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Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

This is really bothering me...any thoughts??

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

I dont understand it but I think there are certain gifts that the body of Christ has and for "watchers" we have a blessing upon us to know the signs of the times...Unfortunately some Christians don't really want to admit we are close because of fear,maybe they feel unworthy or love their lives down here too much.

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

I have wondered this many times as well. Some will not even discuss it, seeming to be uncomfortable with the very mention of His coming. I don't get it as I think about it every day and sometimes am consumed with it. I agree that some of us are gifted with this passion. It gets a bit lonely with few people to talk about it with. Others are consumed with planning vacations, redecorating, shopping, planning, etc while I am mostly uninspired about all of these things. So glad we have each other here on RITAN to get it all out!!!

Email: Gwise032@yahoo.com

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

I think the most frustrating thing about this is that it's all I want to talk about. No one wants to talk about it - even the ones that are believers just blow me off when I bring it up. I find it very hard to communicate to people now days.

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

It does make you wonder why Christians do not want to talk about the rapture or the second coming. I've also noticed many Christians don't want to talk about Israel or talk about the Hebrews as God's chosen people.

These Christians might read NT, go to church, but OT prophets other than a few of the the more familiar Bible stories (like Noah and Ark, Adam and Eve) are not studied or thought about. They feel it doesn't pertain to them.

Please note, I have very few Christian contacts. Mostly from message boards and forums is where I'm getting my information. From personal experience, My brothers family are the only Christians I know of that go to Church. (Baptist) and distant cousins are RCC. Its strange that Jesus is something that isn't discussed at all! Its very private and personal to them and not open for discussion. Unlike myself, that sometimes feel like I want to run through the streets screaming Make way for the Lord!

Believing in the rapture is not a prerequisite for salvation, so I suppose it will be a pleasant surprise for them. Although, they might not get the crown for watching. Only God knows if they are truly born again.

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

I know many Christians who have thought the Lord was coming in years past and when He didn't come then they decided not to watch closely anymore. And yet they long for the day when He returns. They just don't watch for it as actively as some of us (okay, all of us if you're reading this).

I do understand why some pastors are hesitant to emphasis His near return too much since they have been looking for His return since 1948 (at least some of them have) and those who lack maturity in Christ have a tendency to lose track of their priorities (occupying until His return). What I have found is that one on one most evangelical pastors enjoy discussing His return, but from the pulpit they mention in in passing rather than in emphasis. They teach what is to come, but they don't point to the clock during the discussion, but rather the Bible. As long as they're doing what the Lord tells them to do, I ain't got no worries. It's the scoffers and skeptics that frustrate. And their eyes will be opened. One of these days. No matter who you are, if you wait long enough you will see the Son of God with your own eyes.

Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

Unfortunately, its not just that many Christians are not watching, some are now even attacking fellow Christians for believing in the Rapture... Its amazing to me that someone can study the word, and not see there are clearly two stages of Christs return - the public return that 'every eye shall see' and the "mystery" Paul talked about as being necessary before the AC could appear. I was so passionate to understand all this i put a page together on my website about it.. [Page should be visible below]

I think it has to do with people not being able to see past their nose... they are increased with goods, and they don't want to leave - they are lukewarm about Yeshua's promises. Like Lots wife they are remembering all the familiar things of this life, and hanging on to them, and looking at saving what they have - putting the visible ahead of the invisible.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us. Rom 8:18

Website: www.bcrevolution.ca/rapture_facts.htm

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

~~the joy given watchers is a beautiful gift, isn't it ~~ I couldn't stand it if we were unable to watch, to yearn, to believe (the Truth) that our Jesus IS coming any day ~~ Jesus promising when we ask He will give us His gifts according to His will ~~ Jesus has told us to 'watch' . . halleluiah!

. what a blessing, and strengthened purification along the way as He teaches ~~ looking for Him daily, causes our hearts, minds, and souls to stay in communion with Him . . as our Lord says, those who read His last book in the Bible and understand are blessed ~~ ~~~ He promised when we search for Him with all our hearts, we will find Him ~~ what a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place ~~ thankfully we have this site to share our watchful spirits together ~~~

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

Thanks so much for all your posts! Amazing how much of us are feeling and seeing this around us. Really helps when you feel your not alone, cause like you said it can get real lonely having the watcher bug and no one else around you (Christians) seem to notice or care, or even want to address the Blessed hope! I am really clinging to this hope right now with this darkness coming...Blessings to all my fellow RITANS! I am looking forward to meeting you guys

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

As I have stated before, after 40yrs of frustration that few take the Rapture seriously, I sought God for an answer. Two words were given me, fear & unbelief! Faith is for many things other than just salvation! TxThom makes some great points as well. Truly, many shall be pleasantly surprised. Because I have been looking for the Rapture for over 40yrs, only it's timing will be a surprise. I view it as the greatest show of validation, the Lord could give man.

Love & blessings...Tender Reed

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

I feel the nearness of our Lords return and am full of anticipation. I have only one Christian friend who feels as I do, so I understand there are few who look for His coming. It's been 37 years of watching for me, but in this last year I've felt it's closeness as never before.

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

I agree with you Rita May that the clock really started ticking for me this year...I have been saved since 1991 but for some reason In the first two months of this year I really started believing that the rapture is so near...the years before that I knew we were in the beginning of sorrows but never really thought it was time yet.Now,I feel like 2013 is the year or the early part of 2014.I guess the Lord is really speaking to us.I keep hearing people say when Im out in public..."you better get your house in order!"I think the whole world knows something is up.

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

I think many do, but are not very vocal about it. In our church, I've seen a marked difference between the worship now and the worship in the past. People seem to be more genuine in their worship now and it's like everyone is silently expecting Jesus' return.

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

Donna, what a great, encouraging post. I feel so blessed that Jesus choose me to be a watcher. I thank Him every day for choosing me, it is truly a blessing and I love Him so much.

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

There are probably many reasons. First, some Christians think about earthly things more than heavenly things. Despite Christ's warning, "they are weighed down by the cares of this world" (Luke 21:34). I know from experience how hard it can be to think of things like Christ's return, prophecy and the sign of the times, when you are too busy magnifying a problem in your life rather than magnifying the Lord and the inheritance that awaits.

Another reason might be because of ignorance. If they have never heard a teaching on the end times or if they don't have a natural curiosity, or even "annointing" from God to be attunded to the End Times, then they simply will go about their lives unaware of the prophetic events in the world. However, this does not mean they don't hope for the Lord's return; they just don't know what signs to look for and how close he is.

Third, because we have different gifts and calls, some Christians will focus more heavily on other aspects of serving God, such as evangilism, missionairy work or caring for the poor. They may, out of ignorance, fail to study end time doctrine, or they may simply be to "busy" to pay it much mind. Even out of this group there can be Christians who know Christ is coming soon, welcome it,but as Thom pointed out, they don't watch the way Ritan members do.

Finally, there are probably Christians who have heard a teaching about the sign of the times, but don't heed it because of fear. They are too earthly minded and are afraid to miss out on things in this life, like marriage and career. So Jesus can't come "now", to them. Some may lack knowledge and be afraid of what is to come--thinking Christians will have to endure the tribulation. Some in this group find prophecy to obscure to deal with and they don't even seek to understand it. Moreover, those who are backslidden, rebellious, carnal, or who are otherwise" weighed down by carousing and drunkeness" are too blind to see the times, and don't care one way or the other that he's coming. This group is the saddest in my opionion. We shouldn't let fear or the flesh keep us from longing for the "blessed hope".

Of course, there are probably many more reason but these are the main one I can think of.

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

sounds like rapture talk to me.

and dear watchers, it is by His Grace we are lifted in the Power of His Love and Mercy ~~ His wrath is not for His Bride ~~

Re: Why don't other Christians feel the nearness??

Dear Beloved One In Christ,

Thank you for posting about this topic. You are not alone in your feelings. I too have felt alone on this journey because not too many people around me are into End Times Prophecy and the Coming Rapture.

Thankfully, my husband, twin sister and my parents are on the same page with me, but we have family members that are not born-again and do not have an interest in listening to the good news. But, when I am out in public, the Lord prompts me to share, I say the Lord is Coming Soon, Did you know that? Some look at me like I am crazy and very few times, I will get a Yes, the Lord is Coming. I try to sound the alarm, and I really try to ignore the smirks, the funny faces and the ridiculous and ignorant comments that I hear from people that are so lost and asleep. I tell them about Jesus, try to plant some seeds and move on to the next assignment.

Even Jesus was persecuted and alone for his beliefs and we are going to experience the same thing. God has removed so many people from my life these last couple of years since I left my career job and to me it was a blessing in disguise. God performed a weeding out process in my life. Since, then I love quiet time and solitude with the Lord and I am not distracted as much as I was before. The Lord helped me die to watching Television over 8 months ago and I am so happy that He did it. I have gained so much more by the Lord working in my life.

God had a plan and his plan was better than mine. The faithful Servants follow the NARROW ROAD and that is alright with me. All the persecutions and the loneliness is worth following JESUS...for. He suffered much more than we could ever imagine and sacrificed so much to give us the gift of Eternal Life.. I will be grateful to my Savior until my last breath here on earth..

Sis, you are in great company here with your brothers and sisters at RITAN who understand and have gone through the same alienation and loneliness but it is all worth it at the end... Amen!

God bless you,


Matthew 7:13-14
New King James Version (NKJV)
The Narrow Way
13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

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