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I really think something is about to happen

Yesterday the moon looked really creepy. Today something about the moon looks different. It's brighter than usual.

And yes I'm up late,I just had to mention it before getting offline. And,forgive me Daniel. I know we talked about this problem on the old RITA. I was ok for awhile but slipped back into my old habit. I've always had trouble with my sleep. I even had the problem when I was in Kindergarden. I was probably one of the few kids who never slept during nap nap time [I think I only slept once,twice at the most during that whole year. Junior high and high school was a different story though. In high school it was so easy to fall asleep during 7th or 8th period. The teacher would be talking and you'd look at the paper and slowly your eyes would get more and more tired. lol]. . It wasn't funny for a boy in junior high though. He was asleep. I think the english teacher woke him up by ether dropping a book on his desk and making some other loud sound on his desk. Poor boy was so scared!

Anyways,back to the moon. Has anyone else noticed how weird it looks?

Re: I really think something is about to happen

It looked beautiful, extra-bright, and full to me. What is so amazing to me are the clouds tonight. The sky is full of multiple layers of clouds yet the moon is shining so brightly. You can also see stars peeking through the clouds. It was bright enough that here at 1:06 am, I just came in from swimming laps in my pool. It's that bright outside! There's also a little lightning, but it's way behind all the layers of clouds. It made me wonder what they were doing in Heaven to prepare for millions of people getting ready to arrive! : )

Re: I really think something is about to happen

Patti Day, I like the way you think. (I wonder what they are doing in heaven to get ready for the millions coming). That was great. See you soon, keep watching.

Re: I really think something is about to happen

Well so far huge devastating earthquake in China and many other earthquakes...Kate Middleton has gone into labour and the star of David alignment today. I definitely saw the moon, big and bright! Lit up the whole bedroom, was lovely!

We'll see what else comes today!

Re: I really think something is about to happen

I don't know where you guys all live but we're supposed to have a Super moon tonight here in the U.S. They said on the news that it's not supposed to be quite as big as the last one though. I hope I can see it. It's dark and very cloudy where I live. More rain on the way but at least I have a pump in case that basement starts flooding again.

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