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Abortions after child is born


From RaptureReady.com


If you watch the video in the article, one of the ladies that sign the petition said she had just recently had a baby. I'm not sure if she's just an idiot or heartless or both!

Re: Abortions after child is born

I couldn't believe what I was reading...

It is all so sick.

Re: Abortions after child is born

I had read this headline earlier this morning buy could not stand the thought of reading the article. How delusional and sick can people get? Everyday news comes out that is worst than the news the day before. I just do not even want to read them. I just instantly start praying.

Re: Abortions after child is born

What?!? Is this serious or a law proposal? This is sick.

Re: Abortions after child is born

It breaks my heart to read this and every child is gift by God. Why do they do that to kill the baby? Oh God have mercy on those people they dont know what they are doing.


Re: Abortions after child is born

According to Harris-Perry, life begins when the parents feel like life begins. And together with some twisted new "ethics" arguments from the radical left, this can include months or years after a child is born.

Well, my goodness, why stop there? Why doesn't the government provide guns to parents and let them legally shoot their children as soon as they start giving them trouble?

Sorry for the sarcasm. I am so outraged by this article that it made me sick to my stomach. Literally.

Please Lord, take us out of here!

Re: Abortions after child is born


The Left has always held a dim view of parental rights, seeing them as an obstacle to centralized planning. But usually the Left’s spokesmen are a little more circumspect in their pronouncements than MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry, who blurted out in a promotional ad for the channel that “we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents” and see them as “our children.”

Fair Use For Educational and Discussion Purposes


MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry thinks she has the answer to the ages old question of just when life begins. Her answer: life begins whenever parents "decide" it does.

Fair Use For Educational and Discussion Purposes

Okay, so we have Melissa Harris-Perry on record saying that parents don't own their children. They belong to the community, or the government--unless the mother of the child decides she'd like to kill the child, in which case the mother has total authority. And if the community wants to save the child, that's none of their business.

Are we clear now? 'Cause I know I'm not following that line of thinking.

I can just imagine her as a little girl, screaming to her own mother, "You're not the boss of me!"

Liberal "logic" is an contradiction of terms.

Re: Abortions after child is born

I have not even heard of her before this. It's scary that there are people like this in the world but she's certainly not the first with that kind of evil.

Maybe they should start televising those abortions. Let people SEE what they have agreed to allow happen. Let the public see those babies bodies be thrown away. If they voted to allow it - let them SEE the full reality of it!

Sorry - I'll get off my soap box for now

Re: Abortions after child is born

This is what they did in Nazi Germany. I took a class in 11th grade and found out if you were disabled mentally or physically [even if you were German] they'd kill you.

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

People have been warning abortion would lead to this slippery sloap but people kept saying stuff like "That'd never happen! That person is already born,bluh,bluh,bluh..."

Well it is here.

Reminds me of


I've even read a long time back about medical experiments should be allowed to be done on newborns. They did medical experiments back in Germany. :sighs:

I remember in class, in Nazi Germany, it got so bad even if you wore glasses you'd be killed.

I know/atleast seen people when I was in high school that would end being labled a "non person". Even worse is I know atleast one of them is not saved...

And as someone who has many "issues" [poor muscle coordination,hearing,communication,reading problems and possible allergies to some foods but certain for a couple others problems.] I can understand where this is heading. I realize I don't need to be scared [besides fear would make things worse]for myself,Jesus is with me [Psalm 27:1] but it saddens me greatly to know the danger many people will be put in. People who won't get punished for a crime,just for being,imperfect. "Life unworthy of life". Those who will surely be labled;those with cerebral palsy,down syndrome,autism,etc...

People have been warning about this slippery slope for a long time. Well,now it's here. It will of course all be in "mercy killing." So "They won't have to suffer".

But they better also remember this. One day they too could be labled "Life unworthy of life". They could one day be crippled,blind,etc...When one group is endangered none of us are safe. That is proving true. And they better remember that even some people who worked for the Communists back in Soviet Russia ended up getting betrayed and thrown in prision and tortured. So,even though they think they are safe now,they don't know what the next day will bring,let alone years down the line.

Proverbs 27:1,biblegateway

27 Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.

"for educational and discussion purposes only" There's a reason Proverbs is called a book of wisdom.

And if Margaret Sanger was alive she would be so proud! She wanted to get rid of the black race and now three out of five black women abort [and yes P.P puts a lot of clinics in minority neighborhoods for a reason.]. And yes she took a picture with the KKK and admired Hitler [I may have got that backwards, I just know she had connections or whatever to Nazi Germany.] And she wanted to get rid of anyone she thought was unworthy of life like the disabled. Oh,I'm sure if she was still living she would be so proud of what society has become! It was like a dream to her to get rid of the black race and anyone seen unfit for life. And M.S. was the founder of P.P. And yes you'll find a lot of "interesting" stuff on quotes on what she thought of people that was "life unworthy of life". She wanted a "master race" before Hitler even came to power.

And add to all of that 90% of down syndrome babies are aborted. Yes, 90%! And now they say if you want to abort if it's a girl it is ok. It has started in the womb but now people out of the womb are now also not safe.

It just gets me so upset knowing what is happening. But of course "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

Ok,I just had to get that off of my chest. Thank you for letting me do that.

edit:I've talked to people on YT. A few of them have even stated they don't care if the unborn are persons,abortion should still be allowed since "no one has a right to control a woman's body." Well if that's the case they better talk to those bro-choicers [men for abortion because they want more intercourse]. It seems like they see women as nothing but their property.

Re: Abortions after child is born

This is beyond sick and disgusting. This is pure evil. How many of us can truly imagine the depths of evil Satan holds. Satan has twisted minds and demanded child killing, sacrifices for centuries along with sacrificing virgins. All to false Gods. This is a new twist the world has never seen before.
I pray this doesn't happen before the rapture, or my lifetime, or EVER. That Christ will be coming soon and this horror will be avoided.

Oh Lord, I do not want to witness this level of evil, please Abba send our Groom for His bride! For the Children Lord, please come.

Re: Abortions after child is born

Here's a couple of videos, one about people signing a petition to allow fourth trimester abortions and one about people signing a petition requiring mandatory euthanasia of senior citizens. It is shocking what people will agree to support. The guy does have a bit of trouble keeping a straight face when confronted with does he really mean it.



Email: TxThom@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: Abortions after child is born


Does she even realize what she's saying? If her wish could have been granted, we wouldn't be reading her lament to start with.

Re: Abortions after child is born

That is insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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