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Anyone else having trouble accessing the new site? Is there a different link?
It won't open in my browser

Re: new site

It's not you Take Me Home. Apparently we need more rams to speed up things. Either you couldn't get on or weren't moving at all because it was too slow in operating. It was something we couldn't know until many tried to get on at the same time. We need to have Site Movers check this out tomorrow. So in the meantime we've re-opened this site . Sigh!

Paging all prayer warriors.
Tomorrow is a new day!

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In The Air

Re: new site

I was having trouble too. Thought it was my computer. Thanks, VC.

Re: new site

I was able to open it but it took a long time and then it wouldn't let me log in, so I tried to register and it said I was already registered, but when I tried to log in it said it didn't recognize my user name....

Re: new site

NCIC, Probably just a few quirks. I'm finally getting used to this older site. LOL.

Re: new site

Shiloh, me too! Haa! Oh well, and the quirks are totally fine, I just wasn't sure if it was me doing something wrong or not. We are close though!

Re: new site

No problem VC, just thought it was my pc.

Good things come to those who wait, so they say...as the Lord wills..

Re: new site

NCIC - I had the same problem so I clicked the link to change my password. It sends you an email with another link so you can change your password.

I don't know if that will help yours or if what they are doing today will straighten that out but if it doesn't try what I did.

Re: new site

Ah, someone is still around here, I see!

The other website was running a bit slow for me yesterday but it seems fine today. The only thing is I seem to have to clear out my internet history for new posts over there to show up for some reason, it happened before it went under maintenance as well. So I'm assuming it's a problem on my end. Oh, well.

I tried to register but I haven't gotten a confirmation link yet. I hope I didn't mess it up somehow. I'll wait.

Re: new site

Good morning BrotherJohn!

Yea - I'm not sure whether to post on this site or the other one so I'm keeping an eye on both . Looks like its a lot quicker over there once they took the 'who's online' off so there have been posts over there.

Re: new site

'Kay - I take all that back about getting the new password...I just tried to log in and I couldn't. Went through the thing of getting the new password and it wouldn't let me.

Maybe whatever is being worked on today will help...or...help mods...

Re: new site

Thank you, have a good morning yourself, NoFearJustFaith!

Yes, there have been posts, but since I haven't gotten my confirmation link for the registration yet, I can only stalk everyone there for now. I'll be keeping an eye on both websites as well, though.

EDIT: I just read you posted something else after that, NFJF! I think they're working on the last bits. Does it say your username doesn't exist? If so, you may have to re-register. If it's just the password, and the "lost password" link isn't helping, it could be something that is being worked on.

Re: new site

BrotherJohn, I noticed you said you had to clear out your internet history. I'm not even sure how to do that. I haven't tried to register yet though. Do you have Internet Explorer? That's what I have.

Re: new site

Yes, I'm using Windows Vista and Internet Explorer. To clear the internet history I click on "Start" then right-click on the Internet Explorer icon and choose "Internet Properties." Then a window opens and in the section of "Browsing History" I choose "Delete" and then I choose what I want to delete. I usually delete everything but the password info and it's fine.

Re: new site

Thanks so much John. Got it.

Re: new site

You're very welcome!

The website isn't "updating" now when I clear out my internet history either, though. I can understand if nobody posted in the meantime, as everyone has other things to do. But it should at least update the "Freshness" of the posts. It's been telling me the last post was posted 1 hour and 3 minutes ago for the past half hour or so. Maybe it just updates at set times? I don't know. Well, I'll wait until they are finished working on the last bits and try to figure it out then. I'll continue to keep an eye occasionally, though.

Have a good day, everyone!

Re: new site

Yeah, I updated my profile and tried to post on Tender Reed's thread but it still says "Waiting moderation" where I posted. It doesn't show what I wrote. I just wanted to test it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Re: new site

BrotherJohn, looks like Stepola posted 3 minutes ago...how come ours isn't working? Lolololol. We're both in the Twilight Zone...doo doo doo do, doo do doo do...

Re: new site

As moderators, we're still trying to understand why some posts have to wait for moderation and why some don't. The only criteria that we put in were for keywords like dream and vision. The rest that go to "pending mod review" we don't understand yet.

Email: jonathan@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: new site

It looks like the website "freshness" is updating on its own now for me, even though it's not immediate. No need to clear out the internet history then. Your posts are showing up fine for me, Shiloh. They're on the second page of Stepola's thread and another on Tender Reed's thread.

For now I can only stalk, but I can't wait to join you all there!

Re: new site

lol Stalk away John!

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In The Air

Re: new site

BrotherJohn and VC,

Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

Re: new site

LOL....need more rams to bait

while the lambs await......bahhhhh...bahhhh...bahhhh.
Okay, that was a bad joke. Long day yesterday. Sorry.

Re: new site

Bahahaha Shiloh!

Shiloh - I don't think you ever sleep - I'll see posts at all times of night and day and not sure if you're up early or up late

Re: new site

I love the sweet little lambs face

Re: new site

NFJF, sometimes it's a combination of both. LOL. Last night I was wired b/c I was at the hospital with my husband all day. Got about 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night and just woke up out of the blue and couldn't get back to sleep. I have to stop drinking so much tea at night. They say tea has more caffiene than coffee does in it. I think I'll sleep good tonight though. Maybe I should get some of that Melatonin.

Re: new site

How is your husband btw?

Are you guys 'stalking' both sites. I keep coming back here because it's so much easier since it's not so slow.

Re: new site

Sometimes I'm having a hard time getting on the other site but mostly, yes. When we're able to access it. I think there's a lot of quirks to work out and the mods are working really hard. God Bless them.
Yesterday they were saying stents but the hospital called a little earlier today. They talked to a team of surgeons and said he has to have a bypass done because the stents will only partially open that artery that's 100% blocked. It won't be until some time in September. I pray we are gone by then.
Thanks for asking, NFJF.

Re: new site

Oh I'm so sorry Shiloh - I know that has to be scary. We will all still be praying and yes, the speed that everything is picking up - we may be gone by then!! If not - we'll pray for God's healing and the blockage to be gone before they have to do bypass. Prayers for both yours and your husbands peace of mind too! That God removes all fear and anxiety about this and that you both feel cradled in his protection.

Re: new site

Thankyou so much NFJF. I am thankful this is not an emergency and that they caught it on time. Surgery won't be until September sometime.

Re: new site

I'll say a prayer for you both as well, Shiloh!

How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is well. I kind of took the day off from the internet this Friday. I'm so ready to go. On Thursday night I felt like tweeting "I love the Lord." I did, but one of my friends replied with a disdainful (-.-) smiley. Left me feeling a bit down. I'm not ashamed of my love for the Lord, I am just tired of not being able to praise Him out loud/publicly without people looking at me like I'm crazy or indirectly making fun. I know it's not their fault, though. The devil has been trying to work overtime against me lately. Putting doubts in my mind and thoughts that do not come from me. In addition to this, I was just tempted a while ago, but I thank the Lord it didn't work.

The Lord has been good to me also, so it helps ease things a little bit. I really hope He won't take much longer to come.

Revelation 3:10-11 (KJV)
"10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."

I still haven't gotten a link for me to confirm the registration on the other website, so I haven't been able to post there yet. But I have been keeping an eye on it.

Have a good weekend!

Re: new site

BrotherJohn, I sent you an email about this.

Email: jonathan@raptureintheairnow.com

Re: new site

Dear sis,
I pray that everything goes well with your dear husband Kevin. He remains in my steadfast prayers.
Like you said, hopefully we will be home before your husband goes into surgery in September.
God is in control and he know what will be best.. Try to get some needed rest my sweet sis..
Hugs and Love your way,

Re: new site

Dear Brother John,
I admire your fearlessness to fight for righteousness...
As followers and faithful servants of Christ it comes with the territory to be mocked and ridiculed by the unbelievers and the lukewarm Christians.. I have gone through this type of persecution. Keep the good fight of faith going for the Lord sees everything and those that persecute his disciples, for the Lord will have the last word and vengeance is his.
God is smiling down upon you today my dear brother do not lose heart for the Lord is right by your side fighting next to you...
God Bless You..

Re: new site

My Hermano John, I know how you feel, I am getting very
weary of Satan trying to knock us all down, he is very
persistant at times. But, so are we when we have the Lord
to hold onto. It's a battle he'll never win, because
we are Sealed to the day of Redemption. Praying for
you Brother.
God Bless.

Re: new site

AngleWings My Sweet Sweet Sis, how are you doing? your
always in my prayers and thoughts. just looking
at the news each day just confirms the knowledge
that our Lord is soon to come!.Each day is one step
closer, We'll be there soon Sis.
Love you Much!

Re: new site

Thank you both for the kind words of encouragement. Morningstar, "hermano" is Spanish, I'm Portuguese, which would instead be "irmão". It's alright, though. I speak some Spanish as well. AngelWings7, thank you for reminding me that the Lord is smiling down upon me. I needed to hear that.

May the Lord bless you all.

Re: new site

Hi my dear sis Morningstar,

Thank you so much for your lovely words of encouragement.. I am doing better emotionally and I am continuing to look up for the presence of my dear Lord to Return in the clouds. I know that the Lord is watching over us and will give us the strength and wisdom to hold on till he arrives. Your encouraging words and prayers really helped me so much and I wanted to tell you how grateful I am. God bless you for being such a special sister in Christ. You have a heart of Gold and your a precious gem to me and to the Lord...

God bless you,,
Hugs and Love your way,

Re: new site

My Sweet AngelWings:
You are special Sis. I was looking at a thread Donna
posted on the new site. Gary Steadman?(spelling) was
talking about a Prophecy conference where many
Prophecy Teachers were speaking. I know in reading many
articles by different Prophecy teachers, that they are
all saying pretty much the same thing we are. That
it is Close, but to hear Gary say that the speakers
were talking about "Time is Short" reminded me of
when this temporary site went up several months ago,
how We started talking about how Time is short and
we are close to the rapture. It just always gives
me a thrill to hear these men of God saying the
same thing. So God is quickening all our spirits
and is letting us know that we are there Sister, no doubt in my
mind, my conviction is firm. Just a little while longer
and we will be Face to Face with Jesus Our Savior!!!
Love you much!

Re: new site

I was able to access the new Rita site but each time I make a post it has been deleted.Do you have to be a paying member to make a post?Just wondering?

Re: new site

Roses, no you don't. I've had that problem also. Sometimes I can
post, and sometimes it won't go through.
You can also e-mail the mods and have them check
it out.

Re: new site

well the posts I made were nothing too important...It just left me wondering what is going on.Thanks sister.

Re: new site

I've lost a few of my own posts there. We're getting ready to switch back to bluehost so there may be a few quirks in the process along the way. But it is our hope that things will settle down once this is done.

Mod e-mail is affected currently so if we aren't answering know we haven't received yours yet.

Progress is being made. Thank you for all prayers. I know things are happening more smoothly due to them. We'll make it. Just need a few adjustments now.

Whether posting or not be sure to look over other's threads as war news is abundant there today. Things seem to be coming to a head quickly now. The kids are all out shopping for school supplies as they prepare to go back to school. One wonders if this will be a normal school opening this year.

I keep having scenes of the fifties running through my head of kids hiding under their school desks. We've seen the photos. Like that would really help then, let alone today. It's almost funny to think of but any laughter would be hysteria acting out. May God help our kids if a school is involved in any attacks in our future. Pray for our children and our seniors who can't move as quickly as they once did.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In The Air

Re: new site

VC, I'm one of those Seniors you're talking about,
but if bombs start dropping, this Senior is going
to run like a 4 year old..watch out!

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