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U.S. city looks to penalize Bible believers

U.S. city looks to penalize Bible believers

This is a long article and only posted the first few paragraphs...things are really getting outrageous now. Come quickly for us Lord, please. We are not wanted here anymore!

U.S. city looks to penalize Bible believers

"Think it’s hot in Texas these days? Just wait a few weeks, until the San Antonio City Council ends its summer hiatus and resumes work on a proposed change to its nondiscrimination ordinances that apparently will discriminate against all who take the Bible at its word and follow it.
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That’s because the change creates a penalty for those who ever exhibit a “bias,” which clearly could include adopting the Bible’s condemnation of homosexuality, with a permanent ban on participation in city government, business or employment....read more at link"

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Re: U.S. city looks to penalize Bible believers

Let them do their homework , SAN ANTONIO !!!!
THE KORAN condemns homosexuality ...are muslims called haters for this ?
The Koran condones stoning homosexuals . Christians would never do THAT !
The muslims still getting away with murder .....

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: U.S. city looks to penalize Bible believers

Have to add this ...we are in the Bible Belt here . When things happen here like this it is shocking to me . Asking The Lord to raise a Standard against this anti-Christ spirit !
LET GOD BE TRUTH and EVERYMAN A LIAR . God has said alternate lifestyles are not of Him in His Word .

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: U.S. city looks to penalize Bible believers

TMH,Kindred Sis Thanks for posting this. I had read this article and it just
made me sad. I remind myself that these things are supposed to happen
we are in the end times and Jesus said it would, but it's still
makes me want to cry to see the way the world is going.

BonBell Sweet Sis: Your absolutely right. But the difference is
Islam's god is of this world and is politically correct to
accept no matter what, whereas Christianity's God is the
one True God, and will not be tolerated.

Re: U.S. city looks to penalize Bible believers

Bonbell, I especially thought you would be interested in this story, coming from Texas. It's not a done deal yet, but looks like it will be.

Is this a precedent of what's to come around the country? If they can twist laws against God in one city, others will surely follow.

Morningstar, it makes me sad too. A Christian country turning away from God! What are they thinking? Bible prophecy is 100 percent accurate to date! The OT prophets warned Israel time after time for turning to idolatry, harlotry etc. Each time they were taken into captivity or the Kings continued with their sinful ways against the God of their fathers. Do US leaders think they are above these warnings? Woe to us all.

Repent and Pray for Israel and for us until the time He comes to snatch us away. Our Lord is coming soon. Praise HIS HOLY NAME! Can Not Wait!

Re: U.S. city looks to penalize Bible believers

Hmm I don't think this change would work in Texas I have a feeling someone in Austin will sue the city of Austin if it goes into effect as it technically could be illegal and a matter of a fact against equal opportunity employer guidelines. So the city of San Antonio will lose the EOE status.

This goes along with all the hate going on in Austin over the abortion bill.

Also living in Texas is weird because I feel that a lot of people here have good intentions but over the last several years it is not the same like it was before 2007 and it seems times are moving backwards as if some people are starting to act as if it was the 1960s :( People are getting divided over politics and it is not looking good as looking at how people are voting it is now basically the minority groups voting for liberalism and the majority voting for conservatism and it seems that liberalism is trying to use racial background as a way to gain in elections. Sorry to post this but I feel politics are becoming a no win for anyone. Well all I see now is politicians fighting over issues like this. This does not mean all people vote politically on the basis of minorities vote for Democrats and majority for conservatives but I see stuff like this in San Antonio and the things I have seen about the Travon Martin trial I feel ashamed at the older generations at how they still spread hatred against others while the younger generations have been taught to be fair and inclusive of others and to give everyone a chance and to accept diversity. I am in my 20s and feel beside myself as I see the U.S. becoming something I wouldn't want to live in where there is no tolerance for some while others get special rights to trample on others.

Sorry mods if this is too off topic or to touchy.

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