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its been a week since my grandma passed...

I asked my husband even though we are separated, if he could spend time with me the day she died. He couldn't even do that.. All he did was care about his work. So I grabbed all my things and walked back to the hospital and sat with her body til my mom got there. He has been pretty heartless this week. Also.. All my mom is doing is drinking... Everything is a mess. I'm starting to back slide a lot... She was the glue who prayed hours a day for us. Were all so lost without her. I'm so sad.. I miss her sooo much. I feel so lonely... This has been the worst 4 weeks of my life. I just want my grandma back :'(

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Oh Ferrbear, I'm praying for you my dear sister, praying really hard for you. You are loved here, we are all here for you. You are not alone dear sister, I will leave my email here if you would like to talk.

Email: info@dianemcfarlane.ca

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

ferrbear, I'm so sorry. I'm sure your grief is great. Turn to Jesus! It's the only way. Bring it to Him. In time, He will bring you peace. Praying for you!♥

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Oh ferrbear! I can imagine how your heart is breaking, my dear sister. Your grandma was the glue who held everyone together. She sounds like my dad was. He was the glue. You are going through a horrible time now and with everything going on with your husband isn't helping. I'm SURE you feel as though you are becoming unglued. As my dad used to say, "Don't worry, everything's gonna be alright.". These are the times where we really need to feel Jesus' arms around us and holding us tightly.
I will be holding you in prayer, sis and praying so that your husband comes to his senses..that the Lord touches him in only a way HE can....but right now, all I want to do to him is:

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Ferrbear, oh I know it has been so very difficult for you. I am just here to encourage you to hang in there, we will be home soon and you will be reunited with your grandma. She would not want to see you so sad...

My heart goes out to you and I sent prayers up. It took me a long time to realize that I was looking for my ex husband to fill needs in me that only Jesus could fill. Lean on Jesus now, He hears you and knows your struggle...just remember, soon, we will be home soon...don't give up and don't let go...I wish I could just hug ya for a bit and tell you it will all be ok. I can't do that, but I can at least maybe remind you of a promise:

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

ferrbear, I'm sorry for your loss. Praying that God will give you comfort amid this very difficult time in your life. :)

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Awww hon I'm so sorry you are going through this. I pray that God gives you strength. You just keep praying. God is there. He loves you. We all do. *BEARHUGS*

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...


Perfect use of your penguin picture!

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

I cannot promise you when things will get better but I can promise you each and everyday it will get better. Grief is a process that time helps. In the meantime, cling to the Lord, talk it out as often as you need to with either a good friend or with us on this board. We are all praying for you and are here to support you.

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Im so sorry you are going through all this Ferrbear :-( I know there's no words that can take this pain away but know this , sweetie, very soon ALL of us will be dancing with our King!! Every tear will be permanently wiped away :-) we will all be united with our loved ones and forever be in perfect love and peace! The rapture is soooo soon Ferrbear..hold tight to Jesus ...Tell Him you want to lay your head on his lap and cry to Him. He LOVES you and is coming for you very soon :-) I love you too and im praying for you.
<3 Sarah

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Ferrbear it's so good to hear from you. I was praying for you this morning and so concerned since we hadn't heard from you.

I so understand about your Grandmother being the glue. The lights in my life when I have gone through dark times was my mom and dad. My mom is still a light for me but we don't see her as often since we moved. When my dad died I was so worried about having a life without the light of my mom and dad to get me through and being the examples of living in God's wonderful embrace.

It took some time but it was a process of realizing that the torch was being passed to me and my sisters. We are becoming the matriarchs of the family and we can be the light for our kids and family the way my parents were to us. You can be the glue now. We all know you well enough here to know that you have a strength inside of you. It will take time and may seem overwhelming now but God is your strength and we are all praying for you.

As rieom said, it is a time thing. It will never be the same again but it transforms into something you can accept.

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Hi Ferrbear. I'm sorry for your loss, but rejoice with your grandma for her gain. She sees the Lord without veil or distraction while we struggle to even hear His quiet voice. Three verses came to mind reading your post. 2 Samuel 12:23 "But now that he is dead, why should I go on fasting? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me." Romans 8:34 "Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." and Romans 8:27 "And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God."

You have two great intercessors praying for you continuously. The Son in heaven and the Spirit from within you. Your grandmother wasn't the glue that held your family together, she was only the part of the glue that stuck up from the joint enough to see with your eyes. You are in the palm of God's hands and He WILL work His perfect will for you in your life. He isn't surprised, he isn't caught out of step, he isn't dismayed. His intentions for you is thoroughly good, and He is more than able to bring it to pass. It's just hard to perceive how the whole piece plays when we're stuck in our little part. Lean on God. I'd say your ex husband has pretty well proven he isn't as trustworthy as the Lord. Really, none of us are. Luckily we have a God that makes everything out of nothing, then makes it worth while for eternity.

Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

The others have said it so well that in time the grief will be diminished. As with the loss of anyone who is important to us, it can be a slow but gradual recovery. The best way to get through it is to think of how much joy your grandmother is experiencing in the presence of God. She would not want to return to this world, with its many troubles. Yet I am sure she anticipates a joyful reunion as much as you do yourself. Trust that it will come, and perhaps very soon. I wish for you much consolation in Christ's promises and the fellowship of His people.

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

We can find comfort in knowing that even Christ wept at the death of His loved ones. Death was never part of God's plan. Christ came to save us all from the power of the grave.

While you mourn for your grandmother, know she's only sleeping. One note of that Heavenly Trumpet and she will awaken in her new, incorruptible body! One of the greatest lyrics I've ever heard from any song is from "Alive" off "The Story" album -- "The Lamb of God Who rolled away the stone in front of EVERY grave..."

Praise the Lord! Not only is your grandmother in the presence of the King of kings, she is only sleeping. This is the hope we have as Christians. We may pass away for a season, but it is not permanent. Christ has the victory over the grave, and therefore, so do we.

Take comfort in that, dear sister, and in the meantime, ask Christ to give you the faith, the prayers, and the heart of your beloved Grandma. Tell Him you want what she had. You cannot do it on your own strength, it is a work of the Holy Spirit. So ask Him. He will be faithful to do it, because it is His will we are all like she was. :')

We mourn with you, sweetie. But we mourn with joy because you WILL see her again, and we know the unimaginable JOY she feels at this very moment. Praise the Lord!


Email: rebeccagoings@gmail.com

Website: yahwehishisname.blogspot.com

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Hey ferrbear, we the brethren are with you dear sister


Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

My dear sister Ferrbear,

I am keeping you close in prayer and I pray that you seek the comfort and peace of the Lord.. Hold on tight to the Lord as you feel that the world is crumbling around you. God is right beside you holding you up. God is faithful and will deliver you out of all your trials and troubles.. Please keep your faith and trust in Him for He will never leave you nor forsake you my dear sis..

Hugs your way...


Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

The only point I was trying to make about the "glue" is that we feel such a great loss when we lose someone who had the gift of God by being able to be a pillar for a family and for others. That's it. I understand that sense of loss and unless you've lost someone you have been so close to (although it's heaven's gain) we don't understand the grief. It's not a sin to grieve the loss of someone who had that gift of binding everyone together in love.
I think I better leave this site for awhile.

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Dear Ferrbear,

I am so sorry for what you are going through right now. I know that must have hurt that your husband was not there for you when you needed him the most. But please know that the Lord is with you in your pain.

I'm also sorry for the loss of your grandmother, but as others here have said, she is only sleeping right now and you will see her soon, so please take comfort in that.

Wise words from Tx Thom:

Tx Thom
You have two great intercessors praying for you continuously. The Son in heaven and the Spirit from within you. Your grandmother wasn't the glue that held your family together, she was only the part of the glue that stuck up from the joint enough to see with your eyes. You are in the palm of God's hands and He WILL work His perfect will for you in your life.

Turn to the Lord now, Ferrbear. He is Your Source, and He is Your strength. He will never let you down. We need to draw our strength from Him instead of frail human flesh. Although they can help, they are not capable of giving us the strength, the love, and the peace that the Lord gives us. You will discover that Jesus is all you need when He is all you've got. Abide in Him now, Ferrbear. Cling to Him and never let go.

Prayers are going up for you right now, dear sister.

Love and hugs to you.

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...


Am I missing something here? Why would you want to leave. I certainly hope my comment about your penguin did not offend you. I think it is good to laugh and meant it when I said it was a good use in the context of your post. I always enjoy reading your posts.


Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Shiloh, no reason to leave, I believe he was speaking about the initial post here, not what you wrote about glue, and in that, he was trying to be encouraging to her and show her a different perspective. Smile, you are loved :)

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Praying for you

Hope that song helps.

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Thank you Jesus for your tender-loving care of Ferrbear and her family in this great loss !
in His Grace , bb

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Ferrbear, I think all that was said has been said. Many of us
can empathize with you because most of us have lost loved ones.
Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Grandparents & Children.
We mourn because we miss them, were comforted because we know
where they are, conflicting feelings but only natural.
I agree with Shiloh, there's seems to be always one
who holds things together. To this day I still miss my mother
who passed away 1982, she was a woman of few words but
God blessed her with so much wisdom and had such a deep
love of Jesus Christ. I could always turn to her when troubled
as we all did and walked away comforted. I can hardly
wait to see all my Loved Ones once again. I yearn for
this reunion more than anything.
God Bless you FerrBear
It Won't be long now.

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Oh I so know how you feel. My grandpa passed away in 2010 and I had such a hard time but for a different reason. I am not really sure that my Grandpa knew Jesus. By all indications I would say no however I don't know what he heard or learned as a child so I can only hope that I will see him again. There are still days when I see something or my baby makes a face that reminds me of Grandpa and I just want to cry. It does get easier over time. I'm praying for you, grieving is difficult without all the other things you are facing.

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Oh I so know how you feel. My grandpa passed away in 2010 and I had such a hard time but for a different reason. I am not really sure that my Grandpa knew Jesus. By all indications I would say no however I don't know what he heard or learned as a child so I can only hope that I will see him again. There are still days when I see something or my baby makes a face that reminds me of Grandpa and I just want to cry. It does get easier over time. I'm praying for you, grieving is difficult without all the other things you are facing.

That is what I struggle with,too. My grandparents on dad's side were Catholic. Grandpa died before I was born and grandma died a couple months after I turned 13,May of 05. I don't know if they trusted Jesus or the Vatican. I had a couple aunts that died when I was little,I don't know if they knew Christ. The one that is most troubling is my uncle Bruce. He died when I was in 5th grade,Sept. of 03 [and yes oddly enough he was buried Sept. 11th,2 years after 9/11]. My mom has even stated she has been concerned where he went. Some priest came to pray for him after he died but we all know that's an abomination to God to pray for the dead. I know my pap pap [he wasn't my real grandpa but was like one] had a Bible but that doesn't mean he was saved. I clutch to that thought and hope he did know Christ. I hope so...I don't remember him at all unlike the other family members I met. He died when I was 2. Oct. 14th,1994. My other grandma died before I was born. I forget what denomination mom said grandma had. I don't even know if she knew Christ. A denomination doesn't make a person saved so I can only hope...

My great aunt Jenn mentioned something about Jesus in an old family video. I'm clutching at very little but I so hope that she did truly have a relationship with Jesus. My great grandma took mom to an old country church when she was little. I know church doesn't make one saved. Yet again all I can do is hope she knew Christ...

There are two people I am sure are in Heaven though. Aunt Barb. Grandma,dad's mom,was having her when the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. She died. Also,this was before abortion was legal. Some relative a long time back was pregnant. Well, her friend decided to tell her a specific way to abort. Let's just say the mother asked if her daughter would die. The doctor said pray she does. That's how much pain she was in. Hopefully she did call out on Jesus before she took her last breath. I don't know if she did or didn't though.

Also there's some babies who died from abortion. Becka and Stacy are on my aunt's side [not blood though]. I think there may have been four babies that died but I could be wrong on that number. They're with Jesus.

Anyways,I really hope these songs help you. :hugs:

Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

John 11:25-26

25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

"for educational and discussion purposes only" Biblegateway

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Thank you all for your prayers and words of comfort. We had her funeral on friday... and it still doens't feel real. I miss her so much. I have never experienced anything like this. My brother said he saw her standing next to me at her funeral though. Which is comforting... this just isn't fair. I know she was really sick... and tired cause all she did was take care of everyone.A few days before she passed she said she was feeling at peace. Three days before she passed my uncle and grandpa went to see her... she said she saw three people in there though. So I'm assuming she saw an angel. Also My auntie Margarette... had a vision of my grandma smiling.. and she went to my uncle angus... I think your sister is getting better. Next thing the phone rings and we told him that she had passed away. July 14th I went to go see her and she was in soo much pain... she told me she felt like dying. Then my brother came and we go the nurses. It was because all her organs were shutting down. I started bawling in the hall way when they told us she had less then 48 hours to live... i went into her room and she's like i heard crying... was that you??? then my brother went in there and he told her that he heart was failing... she said it's okay... thy gave her morphine for the pain and she was out for over 24 hours and passed away. It hurts so much :(

Re: its been a week since my grandma passed...

Praying for you Ferrbear

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