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Israel's #1 in the headlines~ time for our release dear church~

This nation's in serious trouble ~~ how can God's wrath not come upon this nation so insistent by O to divide Jerusalem? Too, this administration is pushing Netanyahu for 'peace' . . this world always 'blames' Israel for its troubles . . brrrr . . ~~and so, what does Bibi do? He releases hundreds of terrorists from imprisonment ~ ~~ and what does O do? He doesn't bother to help 'release' Pastor Saeed for being a Christian ~~ God have mercy!


Terry, from RR writes:. . . "But it is fact, not just my own view that the issue of peace involving Israel is the number-one issue and signal that shows the nearness to Christ’s call to His church in the Rapture. ,. "


Re: Israel's #1 in the headlines~ time for our release dear church~

You're so right Donna - but then again, what would you expect from a Musl...oops - did I just say that outloud?

Re: Israel's #1 in the headlines~ time for our release dear church~

Donna, Sweet Sis, The headlines are shouting to the world
the tribulation is at hand, and shouting to believers
that the Rapture is at hand also. Sometimes I just can't
contain my excitement. it seems that more so than any other
time that God is impressing us watchers to prepare for
His Return...Just to think we are ACTUALLY going to
see OUR SAVIOR very very soon and forever, it brings tears
of joy to my eyes I can hardly wait.
God Bless You & Larry
Love in Christ

Re: Israel's #1 in the headlines~ time for our release dear church~

I'm dizzy with excitement! Come, Lord Jesus!!! YES!!

Email: rbmomof4@yahoo.com

Re: Israel's #1 in the headlines~ time for our release dear church~

Israel is the top topic on Google News. Wow.

Re: Israel's #1 in the headlines~ time for our release dear church~

Donna, Yes! The time is near.
With all the pressure from O about peace talks, releasing prisoners etc, also serves to divide Israel's government and people politically. This is not good.
All I can do is repent for our country and for Israel, and pray for rapture. ♥

Re: Israel's #1 in the headlines~ time for our release dear church~

and Abraham asked our Lord, ~~ if you find even 10 righteous, will You spare Your Judgment? ~ and our Lord said, 'if I find ten righteous, I'll spare my wrath ~~

and is it not so, the true church (in this age of gracious dispensation) shall our Lord remove from, taken above, off the earth before He rains down His wrath

~~ believing so, . . Christ's Church is not meant for God's wrath to come ~~~

Then Abraham said, "Oh may the Lord not be angry, and I shall speak only this once; suppose ten are found there?" And He said, "I will not destroy it on account of the ten."

As soon as He had finished speaking to Abraham the LORD departed, and Abraham returned to his place. . ."
Genesis 18

Re: Israel's #1 in the headlines~ time for our release dear church~

AMEN .....The Church is not appointed unto wrath ...THE WORD !
Thank you Lord that YOU are watching out for Your People , caring for them , protecting them ....
Blessings today ...bb

Email: bonniebell81@hotmail.com

Re: Israel's #1 in the headlines~ time for our release dear church~

Then, too, is Terry's comments on Detroit and it's bankruptcy problems. Detroit was flourishing as the automobile capital of the world. Motor City. Until globalists found it was cheaper to send them out of the country for slave labor to build. It's this marxist mindset , communism of the globalists that killed Detroit. That's why Detroit is only the first city to fall. If Detroit is in trouble all of Michigan is in trouble. America is next as more cities impact their states and fall along the wayside. There's no more industry. Globalists have killed it.

This is the way of the future planned for all of America. The government's responses to Detroit's problems have been inadequate , killing Detroit and don't even make common sense. Just throwing good taxpayer money down the tube. Detroit is gone. Period. It's not going to revive. No one lives there who can bring it back to what it once was; not even close to it. No one wants to live there any more except for the dependent class of welfare recipients. There's no jobs. So the gov't. plans on improving the bus transportation service. But there's no place to go to get to work! The government is what destroyed Detroit and they aren't the answer to fixing it. The loss of the car industy destroyed Detroit. It's their policies that destroyed this city.

America, wake up. Protect you industry centers. This is what made America great in the past. It provides jobs for the American workers who were once proud of what they built and their skills; their contributions to society. Unions are also a part of story that's someone done someone wrong and led to today's defaults. We must learn Detroit's lesson if we're to survive the future. But I fear it's already too late.

With headlines on Israel being the number one headline, and rightly so...whose worried about America's future? Just historians at this point. Israel 's news is our future!!

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

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