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Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

If these are, why say anything at all?
The president doth protest too much, methinks. . .

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

I heard that, laughed and spewed diet coke out of my nose...

P.S. These people have no shame. They believe the old adage, which is, "if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth".

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

Chris N.
I heard that, laughed and spewed diet coke out of my nose...

P.S. These people have no shame. They believe the old adage, which is, "if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth".

Oh, that's funny Chris, sorry, I hope it didn't burn. Or how about a huge accident has just happened and they are waving their hands to cover up the fact and shooing people away saying "Nothing going on here, move along..."

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

I won't hold my breath until he finds one involving himself that's genuine.

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

"Like in the days of Noah" comes to mind. No shame at all. Just the expected norm. Another day at work. Do you think anyone will notice? If I say it isn't so, then it isn't. Big egoes at work. These people are in total denial. They wouldn't know truth if it bit them. They have lied so long they no longer know a lie from the truth.

Great wisdom and advice, David.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In The Air

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

the Word of God is true ~~ searing consciences are never still, as they attempt to claim 'innocence' and no accountability to the Living God . . . eternity will not hide the unsaved soul's lies, shame and guilt ~~that's scary ~~

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

Ah yes , everything is always "not true", phoney ...."O" shame on you and your fellow crooks ! Have any of you guys spoken a true word since 2008?

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

sure it is...and I have this bridge in Brooklyn...

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

As it is written, the truth is not in them! This holds true, for all that have not accepted Christ as Lord. Within this realm of existence, there are three spirits that we can choose to worship. The Spirit of the Living God, the spirit of satan, and the spirit of Man. Eternal wisdom says take door number 1. We often forget, that you don't need the spirit of satan to be lost forever. We can be lost by enthroning ourselves, in our own hearts.

Love & blessings....Tender Reed

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

Ask the parents impacted by the loss of their soldier sons in Benghazi if this scandal was false. Ask the mother of the border guard killed by illegals if this scandal is false. Ask those impacted by the IRS profiling scandal if this scandal is false. The list goes on and on. False? How dare they deny the truth of what is going on! It is scandalous and corrupt behavior. Detroit is a perfect example of O's policies failing. He is bankrupting this country. Obamacare is a scandal and it hasn't officially begun. Ask all those out of jobs or now working part time. Ask the younger generation who they hope to force to buy insurance to support others. Ask those who will be impacted severely. Pass the bill and then read it--a scandal. The Cornhusker kickback corruption. Blackmail attempts to force votes, illegal voting activities, buying votes in all areas. False blame , people used as scapegoats for some political agenda. Corruption runs rampant. And it's not false.

They're either in denial or covering their tracks hoping you won't notice. That speech yesterday is an indication that O and cronies are scared and running a deceit campaign to cover up wrong doing. Polls are down, the support of people isn't there. It's a political agenda move because the 2014 campaign is just ahead. He wants to throw away more money to his supporters. A scandal in itself.

My favorite line was how Obama wasn't going to allow us to focus on false scandals accusing this administration of wrong doing saying Washington DC had crossed a line. What a hoot. Who has crossed the line? Who is calling the kettle black? Nothing new was covered. It was the same old stale speech we've heard before . It just went on forever. Maybe he was attempting to put people to sleep or drill in false claims in some hypnotic trance where the people will accept what he says is truth. The only false claims were those he was spouting. Phoney doesn't know what phoney is. Apparently we have the wrong definition from his perspective. Maybe he should define the word 'phoney' for us. Because his definition isn't ours. I don't think his version is in the dictionary.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In The Air

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

Well what it's really saying is "SCANDAL'S SAY OBAMA IS PHONEY"

Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"


Re: Obama Says Scandals are "Phoney"

VC - I wish you would tell us how you really feel.
Yeah, the scandals are saying something else arent't they folks?

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