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To Funky Mom 12

Hi Funky Mom 12,

Dear Sis,
The Lord placed you in my heart and mind today and he led me to reach out to you. I sense that your spirit is tormented and you are full of worry because of what is going on in your life right now.

Please try to leave all your burdens at the the foot of the Cross and do not think of them again. You need to trust God for He has a plan for your life. I understand that we can get frustrated and impatient because are prayers are not being answered when we want them to.. I have been there myself and I have learned you have to leave all your burdens to God, for the Lord wants you to experience peace and joy in your life while you await his answers to your prayers.

I know it can be hard to let go of our constant thoughts and worries, I have been there trust me and all I did was drive myself crazy with more stress which lead me to get sick. This is not the life that the Lord wants you to live, always worried and stressed out not enjoying his everlasting peace through the storm.. I share and tell you these things in love because I have been there myself and I want to help you. I remember God telling me once in my spirit, okay you are giving me your burdens and then taking them back. Do you not trust me? These were his words to me and He taught me through his word to Trust and let go...

I will continue to pray for you and your family.. You will see the Lord will answer you, just be patient and TRUST. For the Lord has been faithful to you in the past. Stay in prayer and have blind faith for the Lord is testing you through the fire and the storm you are in now. Keep thanking him through your storm. I pray that the pics and bible verse scriptures below minister to you today and bring you peace. Please keep your family here on RITAN posted on your progress.

Abide in Jesus and He will abide in you.. Amen!!!

Love & Hugs your way,

"Fair Use for Education and Discussion Purposes"

Re: To Funky Mom 12

thanks angel wing 7

today i was cried in the car after the church service and i asked God why my prayers has not heard. and i asked Him, am i punished for something that my family has done reall wrong? i asked God why do i have do everything at home while they do nothing and being demand that i have to do it. when i said no, then one of them ask one of my kid to go to store for their brother, and my daughter want me to drive her to store. i said no. and she refused to go so i had to take the money and went out for walk and go to store. when i walked up the hill and i cried and ask God why me??? and am i deserved this?? am i punished for what i have done at home etc? i am struggling with something at home with financial, family, marriage and work. it is not easy. in these days, i have been stress out lately. recently, i prayed in washroom and i cried to Him and asked Him to remember me and remember my prayers that i had been praying for a while now. something i dont understand things at home that i have been go through these lately. sometimes i couldnt do more like cleaning, laundry or do dishes. and also i am struggling with my weight etc that my husband expect me to lose weight. when i read the comments and make me cry as how did you know about my prayers being not answer or being heard?? obviously it is from God.

for those pictures it makes me cry.


Re: To Funky Mom 12

Aw... my sweet sister,

God led me to write to you. That is how God is and he is so special. He sends people to help and minister to us when we are hurting and in need. God gets the Glory, we are just the vessel.. I had been thinking about you today all day and God spoke to my spirit to reach out to you so I did.

You did nothing wrong... Please do not blame yourself as if you did something wrong and that is why God has not answered your prayers.. That is just the enemy tormenting your mind again making you think that you are not worthy for God to answer your prayers. Remember, the enemy is a Liar.. You know the truth is of God and God will not leave you nor forsake you ever... God listens to all of your prayers, but remember to trust his timing. Everything is going to work out for you and your family you will see.. Please do not lose your hope. Just have faith in the unseen. God has a way of making everything work out on his time clock not ours. God is faithful and good!!!

I pray that the pictures that the Lord led me to post give you peace and reassurance for God is near and he truly cares for you. The Lord hears your cries and your requests to him. Now all you have to do is wait and he will answer you.

Please rest your mind and get some needed rest and sleep. Tomorrow is another day. I will keep you close in prayer my sweet sister.. You are not alone and everyone of your brothers and sisters here on RITAN love you very much.
We are here for you.... :)

May you rest in God's presence..
Love and Hugs your way...

Re: To Funky Mom 12

Praying for you precious sister. :hugs:

Hope these songs help

Biblegateway,Psalm 46:1

46 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

"For educational and discussion purposes only"

:hugs: Hope it helps. :)

I know it's a lot of songs but I know there has to be atleast one you really need to hear.

Re: To Funky Mom 12

Wow this morning, i was praying while i was driving and i kept saying, You gotta to surrdender the whole things that i had been going through to Lord. so I did until i came back to work and I cant believe it. God did came through for me about my work. guess What, I got full time at my work and I am taking over one more position so now I will have working full time as My boss offered me the job position so i took the job. so I started to realize about my dream, it is fitting with my dream, so i will find out tomorrow with the meeting. as i was told that it might be close for 1 week or so. so i will let you know more.

Something Is up right now as I believe that something is going happen good for all of us who love Jesus Christ and pray for the people who will be miss out the rapture.

Love in Christ
Hugs In Christ.


Re: To Funky Mom 12

Dear Funky Mom 12,

What great news!!! You see that God keeps his promises to answer us if we only trust in his timing..
I am so happy for you my sweet sister.. It looks to me like that is the favor of God on your life.. Amen!!!
God is so good and he is faithful always.. He is never late, he is right on time... Hallelujah!!!!
God takes care of his own.. I am glad that this news brought Joy to your heart again..
That is why it is important to always thank God in the bad times as well as the good times for he is worthy to be praised 24/7.. Amen!!

Love you,

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