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Short Dream and Vision on 7/28/13

Hello my dear brothers and sisters,

This morning, the Lord gave me a short dream and a vision that I would like to share with you.. Your interpretations are welcomed...

In this dream I was at a water theme park with several people that I did not know, We agreed to ride together down the river rapids and we had a blast and we were laughing, singing and having a wonderful time. After the ride was finished, there were a couple of people that had been on the ride, immediately were taken by paramedics and placed in an ambulance to the hospital because they were experiencing a severe heart attack.
End of dream..

Vision: A Journey
I immediately, found myself riding on an airplane with some of my family members and a couple of other people whom I did not know.. The plane took off from my home and off we went into the sky. As we were flying, I saw my neighborhood and the different towns below us. We were all very happy and talking like we were going on a vacation or something but we were not sure of our destination.

After, we got off the plane, not sure of the destination, but we were taken to like an auditorium filled with people where we were greeted by a really nice gentlemen that had asked each of us to fill out some types of forms. My mother was sitting right next to me and my other family members were a few seats away from us but we were still all together.

There were other people constantly arriving at this auditorium for processing of some kind. Everyone, in this auditorium were met by their family members and friends that they had not seen for a very long time and were so happy and excited about this reunion.
End of Dream…

Please do use discernment and seek the Holy Spirits guidance at all times when reading or posting on "Dreams and Visions"
(Dream posted as reviewed by moderators)

Re: Short Dream and Vision on 7/28/13

We're all longing for that grand reunion, aren't we? I've had a dream similar to the second one before, where there were hundreds or thousands of people gathered in an auditorium and among them were friends that have long since departed. I do think heaven will be organized for our arrival, although I doubt we'll have to fill out forms. (At least, I surely hope we won't.)

As for the first dream, maybe what we see as exciting and hopeful about these present times are causing hearts to fail in others. Like so many, I am ready for that heavenly rest. Curiously, I also had a dream once about a water park (I've never been to one, so it's odd).

Re: Short Dream and Vision on 7/28/13

David R :We're all longing for that grand reunion, aren't we? I've had a dream similar to the second one before, where there were hundreds or thousands of people gathered in an auditorium and among them were friends that have long since departed. I do think heaven will be organized for our arrival, although I doubt we'll have to fill out forms. (At least, I surely hope we won't.)

I have had the same dream Of sitting on a run way waiting for the plane to taxi and leave. There was a delay and that was OK because I knew that I had my ticket , my seat, and I was safe.

In a following dream I was walking with large groups of people to a large
white stadium, (white Marble stone structure) We were all in white gowns
being seated in our reservered section. the angels had their clip boards and
was checking each person , we were delayed because of late arrivals that
were among the missing.

Hope with the peace talks that we are soon out of here. It seems like everything is in place, for it to happen.

Re: Short Dream and Vision on 7/28/13

Dear David,

Thank you for interpreting my dream and vision.. That is so exciting that you too had a similar dream once. To me that signifies a confirmation from the Lord. I guess the part of filling out forms, most likely it is like a processing of some sort. Like your dream, there were so many people gathered in that auditorium and there was happiness and joy in the air. It was a wonderful reunion of sorts...

Regarding the vision, I too have never been to a water park but yet in the dream I was there. yes, you made this vision so clear to me with your interpretation.. For us who are the wise virgins anxiously awaiting and excited to see the Lord, there are others unbelievers and lukewarm Christians that are denying the fact that the Lord is coming and perhaps, just the thought that the Lord is indeed coming gives them so much fear and stress that could cause a heart attack.

Thank you again for your wise interpretation and thoughts, I appreciate it..
God bless,

Re: Short Dream and Vision on 7/28/13

Hi Mary,

How exciting to read the dream you have had in the past about waiting for your plane to leave with tickets in hand..
and it is funny, just like me and David you had a similar dream too about a reunion in an auditorium.. This to me is more of a confirmation that the Lord is soon coming and we are ready to fly!!!!!

Thank you Mary for sharing your thoughts with us...

God bless you,

Re: Short Dream and Vision on 7/28/13


In this dream I was at a water theme park with several people that I did not know, We agreed to ride together down the river rapids and we had a blast and we were laughing, singing and having a wonderful time. After the ride was finished, there were a couple of people that had been on the ride, immediately were taken by paramedics and placed in an ambulance to the hospital because they were experiencing a severe heart attack.
End of dream

Wonderful encouraging dreams Sis. In reading the
first dream, this is what came to mind.
The water represents God's Word (Truth), Jesus is the fountain of
Living Water.
John 4:14 "But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give
him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will
become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
(You and the people were into the Word of God and were enjoying it,
and singing praises'
When the ride was finished (End of age of Grace-Rapture) a couple of people
(professing Christians) were IMMEDIATELY taken by the paramedics
(they were removed) because they were experiencing severe heart attacks.
God knows the hearts of men. This scripture came
to mind:
Matthew 7:21-23
"Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord" shall enter the kingdom
of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
Many will say to me "IN THAT DAY".."Lord, Lord,have we not prophesied
in Your Name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many
wonders in Your Name?
And then I will declare to them "I NEVER KNEW YOU", depart from Me,
you who practice lawlessness"

Anyway, this is how I interpret the dream, it just seemed obvious
to me when I read it.
Love You Sis.

Re: Short Dream and Vision on 7/28/13

This is interesting. I had a dream a few months back that I was on a plane, and it was massive. I thjouht I was going alone and had no luggage, and then my husband showed up with the kids and said he brought my suitcase and had packed my wedding dress.
Another dream I had was after we had been raptured, Jesus was leading me down a hall and we walked.into a huge room that had more seats than I could even see. I saw people from my church and some from my family.... it was amazing. People were hugging and so happy and helathy. So beautiful! (Mods, i passed these dreams by you before on ritan, hope it's ok that I psted info about them here.)

Re: Short Dream and Vision on 7/28/13

Hi My Dear Sis Morningstar,

Thank you so much for your interpretation and insight regarding my dream and vision.
The bible verses you quoted really ministered to my heart and gave me clear instructions
on what the Lord was trying to convey to me and the Body of Christ.
More and more signs are being given to us because the time is very near and the Lord
is trying to alarm the bride to get ready for take off!!!

Love you sis, thank you for your wonderful thoughts...


Re: Short Dream and Vision on 7/28/13

Hi Cporter73,

That is amazing that you too have had dreams related to a plane, the rapture and a reunion type gathering.
God is sure trying to tell us something.. When RITA is back up, I am going to take a look at your dream if
I am still able to access it.. Looking forward to reading what you dreamed.
Thank you for your insight and input..

God bless you,

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