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rainbow appeared twice today


I would like to share with u guys about today. My hubby and I and my girls went to edmonton to meet my hubby's brother and his wife go to the west edmonton mall as my girls and our niece went to water park all day while we wew walking around the mall. Anyways around 545 this afternoon my brother in law decided to buy my girls running shoes for school. And some how I started to think why they didn't get me something and I started feel jealous because my husband is getting tattoo with his brother and my girls got something me none then I immediately said stop it in my mind and told devil no I have the better things in heaven which it is not going to passed away or decay it took me to stood up and tell devil back off then we got back to the motel and parked and I saw the rainbow appeared and knew it was God because I know I will have treasure in heaven. Little while later we went home going to red deer. We almost has a cae accident and I am thankful it didn't happen. Then I was praying and talking to God about rapture and I was asking Him about how soon rapture will be and sure enough there was other rainbow that caught my eyes before my husband told me to lool at the rainbow but I already before that. I was so exciting about it. So I believe that Jesus Christ is waiting at up the sky and waiting for God say it is time. It won't be long.

Praise the Lord


Re: rainbow appeared twice today

FunkyMom that is so wonderful that the Lord is confirming to you that He is coming!I have heard some testimonies from a few people lately and God is confirming that the rapture is coming back sooner than soon!I have heard a few confirmations that "time is up!"...keep looking up!

Re: rainbow appeared twice today

Hello Funky Mom 12,

What a beautiful story of the rainbow that God sent your way as a sign of his soon coming..
What a glorious sight it will be when our Abba Father comes down into the clouds to Rapture us soon.
Keeping you close in prayer my dear sister in Christ...
God bless you,



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