 1:06 am where I live, and I just came in from swimming laps in my pool because I can't sleep!

Re: Why Are We Still HERE??!!!

A very good way to sum it all up , Morningstar !
Why are we still here ?
I feel like The Door of The Age of Grace is just ready to SLAM SHUT any second ....
That is how I feel as I drive the roads in Texas now , people barreling down the road at terrible speeds not even giving a thought to their DESTINY if they die in a crash ...will it be hell or will it be Heaven with The Lord ? Many seem not to care at all ....
bb, bless your witness for Him

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

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