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Jeremy Camp vs. Van Halen

Tonight at the Mid-State Fair, both Jeremy Camp and Van Halen were performing. Jeremy Camp did two concerts, we went to the first. While I was there, I kept wondering if the people at the fair could hear the music, as they put us "Christians" in the farthest corner possible. At 7:30, the Van Halen concert (which was placed right smack in the middle of the fair grounds) began and all you could hear were cuss words after cuss words (my kids kept saying "oooooh, he said a bad word").

I decided at about 8:30 to head home as it was way too much. I thought it was really sad b/c it was supposed to be "Christian night" at the fair, and of course, Satan wanted a piece of the action.

As I was heading out, the 8:30 Jeremy Camp concert started. Where we were walking to our car was on the complete opposite side of the fair grounds as the Jeremy Camp concert. The Van Halen concert was in the middle of me and the Jeremy Camp concert. As I walked farther and farther away, I started to notice that the only music I could hear (me now being about half a mile away from the fair grounds) was Jeremy Camp singing "JESUS...nah nah nah nah nah...JESUS".

So beautiful! Jesus was NOT about to be trampled on tonight! Loud and clear throughout the fair, Jesus' name was being proclaimed to all!

Just thought I'd share. I felt such piece in my heart walking to my car and knowing that Camp was shouting to the world Glory to God!

And by the way, if his concert was any clue as to what it will be like praising, worshiping, and singing to our Lord in Heaven....then I CANT WAIT!! :D

Email: ryadon@ymail.com

Re: Jeremy Camp vs. Van Halen

Sparks, that really sounded like the battle between good and evil
in music wow! Were seeing it all around us now everywhere we go.
I call it the great divide..God is definitely separating His
people. If you notice so many Christians are feeling the
Closeness of His Return, I know it's soon, days, weeks?
Just to think WE are going to experience it, it just blows my
mind sometimes wondering where I'll be when it does happen.
Waiting eagerly!
Love you Sis
God bless for sharing this.

Re: Jeremy Camp vs. Van Halen

Oooh I've seen Jeremy Camp in concert - he's AWESOME! I saw him at Rock & Worship Road show at the American Airlines Coliseum in Dallas. The place was packed and he had the whole stadium holding hands with hands in the air singing Mighty to Save.

And when I hear music like that I think about hearing the angels too.

One of the songs that's gonna raise the heavenly clouds when all the saints and angels sing it is 'He Reigns' by Newsboys.

And all the powers of darkness
Tremble at what they've just heard
'Cause all the powers of darkness
Can't drown out a single word

When all God's children sing out
Glory, glory, hallelujah
He reigns, He reigns
All God's people singing
Glory, glory, hallelujah
He reigns, He reigns

Talk about some powerful words - whoop - that'll get your blood pumping and your praise flowing!!!


Re: Jeremy Camp vs. Van Halen

The place was packed and he had the whole stadium holding hands with hands in the air singing Mighty to Save.

'Cause all the powers of darkness
Can't drown out a single word


To the first part of your quote: Yes, he told the audience that some of them were there by "devine appointment" and asked (in many words) if they wanted to give their life over to Christ, he told them to raise their hands and not to be afraid b/c we would all be celebrating with them. I looked around to see if any hands went up, and noticed that my 14 yr old brother had raised his hand. I started bawling my head off (I'm still crying just bringing it up in typing). Then he told everyone to hold hands and lift them up and then we sang a song (I was too busy crying to pay attention to what song he played though).

To the second part!! Wow....yes THIS is EXACTLY what was going on last night! The powers of darkness were NOT able to drown out a single word! Praise Jesus :)

Email: ryadon@ymail.com

Re: Jeremy Camp vs. Van Halen


Re: Jeremy Camp vs. Van Halen

Praise God Sparkles. Best Concert Ever. At least for you and your brother. My brother now as well.

Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Jeremy Camp vs. Van Halen

Oo, I would have stuck around! Jeremy Camp's new album, "Reckless" is amazing!! Frequently on repeat on my iPod. :D


Email: rebeccagoings@gmail.com

Website: yahwehishisname.blogspot.com

Re: Jeremy Camp vs. Van Halen

Oo, I would have stuck around! Jeremy Camp's new album, "Reckless" is amazing!! Frequently on repeat on my iPod. :D


He talked about the reasons why he made that album and he stated that the Lord has been preparing him, and then he changed it to "the Lord has been preparing us ALL for what is coming soon." He made statements that alluded to that album being made b/c he feels the end is near but didn't actually use those words. I haven't heard the whole album yet, but now I want to b/c apparently he wrote that album based on what the Holy Spirit has been impressing upon him. I do know Reckless and it is a great song. He said he wrote it based on how Paul went through so much (i.e. got beat/stoned in public for spreading the word and then turned around and went right back in to the city and preached some more). He said, "no matter what comes my way" he wants to be like Paul. If he wasn't alluding to the end times, he was at least alluding to thinking that Christians are about to face some tough times.

Email: ryadon@ymail.com

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