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7 reasons the Americans think this time will be different (Opinion)

Hey guys and gals, this is an analysis/opinion article from the Times of Israel asking some good questions... In my opinion he's practically pointing to the Anti-Christ; Why is this time different?


"The goal is emphatically to reach a final status, end-of-conflict accord. But the Americans are adamant that they do have fall-back positions. As underlined by the eruption of the Second Intifada in late 2000 — the Arafat-inspired strategic onslaught of suicide bombings — following the failure of the Camp David peace effort hosted by president Clinton, the Kerry team knows it would be irresponsible to shoot for the moon without a Plan B alternative landing place in the stars. Some kind of interim accord? Well, possibly. But to discuss it in any detail would be to undermine that effort at the real deal — an effort they are cautiously optimistic, this time, will pay off."

Re: 7 reasons the Americans think this time will be different (Opinion)


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