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M. Murchison - "And Then Shall the End Come"
Re: M. Murchison - "And Then Shall the End Come"

Thank you for sharing. The man has a point. I don't notice people having as many dreams or visions as I used to a few months ago. I think that this window is pretty much closing, if it hasn't already. It pains me to think what people are about to go through, but they just won't listen.

Re: M. Murchison - "And Then Shall the End Come"

Indeed we are warned that prophecy and all things shall one day cease, only love shall abide forever. Whatever spiritual "tools" the Lord has given the church, shall be taken away. Sadly, too many have gotten too big a head because of the tools they have been given. Sadly also, prophecy, dreams & visions are those tools that so easily equip and clothe false prophets. Also sad, is that so many are "self apprehending" with regards to gifts of the Spirit. Many teach that these gifts are either the "scriptural right" of all Christians, or that many can simply "storm" the gates of heaven and demand them. How truly sad. On two occasions that I can think of, in the scriptures God Himself accused the prophets of babbling, rather than exhibiting divine influence. And with rare exceptions, most of these gifts were assigned by the Holy Spirit, to men. While in occultic practices, mostly women operate with gifts, also sad. Because women are emotionally touchy feely, they are seduced by occultic knowledge and power. Palm reading, tarot cards, aura's etc. Gifts of the supernatural are not emotionally based. And it was Eve that was seduced by satan with hidden knowledge! Satan knows an easy mark, not much has changed.

Love & blessings...Tender Reed

Re: M. Murchison - "And Then Shall the End Come"

Good points Brother John and Tender Reed. TR, I never really noticed that before about women being involved in the occultic practices. Although, I've known men who were too. But that's an excellent observation. Most I knew were women involved with it. I have tried so many times talking to women I knew about the dangers and how it's evil and satanic. I explained it better than I am here but they thought I was a lunatic and thought they were contacting loved ones while I was going, "UHHHHH..that isn't him or her." They get really wrapped up in it and as a Christian woman, I saw a change in these women and it was NOT for the better.

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