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What if...

...we heard the trumpet and we all died of heart attack due to shock. hahaha. I guess that won't happen because it's instantaneous but I would probably lose it when I heard that strange sound.

Re: What if...

Well, I already practically jump (I guess it makes for good practicing ) when I hear an intense and somewhat long sound, so I wouldn't be surprised. Feeling a little lighter today, either it's about to happen or I didn't eat as much as I'm used to.

But joking aside, I'm hoping we're really close.

Re: What if...

Either way that trumpet blast will be loud enough to wake the dead. That otta give someone a heart attack. Yet only believers will be able to hear it!

Love & blessings...Tender Reed

Re: What if...

I live about a mile-and-a-half from a train track. It's amazing how many different sounds a train whistle can make!!
It really gets me at night when I'm awakened by it. I may as well just leave my bedroom window open, lol!

Re: What if...

Patty Day, I can hear the goings on of the trains from the Amtrack station from where I live very late at night when all is quiet and the windows are open. Believe you me, some of those sounds have made me jump thinking THIS IS IT! LOL.

Keep looking up, the time is soon!

Re: What if...

Tender Reed, only believers can hear it? This I did not know...wow, learn somethin new every day

Re: What if...

I remember reading somewhere that non believers will hear thunder or something like that. Maybe the thunder will give some of them heart attacks. If it does, their doom is sealed.

Re: What if...

You know what? LOL..I've thought about that too before. I can't tell you how many times I've told the Lord, "Lord Jesus, I just KNOW I'm gonna have a heart attack when the trumpet sounds." But since it's in the "twinkling of an eye". I figure it'll be so fast that maybe we'll be walking to get the mail and all of a sudden we're before our Lord. Not only that, I'm afraid of flying...and what if it's cold out there in space?...should I always have my Rapture sweater wrapped around my waist just in case?

Re: What if...

Go for it Shiloh, just call it a prayer shawl.

Love & blessings...Tender Reed

Re: What if...

Hahahaha..TR, good idea. I have so missed your sense of humor.

Re: What if...

Maybe it would be the most soothing sound we will ever hear on earth, so it's not frightening at all.

I don't know what I was thinking when I created this thread yesterday. hahaha

No, you can't bring your rapture sweater, Shiloh. We'll all leave our clothing behind. *shudders*

Re: What if...

Well Sammy, I certainly hope we have our glorified bodies because I'm not getting any younger and everyone will be sent directly into intense therapy in heaven if that's the case. I worked out with our son's equiptment he left here for us. It's all big weight lifting machines (gym equiptment) and I thought I was going to die yesterday. My legs and arms and waist are so sore. Shows ya what kind of shape I'M in! Maybe I'll just stick with the "chickly" dumbells for awhile. You know, the 5 pound pink ones that are the lowest weight.

I'm thinking the same thing as far as the sound of the trump. A soothing sound that only the church will hear. Why would our Lord scare us? No, it'll be more the way you describe it, I believe.

Re: What if...

We will definitely be in our glorified bodies, Shiloh, one that's resistant to cold and heat. Oh, good for you. Exercise takes a lot of getting used to. I haven't been inside a gym in a long time. ha!

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